Special & Remote Rides

Filtering by: Special & Remote Rides
to Apr 12

Carpinteria Remote Weekend : Add Friday !

  • Holiday Inn Express (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Drive up Friday to get an early start for a weekend of fun; enjoy spectacular sunset and dining options and be fresh Saturday morning for the Saturday Rides and be there for the FundaySunday Remote on Sunday and extend another 2 nights to get in riding in Solvang (DTBA) !

Lodging recommendation: Book your own best deal…
Holiday Inn Express * * * or Motel 6 * * next door…
(or camp at Carpinteria State Beach)

We will gather at the Holiday Inn Express and all roll out together at 9am

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to Apr 13

Carpinteria Remote Weekend

  • Holiday Inn Express (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Drive up early Saturday (or Friday!) for a weekend of fun;
4 routes to choose from on Saturday - enjoy an amazing sunset - full moon the next day and join the
FundaySunday Remote ! Extend another 2 nights to get in more riding in Solvang !

Lodging recommendation: Book your own best deal…
Holiday Inn Express * * * or Motel 6 * *
(or camp at Carpinteria State Beach)

We will gather at the Holiday Inn Express and all roll out together to Ventura, then the Longer rides head up the Ojai Bikeway; The Long peels off to Lake Casitas while the Long Plus and Metric Century head to Ojai for lunch before returning to Carpinteria.

Carpinteria Remote Routes (1/26/25)

Carpinteria to Ventura
Lunch in Ventura at Mile 16.7
33.2 miles +791 feet CF 2 (23.8’/m)

Carpinteria Lake Casitas Loop (Long)
42.7 miles +2,540 ft CF 5 (59.5’/m)

Carpinteria to Ojai & back over Lake Casitas (Long Plus)
Lunch in Ojai at Mile 30
51.4 miles +2,761 ft CF 5 (53.7’/m)

Carpinteria to Ojai & Back (Metric Century)
Lunch in Ojai at Mile 30
61.8 miles +1,785 ft CF 2 (28.9’/m)

Check out & at 8:30 Roll on over
to meet the
FundaySunday ‘day trippers
gathering at Island Brewery…
West on Carpinteria, Left on Linden,
Left just before the RR Xing

1.1 mile +2 ft (1.8’/m)

FundaySunday Carpinteria & Santa Barbara (1/22/25)
34.4 miles +1,386 feet CF4 (40.3 ‘/m)

Members and Guests Please SIgn Up!

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9:00 AM09:00

FundaySunday REMOTE

A different option for a Second Sunday Ride!
If you can’t
get away for the whole weekend, drive up for one day!
We have another ride that STARTS and ENDS at a remote location for lunch!
This month we will explore Santa Barbara!
Park near Island Brewing Company in Carpinteria, & be ready to ride at 9am; (It is less than 2 1/2 hours from Irvine, or stay the night with others up for the weekend at a local hotel - or camp!
Lodging recommendation: Book your own best deal…
Holiday Inn Express * * * or Motel 6 * * (or camp at Carpinteria State Beach)
Extend a couple of nights & head for Solvang area Monday & Tuesday!

We will explore the area from Carpinteria to Summerland, Montecito, Santa Barbara & back, including the clock tower view from the County Courthouse and a visit to the Santa Barbara Mission, and along the beachfront of Santa Barbara. We’ll stop for a snack in Santa Barbara and be back to Carpinteria to enjoy beer and pizza for a late lunch at the end of the ride.
No Drop route with several regroups.

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to Apr 15

Solvang Remote Extension : Add Monday & Tuesday!

Don’t have to get back to work on Monday? Extend the Carpinteria Weekend or FundaySunday with 2 nights in Buellton and enjoy 2 days of riding in the Solvang area!
After the FundaySunday, drive up the highway about 1 hour to Buellton for dinner; spend the night ready to enjoy a selection of ride options on Monday and Tuesday…

Lodging recommendation:
Pete van Nuys has set us up again with a discount booking - only $149 + tx/night
book through THIS LINK by March 23rd
After that - you will have to Book your own best deal…
MONDAY: Hampton Inn * * * 2 nights Apr 13-15
(or cheaper options in Buellton or camp at Flying Flags campground)

Drive up to Beullton from OC or Carpinteria
We will roll out 8. Meet in the lobby of the Hampton Inn.
We will have all day and be back to walk to a nearby restaurant or drive to dinner…
We can ask for late check out (after 11) & have time for some more riding if we roll again at 8am - loading up and heading back to OC in the evening to cross LA after rush hour.

Solvang Remote Routes

18.2 miles +886 ft {CF 4 48’/m}
to Los Olivos, & return down Ballard Canyon (4 slips per page)

24.1 miles +1,240 ft {CF 5 51’/m}
to Nojoqui Falls, Folding Hills Winery, Hwy 101 to Buellton (2 per page)

31 miles +659 ft {CF 2 27’/m}
From La Purisima Mission
(not Buellton) to Lompoc Surf (2 per page)

38 miles +2,394 ft {CF 6 63’/m}
to Los Olivos, Zaca Mesa, Ballard Canyon (2 per page)

41.7 miles +2,000 ft {CF 4 48’/m}
to Santa Rosa Road, Lompoc (lunch), La Purisma Mission, 246 back (2 per page)

41.9 miles +2,726 ft {CF 6 65’/m}
to Happy Canyon, Santa Ynez, & back on 246 (2 per page)

70.1 miles +5,257 ft {CF 7 75’/m}
to Jalama Beach & back via Santa Rosa Road (4 slips per page)

Here are all 7 routes in one pdf.

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9:00 AM09:00

FundaySunday REMOTE

A different option for a Sunday Ride?!
Celebrate Mothers Day with Pie!
Lets have another ride that STARTS and ENDS at a remote location for lunch!
Park near Lauries Pie Bar in Long Beach at meet at her location, & be ready to ride at 9am; We will explore the Long Beach shoreline, roll up the LA River bikeway, cross Long Beach and come down the San Gabriel River / Coyote Creek bikeway - ride across Belmont Shore & then up the beach path back into Downtown Long Beach for some Pie (and lunch.. if you want a beer and more substantial lunch / pizza there are The 4th Horseman, Milana’s NY Pizza and Anna’s Joint Pub all near Laurie’s Pie Bar).
No Drop route with several regroups.

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to May 31

Carson City Scene

Green, Luscious, Breathtaking!

Join BCI for a week of cycling and adventure in and around
Carson City, Nevada at the end of May.

Yes, you are cycling by and experiencing this or hiking in through the meadow.  Likely this is our weather condition on our adventure together the week of late May 2025!

Hampton Inn & Suites $143/night + tax
My Place Hotel; $109/night + tax


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9:00 AM09:00

Memorial Day Ride to Crystal Cove

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please leave the parking lot for others.
Our Labor Day ride was so nice we’ll repeat it…

Route Slip - Holiday Ride to Newport Beach (9/2/24)
We’ll cut down to Corona del Mar, head south on PCH, turn around at the Shake Shack and take the bike sidepath back north, enjoy Crystal Cove State Beach on the way back to the coffee stop at Starbucks at Bayside & PCH before climbing up to Castaways and taking the west side of upper newport back to the San Diego Creek & Peters Canyon bikeways.

34.8 miles (20.6) +1,126 ft CF3 (32.4'/m)

Short Cut:
31.1 miles (16.9) +979 ft CF3 (31.5'/m)

Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

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9:00 AM09:00

FundaySunday REMOTE

Lets have another ride that STARTS and ENDS at a brewery for lunch!
Park at Pizza Port in San Clemente, ride to Oceanside, catch the train back to San Clemente, ride back up to the Pizza Port for lunch.
No Drop route with several regroups.

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9:00 AM09:00

"Sizzling Summer" Remote Rides

We are having special remote rides from Turtle Rock Park, where we can celebrate summer with different routes and our BCI Picnic after!

Ride Start:
Upper lot of Turtle Rock Park off Turtle Rock Drive


! ! !


Directions: Deerfield Park to Turtle Rock Park
12 minutes - 5.7 miles

5 routes to choose from!
ROUTE SLIPS: (6/19/24)
(CF Rating 2 to 8 (average climb in feet per mile))

Regroup A [Short & Medium]:
Corner Bakery / Jamba Juice @ Main & Harvard in Irvine
Short: 18.6 miles (12.3), +748 ft (CF4 : 40.2 ‘/m)
Medium: 25.9 miles (19.6), Rolly +732 ft (CF2 : 28.3 ‘/m)

Regroup B [Med+, Long & Long+]:
Starbucks / Togos @ Alicia & Pacific Park in Laguna Niguel

Medium Plus: 30.2 miles (17), +2,107 ft (CF6 : 69.8 ‘/m)
Long: 44.2 miles (31.9), +3,383 ft (CF7 : 76.5 ‘/m)
YES - CF 7 !
Long Plus: 49.9 miles (35.4),+4,372 ft (CF8 : 87.6 ‘/m)
YES - CF 8 !

Guests are welcome, with a signed waiver or signed in - but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

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8:00 AM08:00

Independence Day Ride

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
BCI’s ride to the Huntington Beach Parade !

ROUTE SLIP (3/17/24)
37.6 miles (16.6) +/-578 ft

> DETAIL of mile 10.6 to 11.4
from Fair across Harbor onto Golf Course Drive Bikeway
> DETAIL of mile 18.7 to 19.4
on HB Trail bike path past PCH closure

The start of this special ride is set for 8am, giving everyone time to beat the heat and get home before our various holiday celebrations.
Members spend as much (or little) time as they want at the parade before returning to the start.

Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

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to Oct 11

Squadra Dory Tour

Several years ago many BCI Members joined a great cycling trip to Italy - Squadra (Team) Dory is returning to Italy this October!
You're invited to share: a week of delicious food, fun and some great cycling with friends.  We've found that early fall offers the best weather of the year, is reasonably priced and crowd free. 
If you've never been to Italy, the best way to experience it is on a bicycle while staying at one of Riccione's premier cycling resorts.

Your hosts for the fall tour are the Buescher brothers, Steve & John
and Richard Sheff, who returns as the tour's, Directeur Sportif. 

All the specifics you'll need to plan for next fall's tour will be available soon.  If you have a friend who may be interested in becoming part of the Squadra Dory tour, let us know and we will add them to our distribution list. 

Richard Sheff, Directeur Sportif. 

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6:00 AM06:00

UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge Day 2025

Join TEAM BCI in support of UCI’s ongoing research to put an end to cancer. 

We are looking forward to partnering once again with the University of California Irvine (UCI) and its Anti-Cancer Challenge - on Saturday, October 11th 2025. All registration fees go directly to UCI’s Cancer Research.

JOIN your BCI family teammates!

In order to participate in the event on TEAM BCI, you must complete two steps:

  1. First, please sign in on our BCI TidyHQ page so we can keep track of our team.

  2. Next, go to the event site by clicking the Register Here button below. NOTE: The minimum donation for the bike event is $50. However, if you’re interested in a BCI/UCI Jersey for a $70 donation, we still have limited quantities of XL, 2XL, 3XL and 4XL. Feel free to call Deby Six @ 714-343-8562 with any questions!

Thanks very much for helping to end cancer!
- Deby Six, TEAM BCI Captain, UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge
Contact: debsix@gmail.com


The UC Irvine Anti-Cancer Challenge event will take place from 6:00am-4pm on Saturday, October 11, 2025 and include 14, 35, 60, and 100 mile cycling routes, a mountain bike route, a 5K run/walk and a wellness festival at UC Irvine’s Aldrich Park. All routes will begin at UC Irvine’s Aldrich Park and travel through neighboring Orange County cities.

Festival includes finish line BBQ, Live musical entertainment, VIP lounge, and awards.

For additional information about the event, visit the 2025 UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge website:


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to Mar 20

Catalina Adventure

Dave Murphy, BCI’s Secretary, is planning to lead a group of cyclists across Catalina for an overnight adventure! Book your own passage and Conservancy Membership for Bike Pass, Pay Dave for your lodging, pack in or buy your own meals…
Mountain Bike / Gravel Bike / Sturdy Touring bike recommended !

Here are the plans:
8           Load onto Catalina Flyer at 8am in Newport
($94 round trip $76 on sale ~ $59.20 GroupOn
+ $20 for Bicycle on board - electric welcome
Bicycling on Catalina requires a
$35 Conservancy Membership to get a Bike Pass -
($65 for a couple)
9 Depart Newport
10:30    Arrive at Avalon 

Hit the road & ride
to Two Harbors (23.2 miles +3,233 ft) CF 13 (139.4’/m) - Mostly on dirt roads

If early enough – go nap, snorkeling or optional ride on toward
Parsons Landing & back (15.9 miles +1,294 ft) CF 8 (81.4’/m)

Stay at the Banning House Lodge - including Cocktails & Cheese in evening and breakfast in the morning  (Dave is holding 5 rooms until February 14th - Contact him and commit before Feb 14th to secure a room and pay him back!) mail to Secretary@BikeIrvine to reserve your room!)
Rm 227-1 queen  (1 sofa sleeper/1 rollaway) 3 singles $470.10
Rm 519-1 queen  (1 sofa sleeper/1 rollaway) 3 singles $470.10  
Rm 529-1 king 1 couple  $470.10  
Rm 627-1 queen 1 couple $301.80  
Rm 595-1 queen 1 couple $301.80

5           Dinner at Harbor Reef Bar (closes at 6) or General Store (closes at 5:30)

6:55  Sunrise
Optional ride Parsons Landing & back (15.9 miles +1,294 ft)) CF 8 (81.4’/m)

8           Coffee / Snacks / lunch supplies at General Store (opens 8am) 
10         Check Out and load bikes -
Ride back to Avalon (22.6 miles +3,117 ft) CF 13 (137.9’/m)

Members & Guests PLEASE SIGN UP

Late Lunch in Avalon if time permits
3:30           Load bikes on Catalina Flyer 1 hr before launch
4:30           Depart Avalon
6           Arrive Newport  

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8:50 AM08:50

FundaySunday REMOTE

A different option for a Sunday Ride?
Lets have a ride that STARTS and ENDS at a brewery for lunch!

Park at Main Street Brewery in Corona by 8:30, & be ready to ride at 8:50 am to the Corona Main Station to board the MetroLink train to Fullerton by 9:10
Train Schedule:
91/Perris Valley 1763 LEAVES Corona at 9:11 from Track #2
gets to Fullerton at 9:40.

Note - we will need to go up and over to the middle Track# 2 and there is only 1 elevator - so if running late or concerned about having to take the elevators up & over, you might want to park at the train station and get to Track 2 “sooner” - as there will be no “later”.

Upload the Metrolink App to your phone and set up your method of payment Saturday night.
DO NOT buy your ticket until Sunday Morning, but having the app loaded and the payment method linked, will save you time before reaching Track #2!

From Fullerton we will ride across Fullerton to the El Cajon Trail and up the SART back to Corona.

No Drop route with several regroups:
ROUTE: FundaySunday Fullerton to Corona (3/9/25)

Main Street Brewery to Train:
8:50 - 9:10 am
(including up and over to Track 2!)
0.8 Miles +19 ft (23.8'/m) CF2

Fullerton to Corona: 9:40 ~ 12:40 (@10 mph pace) 12:10 (@12 mph pace)
29.4 Miles +1,193 ft  (40.6'/m) CF4

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8:00 AM08:00

Catalina Adventure Room Reservation Cutoff

If you want to go with BCI to Catalina you must confirm your room with Dave Murphy, BCI’s Secretary, by TODAY before he cancels his paid reservations at the Banning House Lodge
 (Dave is holding rooms until February 14th - Contact him and commit before Feb 14th to secure a room and pay him back!) mail to Secretary@BikeIrvine to reserve your room!)

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9:00 AM09:00

FundaySunday Special

A different option for a Sunday Ride?
Lets have a ride that STARTS and ENDS at a brewery for lunch!
Park at Hangar 24 & ride at 9 am
No Drop route with several regroups including a coffee stop in Newport Beach

ROUTE: FundaySunday Hangar 24 (1/10/25)
27.4 Miles +477 ft  (17.4'/m) CF1

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8:00 AM08:00

NewB Class

Our “NewB” rides are geared for new riders, riders with some experience, and riders who may have never ridden in a club atmosphere. We will do a modified version of the scheduled Saturday short ride, adding as much off-street bike path as available... like taking the San Diego Creek Trail instead of all of ALTON )

Intended for adults -
but re-experience the joy!

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#12 (6/18/24)
Regroup: Bagels & Brew
@ Serrano & Lake Forest, Lake Forest

Short: 16.4 miles (8.3) +464 ft {CF 2 28.3’/m}
Technology, Alton, Toledo, Serrano

We will meet at the picnic tables west of the building at DCP (we meet at the first come picnic tables in the park if the patio is being used)
We will go over several pages of information. If you want to review the info you may want to print it out, or read it as pdf on your device before or after the class. ​​​​​​​
See links to the entire library at bikeirvine.org/newb-rides

GUESTS & MEMBERS Please Register

Route Slip (just print page 1 of 3)

BCI Members who are willing to coach & role model good bicycle driving are welcome to help out… Cycle of Safety members are especially welcome!
This is a great time to introduce BCI to a friend!

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5:00 PM17:00

Bike Rossmoor - Holiday Lights Tour

  • Rush Park in Rossmoor @ Blume Drive and Chianti Drive (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Bike Rossmoor and Lightning Velo for the second night of their annual Holiday Lights Tour.
Come ride bicycles on a route through Rossmoor to visit some amazingly lit homes.
Many residents create fabulous holiday displays and a great way to see them is by bicycle.
We will have a designated route for night time safety.
The pace will be very slow so this is perfect for the whole family.
Be sure to dress warmly and jingly. You can decorate your bikes before you ride.
Roll out is 6pm.
Reminder: Bicycles legally require a minimal front white light, plus rear and side reflectors after dark.

Please sign up here.

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5:00 PM17:00

Bike Rossmoor - Holiday Lights Tour

  • Rush Park in Rossmoor @ Blume Drive and Chianti Drive (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Bike Rossmoor and Lightning Velo for the annual Holiday Lights Tour.
Come ride bicycles on a route through Rossmoor to visit some amazingly lit homes.
Many residents create fabulous holiday displays and a great way to see them is by bicycle.
We will have a designated route for night time safety.
The pace will be very slow so this is perfect for the whole family.
Be sure to dress warmly and jingly. You can decorate your bikes before you ride.
Roll out is 6pm.
Reminder: Bicycles legally require a minimal front white light, plus rear and side reflectors after dark.
Busy Saturday?
There will be a repeat ride on Sunday!

Please sign up here.

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9:00 AM09:00

Veterans Day Ride

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building.
Let’s ride!

Route Slip - Holiday Ride to Newport Beach (9/2/24)
We’ll cut down to Corona del Mar, head south on PCH, turn around at the Shake Shack and take the bike sidepath back north, enjoy Crystal Cove State Beach on the way back to the coffee stop at Starbucks at Bayside & PCH before climbing up to Castaways and taking the west side of upper newport back to the San Diego Creek & Peters Canyon Trails.

34.8 miles (20.6) +1,126 ft CF3 (32.4'/m)

Short Cut:
31.1 miles (16.9) +979 ft CF3 (31.5'/m)

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator

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to Nov 9

Taiwan Bicycle Tour

Amazing Formosa: Taiwan's Vitality Cycling Tour All Across the Island

November 7 - 15 (9 Days, 8 Nights) —
A Truly Unique Cycling Tour All around the Island

(25 to 45 miles per day on bicycles)

Special Note: This exclusive event is specially curated for BCI members, one of 4 SoCal organizations, by invitation only: Space is LIMITED - - will fill up fast!

Nov 5th at 10:55 pm from LAX: Arrives 5:15 am in Taipei TPE on Nov 7th
(14 hrs 20 min)
Nov 15th at 11:40 pm from TPE arrives LAX at 7 pm on the same day
(11 hrs 20 min)
$2,800 Price INCLUDES round trip air from LAX and Bicycle Rental
+$200 = $3,000 for electric bicycle rental
(+$600 for single supplement for private room)

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9:15 AM09:15

CicLAvia - Heart of LA

Ready for ANOTHER urban Adventure!?

BCI members will take Metrolink to Los Angeles, enjoy the street festival that is a CicLAvia, then ride back to Union Station to catch the metrolink back to OC.
NOTE - This is a self guided event - Bill will be not going this time!
and as of 10/8/24 no one has signed up… We will keep this info up case anyone wants to go.

The Train up
Sunday Metrolink options: Fare is the regular $10 day pass
(less for seniors 65+,
but only if boarding at Santa Ana, Orange, Anaheim etc… )
OC Line # 661 stops in Irvine at 9:21 - Tustin at 9:28 - Union Station at 10:34
Board 661 from your nearest station…
Meet onboard the train to Los Angeles; or when you get off,
or gather in front of Union Station at 10:45

The Route(s) (See Route Slips link below)
Gather at the front of Union Station (West entrance) and
ride to the CicLAvia together to get there in about 5 minutes…
Route: 2,225 feet +39/-4 ft https://ridewithgps.com/routes/47582060

The CicLAvia
Streets closed 9 to 4

Miles of street party, fun, distractions and dismounting as needed… It will be hard to enjoy it all & get back for the 2pm train…everyone is on their own to scatter or stay together in the crowd, just don’t miss the last train out at 4:27…

Get back to Union Station on your own from the CicLAvia: (See Route Slips link below)
From Broadway on Cesar Chavez: 2,144 feet -23ft https://ridewithgps.com/routes/47582187
From First Street on Los Angeles: 2,823 feet +19/-18’ https://ridewithgps.com/routes/47582288

The Trains back:

Sunday Metrolink options:
664 leaves Union Station @ 2:00 - to Tustin at 3:01 - Irvine at 3:09
668 leaves Union Station @ 4:27 - to Tustin at 5:28 - Irvine at 5:36 LAST TRAIN
Plan to get lined up to board that last train by 4 as it could be very full !

Guests and MEMBERS so we know who is on the train!

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6:00 AM06:00

UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge Day

Together, we can help
to create a cancer-free world!


Established in 2017, this event has served to raise community awareness and raise funds for research conducted at the UCI Health Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Join TEAM BCI in support of UCI’s ongoing research to put an end to cancer.  We are looking forward to partnering once again with the University of California Irvine (UCI) and its Anti-Cancer Challenge - this year on Saturday, October 5th 2024. All registration fees go directly to UCI’s Cancer Research.

Come JOIN your BCI Family Teammates.

In order to participate in the event, you must complete two steps:

  1. Click HERE to register on the event site and join our team.

    The minimum donation for the bike event is $50. But if you donate $70, you may request a TEAM BCI/UCI jersey.

  2. Then, before the event, be sure to sign in on our BCI TidyHQ page so we can keep track of our team.

Thanks very much for helping to end cancer!
- Deby Six, BCI Captain, UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge
Contact: debsix@gmail.com

Team BCI/UCI jerseys were made available previously through the generosity of Dave Murphy. We have a limited number of remaining sizes: XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL, and they do run small. We also have TEAM BCI Sleeves! Contact Deby Six debsix@gmail.com for size availability or any other questions.

Challenge Date Event Schedule:

14, 35 , 60 or 100-mile routes
also 5K and 10K Run/Walks
also mountain bike route

Festival includes VIP Lounge, Finish Line BBQ, Live Musical Entertainment, and Awards Presentation.

For additional information about the event, visit the 2024 UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge website:


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2:00 PM14:00

Historical Costa Mesa Bike Tour

  • Costa Mesa Historical Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Not a BCI ride, but after the morning club ride, we have time to do a bit more fun on our bicycles…
Costa Mesa City Council Member Arlis Reynolds is teaming up with the Costa Mesa Historical Society to lead a bike tour focused on Costa Mesa history - SLOW 7 to 10 mile ride with casual dinner after the ride.

The event starts at the Costa Mesa Historical Society–so mark your calendars right now and sign up to attend. They encourage us to ride historical/classic bicycles if you have one!

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to Sep 8

Mammoth Gran Fondo Remote Get-Away

  • Bicycle Club of Irvine (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A significant number of BCI Riders signed up to attend last year so we are making this an official remote ride!
Some are heading up on Wednesday or Thursday to get an extra night sleeping at elevation, then participating in the Friday acclimation rides to get used to riding at altitude, then riding on the Gran Fondo or Medio or Piccolo on Saturday and celebrating / recovering the night to head home Sunday.
The rides on Saturday are the Gran Fondo: 102 miles, Medio: 70 miles and Piccolo: 42 miles
If you typically do BCI’s medium rides, you’ll probably want to do the “Piccolo”.
For all the information,
see the post in PaceLines

BCI members attending in 2023 - under sunny clear blue skies!

Weekend leader, BCI Director of Communications Kim Gerrard, is coordinating a WhatsApp group to keep everyone in town connected on where to be and when!

Here’s a rough idea of who is going so far:

Peter & Kim Gerrard
Penny Poorman
Alice Fascella
Ann Reichling
Jenny Short
Maya Ziegler
Craig Johnson (+1)
Lois Rubin & Winston Creel
William & Judy Quon
Allan & Kim Pincus
Roy & Brenda Gustin
Mark Shapiro
Karen Simon
Suzanne Ackley & Ron Hata

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9:00 AM09:00

Labor Day Ride

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

Route Slip - Holiday Ride to Newport Beach (5/27/24)
We’ll cut down to Corona del Mar, head south on PCH, turn around at the Shake Shack and take the bike sidepath back north, enjoy Crystal Cove State Beach on the way back to the coffee stop at Starbucks at Bayside & PCH before climbing up to Castaways and taking the west side of upper newport back to the San Diego Creek & Peters Canyon Trails.

35.5 miles (21.3) +1,175 ft CF3 (33.1'/m)

Short Cut:
31.1 miles (16.9) +979 ft CF3 (31.5'/m)

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator

Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

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9:15 AM09:15

CicLAvia - Meet the Hollywoods

Ready for an urban Adventure!?

BCI will take Metrolink to Los Angeles, Ride USBR 66 4.5 miles to the East end of the CicLAvia event, ride all the way across East and West Hollywood & back enjoying the street festival that is a CicLAvia, then ride the 4.5 miles back to Union Station past China Town and Olvera Street to catch the metrolink back to OC.

Board OC 661 from your nearest station…
Meet onboard the OC 661 train to Los Angeles;
gather in front of Union Station at 10:45

The Train up
Sunday Metrolink options: Fare is the regular $10 day pass
(less for seniors 65+,
but only if boarding at Santa Ana, Orange, Anaheim etc… )
OC661 stops in Irvine at 9:21 - Tustin at 9:28 - Union Station at 10:34
OC665 stops in Irvine at 12:22 - Tustin at 12:29 - Union Station at 1:34

The Route
Gather at the front of Union Station (West entrance) and
ride to the CicLAvia together to get there in about 1/2 hour
Route Slip 22.1 miles, +746 ft CF3 (23.8’/m)
Ride withGPS Map / profile
4 1/2 miles from the train station to the CicLAvia - route follows interstate USBR 66 most of the way, but this is in LA road conditions.
We will keep the pace to stay together and be most visible in traffic.

The green line is the CicLAvia, The red line is our on street route. The pink highlighted line is USBR 66

The CicLAvia
Streets closed 9 to 4
Just over 13 miles of street party, fun, distractions and dismounting as needed… It will be hard to enjoy it all & get back for the 2pm train…everyone is on their own to scatter or stay together in the crowd, just don’t miss the last train out at 4:27: Plan to get lined up to board that last train by 4 as it could be very full !

Alternate Route Back to train
Route Slip 22 miles, +708 ft CF3 (32.2’/m) (Less CicLAvia and more USBR 66)
Ride withGPS Map / profile

Faster return on USBR 66
Instead of doing all of the CicLAvia both: May be faster - but local traffic may be worse due to the closures…
The green line is the CicLAvia, The red line is our on street route.
The pink highlighted line is USBR 66. The blue line is the on-street alternate way back if you are worried about missing the train or want to catch the 2pm train.

The Trains back:
Sunday Metrolink options:
664 leaves Union Station 2:00 - to Tustin at 3:01 - Irvine at 3:09
668 leaves Union Station 4:27 - to Tustin at 5:28 - Irvine at 5:36 LAST TRAIN

Guests and MEMBERS so we know who is on the train!

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8:00 AM08:00

Independence Day Ride

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
BCI’s ride to the Huntington Beach Parade !

ROUTE SLIP (3/17/24)
37.6 miles (16.6) +/-578 ft

> DETAIL of mile 10.6 to 11.4
from Fair across Harbor onto Golf Course Drive Bikeway
> DETAIL of mile 18.7 to 19.4
on HB Trail bike path past PCH closure

The start of this special ride is set for 8am, giving everyone time to beat the heat and get home before our various holiday celebrations.
Members spend as much (or little) time as they want at the parade before returning to the start.

Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
11:00 AM11:00

2024 BCI BBQ

  • Turtle Rock Park (Upper parking lot off TR Drive) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

BCI kicks off Summer 2024 with a BBQ/picnic following the Sizzling Summer Remote Rides.

Ride Start & End near picnic area:
Upper lot of Turtle Rock Park off Turtle Rock Drive

Burgers will be ready around the time you return from your ride, 11:30ish - until about 1:30p.m. Lunch includes a burger, chips, watermelon, cookie and a drink.
$10 includes food and also paying the City of Irvine to allow a group picnic.

Food ‘issues’? Missed the deadline?
Opt to bring your own picnic lunch and leave it in your car for after the ride.

We do have a couple of extra’s available - contact bill@nbikeirvine and we will see what we can do…

Beef, Turkey or Veggie ($10) with or without cheese!

*All food supplies will be purchased based on orders submitted by the 19th.
[OK, so we could have a few extra burgers if we don’t burn or drop too many through the grill and if you show up last minute, then you could get lucky but no promises. Expect to settle up ($10) with BCI at a later date.]

Reminder: Consumption of alcohol beverages is not permitted on city property.


  1. Penny Poorman

  2. Bill Sellin

  3. John Melon

  4. Peter Gerrard

  5. Robert Tinkham

  6. Maya Ziegler

  7. Sue Bowers

  8. Dee Currier

  9. Pete van Nuys

  10. Lynn van Nuys

  11. Rich McCarthy

  12. Linda McCarthy

  13. David Welker

  14. Richard Sheff

  15. Mike Alvarez

  16. Dave Murphy

  17. Marsha Murphy

  18. Ed Rubinstein

  19. Aaron Sher

  20. William Quon

  21. Judy Quon

  22. Ed Lumaya

  23. Kathy Lumaya

  24. Alice Fascella

  25. Laura Brown

  26. Neal Hutchinson

  27. Bill Kalinyak

  28. Ann reichling

  29. Marc Urias

  30. Mike Farrell

  31. Jo Farrell

  32. Dan Thompson

  33. Tony Abatjoglou

  34. Bill DeHart

  35. Karen Simon

  36. Steve Davis

  37. Jodie Kinney

  38. Bob Kinney

  39. Betsy Jackson

  40. Phil Norton

  41. Tom Parry

  42. Jennifer Short

  43. Charlotte Finklea

  44. Doug Peterson

  45. Melanie Peterson

  46. Laura Roberts

  47. Cindy Rae

  48. Karl Diedrich

  49. Paul Dewrance

  50. Bill Peterson

  51. Joseph Lumaya

  52. Andrew Price

  53. Montri Wattana

  54. Patty Kirsch

  55. Jay Kirsch

  56. Frank Vose

  57. Katja Harwatt

  58. Jim Friebert


  1. Dev Sellin

  2. Kim Gerrard

  3. Jean Savage

  4. Wayne Broadhag

  5. Nancy Broadhag

  6. Kim Gerrard

  7. Will Decker

  8. Kathi Decker

  9. Shawn Andrews

  10. Leti Rubinstein

  11. Beth Sher

  12. Candi Hutchinson

  13. Collette O’Donnell

  14. Natika Mech

  15. Ed Trainor

  16. John Altenberg

  17. Bob McHenry

VEGGIE (Morning Star Farms ‘Grillers’)

  1. Bev Plass

  2. Mike Heitzenrader

  3. Richard Vallens

  4. Sue Rudolph

  5. Mary Uffelman

  6. Mark Shapiro

  7. Jan McQueen

  8. Deby Six

  9. Tommie Kozlov

  10. Kent Peppard

  11. Blanca Yanes

BYOP (Bring your own picnic)

  1. Tara Maull

  2. Ramona Dalton

  3. Don Tillinghast

  4. Kathy Shapiro

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

"Sizzling Summer" Remote Rides

We are having special remote rides from Turtle Rock Park, where we can celebrate summer with different routes and a BCI BBQ Picnic after!

Ride Start:
Upper lot of Turtle Rock Park off Turtle Rock Drive


! ! !


Directions: Deerfield Park to Turtle Rock Park
12 minutes - 5.7 miles

5 routes to choose from!
ROUTE SLIPS: (6/19/24)
(CF Rating 2 to 8 (average climb in feet per mile))

Regroup A [Short & Medium]:
Corner Bakery / Jamba Juice @ Main & Harvard in Irvine
Short: 18.6 miles (12.3), +748 ft (CF4 : 40.2 ‘/m)
Medium: 25.9 miles (19.6), Rolly +732 ft (CF2 : 28.3 ‘/m)

Regroup B [Med+, Long & Long+]:
Starbucks / Togos @ Alicia & Pacific Park in Laguna Niguel

Medium Plus: 30.2 miles (17), Rolly +2,107 ft (CF6 : 69.8 ‘/m)
Long: 44.2 miles (31.9), Hilly +3,383 ft (CF7 : 76.5 ‘/m) YES - CF 7 !
Long Plus: 49.9 miles (35.4), Hilly +4,372 ft (CF8 : 87.6 ‘/m) YES - CF 8 !

Guests are welcome, with a signed waiver or signed in - but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

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9:00 AM09:00

Memorial Day Ride to Crystal Cove

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please leave the parking lot for others.
Our Labor Day ride was so nice we’ll repeat it…

Route Slip - Holiday Ride to Newport Beach (8/19/23)
35.5 miles
(21.3) +/-1,175 ft CF3 (33.1'/m)

Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

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9:00 AM09:00

Dana Point toward Oceanside Remote Ride

Old Highway Bike Path

Lets do it again!
Ride along the beach though Doheny, Capistrano Beach, San Clemente, San Onofre,
Camp Pendleton to Oceanside Harbor !
We start in Dana Point Harbor, ride down the coast as far as you want, then RIDE back (or take the train from Oceanside part way)! The Short route turns back at the County Line, Medium goes all the way & trains back to San Clemente. Long turns back at the end of San Onofre State Beach for 34.5 miles or turns around at Las Pulgas fo 40 miles. The Long Plus goes all the way down & back for 60 miles.

ROUTE SLIP <= All 4 options - NO BASE PASS… Print & bring along

Short: Dana Pt to Christianitos & back -
19.4 Miles   Map/Elevation

Medium: Dana Point to Oceanside & Train back to San Clemente
35.2 miles Round Trip Map/Elevation down to Oceanside Station
Trains run @ 11:24, 1:28. 2:35 4:28 and 5:23

Dana Pt to Las Pulgas & Back - No Train
40 Miles Round Trip   Map/Elevation
34.5 Miles if you turn back at end of San Onofre State Beach @ Mile 16.4

Long Plus:
Dana Pt to Oceanside Harbor - No Train back
60 Miles Round Trip   Map/Elevation

The ride starts at the west end of Dana Point Harbor Drive in Dana Point.  Park in either of the lots at the end across from each other, the one closest to the pier, or the other directly across the street. 
DO NOT PARK in the Ocean Institute parking lot. We will gather at the foot of the Pier & roll out as a club at 9. There are restrooms at the start.   Map Link to ride start  W3W: finds.graphic.sentences

Train to San Clemente: The first train south from Tustin/Irvine (IEOC 857) gets to San Clemente at 9:05 - you can train down and wait for the rest of the group to roll by the station on route, 5 miles from Dana Point at about 9:20.

Camp Pendleton Access: The Base has just announced that the visitor center opened May 13 and passes are available, but it is located at the main entrance, hours are only 7:30 - 2 or 3:30 M-F and expect long lines. You can take the train to Oceanside this week for free with a bicycle, and ride to the visitor center to get a pass for Saturday…

IF you have military access or have a Base Bike Pass you MAY take the routes through the base between Las Pulgas and Harbor:

ON BASE ROUTE SLIPS <= Both options - BASE PASS REQUIRED… Print & bring along

Medium: Dana Point to Oceanside & Train back to San Clemente (ON BASE NOT FREEWAY)
36.5 miles Round Trip Map/Elevation down to Oceanside Station
Trains run @ 11:24, 1:28. 2:35 4:28 and 5:23

Long Plus: Dana Pt to Oceanside Harbor - No Train back (ON BASE NOT FREEWAY)
59.9 Miles Round Trip   Map/Elevation

No civilians have had a current BASE BIKE PASS from the USMC, without one we will ride the freeway shoulder between Las Pulgas and Harbor Drive. It’s faster, shorter, safer, but loud. See Base Pass info here.

After ride treat - We like to stop at the Scoop Deck inside Coffee Importers for a great ice cream…
https://goo.gl/maps/S4eB8yZkkfatcsL97 https://coffeeimporters.com/

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

to regular scheduled CLUB RIDES

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to Mar 10

Solvang Adventure Getaway

Solvang Hills.jpeg

We are staying at the Hampton Inn in Buellton. Interested members should call & secure a room directly for our $199 / night group rate before Feb 8th or they sell out. (805) 686-1555

If you get to Beullton early you can enjoy one of the short rides in the afternoon.

Friday evening: We will meet Friday at 5pm for wine & cheese by the fire pits and look over route slips to decide what to ride Saturday morning before heading out for dinner nearby;
Please make sure Pete has you included in the reservation ‘head count’!
(Walked over to Toño’s for Mexican - had entire place to ourselves - but would suggest another place next time…)

Saturday morning: We will gather to ride at 9am on Saturday morning.
(Everyone togehter fore to Los Olivos; Bill & Dev went rouge & east up Happy Canyon, rest did variations toward Zaca Mesa and returned to enjoy jacuzi before shuttle to dinner…)

Saturday afternoon & evening: After the ride enjoy wine tasting wineries in Los Olivos (5 miles North of Solvang) before driving a ways for dinner at the Cold Springs Tavern or any of the nearby restaurants. Again, make sure you are included in the head count for Pete’s 6:30 reservation if you want to drive up to Cold Springs.
Confirmed 15: Van Nuys, Sellins, Broadhags, Reichling and Ziegler, Weddicks Clark, Lu, Mech, Thompson and Reynard

Sunday morning: The group will decide what ride(s) to do on Sunday morning, leaving time to drive home Sunday afternoon. (Checked out & drove to Solvand to shorten the Nojoqui Falls ride)

Contact Pete @ vp@BikeIrvine.org to confirm RSVP for the Saturday dinner reservation, and get more details.

Please SIGN IN here or below !

Solvang Wine Barrels.jpeg

Who’s Going? (current as of 3/6/24)

Pete & Lynn van Nuys
Wayne & Nancy Broadhag
Bill & Dev Sellin
Maya Ziegler
Ann Reichling
Fran Reynard
Bill Clark & Nancy Lu
Tom & Karen Weddick
Dan Thompson and Natika Mech
all 15 firm for dinner at Cold Creek Tavern on Saturday at 7:00

Potential Routes:

18.2 miles to Los Olivos, & return down Ballard Canyon (4 slips per page)

24.1 miles to Nojoqui Falls, Folding Hills Winery, Hwy 101 to Buellton (2 per page)

31 miles From La Purisima Mission (not Buellton) to Lompoc Surf (2 per page)

38 miles to Los Olivos, Zaca Mesa, Ballard Canyon (2 per page)

41.7 miles to Santa Rosa Road, Lompoc (lunch), La Purisma Mission, 246 back (2 per page)

41.9 miles to Happy Canyon, Santa Ynez, & back on 246 (2 per page)

70.1 miles to Jalama Beach & back via Santa Rosa Road (4 slips per page)

Here are all 7 routes in one pdf.

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10:00 AM10:00

Life Vitality Association Last Ride in OC

Concluding their visit to Southern California, The Life Vitality Association will ride their last ride today from their hotel to the Duck Club:
They would love BCI new friends to come along!
They will start from their hotel at 10 am .
BCI Members may want to park at the Duck Club, and ride at 9am to their hotel to start up with them at 10ish.


BCI Ride Start from the Duck Club
Ride to OC Hotel before 10am: 5 miles, +137 ft CF 2
Map/Profile  https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45497983
Detail Map

10:00 Ride Start from OC Hotel
Ride to Balboa Island on the way to the San Joaquin Marsh; 15.4 miles +393 ft CF2
Map/Profile https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45498988
Detail Map

6:00 Ride Start from the Duck Club
LVA Return to OC Hotel: 5 miles, +137 ft CF 2
SUN SETS at 5:51 so use lights !
Map/Profile  https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45497983
Detail Map

They are hosting a farewell dinner party at the IRWD Duck Club at 4:30 and BCI members are invited to join the farewell. Please RSVP by March 1st if you wish to attend the dinner so they know how many guests to expect.

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7:30 AM07:30

Tour de Palm Springs Remote

Join BCI members on the 2024 Tour de Palm Springs !

Register for the ride and meet up at Starbucks
at 7:30 to ride at 7:45 to the line up together for
the 56 mile ride start at 8:00 !

If you head out Friday for the night, get your lodging ASAP!
There is a pre-event gathering at Babes Beer garden open Friday 2pm to 8:00pm.

There will be the regular BCI Rides at Deerfield Park in addition to this remote.

BCI Member

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6:30 AM06:30

Rose Parade Remote

Ride from Alhambra to Parade - enjoy parade, & return to Alhambra for lunch - 17.9 miles walk & ride…

See the Rose Parade the fun and easy way! No traffic hassles getting in and out of Pasadena and a chance to preview the floats up close before the parade starts. It's a ride that anyone can do as it is less than 17 miles.

We will park at Alhambra Park, meet up at 6:30 near the south west corner of Alhambra and Raymond - departing at 6:40AM. and cycle to the staging area where we see and smell the floats up close.

The sun is not up at 6:40 so lights and reflectors are required, but we will be in a well lit group. Reminder, until sunrise it is much better to have headlights and tail light on solid, not flashing.
We cycle to the staging area along Orange Grove Blvd where dismount & walk bikes to see and smell the floats up close.
When the parade starts at 8 AM, we then ride to a viewing spot, lock up our bikes and find a place to stand or use pre-purchased seats in the stands. For those interested in purchasing stand tickets, please call the Sharp Seating Company M-Th 9A-4P 626-795-4171. These stands are just west of Bonnie on the south side of Colorado. Free seats / standing space is available on the sidewalk and the Chick-fil-A patio where we will lock up the bikes on their bike racks.

When the parade is over, we jump back on our bikes and pedal about 8 miles away from the traffic and gridlock to lunch in Alhambra.

What to bring: we suggest you dress in layers, bring a backpack with change of shoes for watching the parade, extra gloves and/or jacket or hat, and a lock for your bike. Bathrooms and snacks are available near our viewing spot.

Ride Start: Alhambra Park (NE corner of the park on Raymond at Alhambra)

Route Slip (16.7 miles) 
Map / Profile

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride
with our
Ride Coordinator

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5:00 PM17:00

Bike Rossmoor - Christmas Lights Tour

  • Rush Park in Rossmoor @ Blume Drive and Chianti Drive (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Bike Rossmoor and Lightning Velo for the annual Christmas Lights Tour.
Come ride bicycles on a route through Rossmoor to visit some amazingly lit homes.
Many residents create fabulous holiday displays and a great way to see them is by bicycle.
We will have a designated route for night time safety.
The pace will be very slow so this is perfect for the whole family.
Be sure to dress warmly and jingly. You can decorate your bikes before you ride.
Reminder: Bicycles legally require a minimal front white light, plus rear and side reflectors after dark.

MEMBERS Log-In here.

GUESTS should sign up here.

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9:00 AM09:00

Day after Thanksgiving "Turkey Burner"

Ride Start:  Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
See our “Self-Serve Sign-In” Ride System
There may be no starter assigned; gather & roll together!

Regroup: Starbucks –San Juan Capistrano; Del Obispo & Camino Capistrano

Route Slip: Turkey Burner (11/2/22)
38.9 miles, (18.8) +/- 2,234 ft {hilly – CF 5 57.4’/m}
ICD/Moulton, Camino Capistrano, Marguerite, Jeronimo
Profile / Map MEDIUM
44.3 miles, (24.5) +/-2,607 ft {hilly - CF 5 58.8’/m}
Toledo, El Toro, Olympiad/Felipe, Camino Capistrano, Marguerite, Jeronimo
Profile / Map LONG

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride
with our
Ride Coordinator

Supports BCI - Thank You!
See all of our our Sponsors

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9:00 AM09:00

Veterans Day Ride

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
Veterans Day is the 11th but those with jobs get Friday off… so let’s ride!

Route Slip - Holiday Ride to Newport Beach (8/19/23)
(The Crystal Cove Starbucks CLOSED in June, so we’ll turn around at Crystal Heights, and take the bike sidepath back north, cross the Shake Shack parking lot, and enjoy Crystal Cove State Beach on the way back to the coffee stop at Starbucks at mile 21.8 @ Bayside & PCH.
6 mile SHORT CUT:
Skip CDM and Newport Coast - at Mile 13.4 - CROSS PCH and turn RIGHT at Bayside to pick up route at mile 19.5 )
36.1 miles (21.8) +/-1,225 ft CF3 (33.9'/m)

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator

Supports BCI
See our Sponsors

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6:00 AM06:00

UCI Anti Cancer Challenge Day

Day-Of registration is available…
Join Team BCI in supporting the UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge !
If you donated already for a Team BCI Jersey work with Deby to get you registered… or sign up in advance directly on their site. Scroll down and identify yourself as a member of Team BCI!

Fundraising Commitments
Child Runner/Walker: $25
Adult Rider/Runner/Walker: $50
VIP Rider/Runner/Walker: $500
Questions? Email us at anti-cancerchallenge@uci.edu.

5 CYCLING ROUTES for this year!
99.5 mile Century: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/43110916
61 mile Metric Century: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/43110941
37.7 mile Long: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/43477357
15.1 mile Short: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/43162467
20.5 mile Mountain Bike https://ridewithgps.com/routes/42078176

6:00 a.m. – Registration Open, VIP Lounge and Rider Central Open*
6:30 a.m. – 100-Mile Ride
7:00 a.m. – 60-Mile Ride
8:00 a.m. – Festival Opens
8:00 a.m. - Mountain Bike Ride
8:15 a.m. – 37-Mile Ride
8:45 a.m. – 15-Mile Ride
10:00 a.m. – Finish Line BBQ Open and Live Musical Entertainment
11:00 a.m. – Awards Presentation 
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Live Musical Entertainment
2:00 p.m. – Festival Concludes
*VIP Lounge and Rider Central remain open until last rider returns
Event day schedule is subject to change.

If you donate $75 or more, contact Deby to get this free Team BCI Jersey!

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to Sep 10

Mammoth Gran Fondo Remote Get-Away

  • Bicycle Club of Irvine (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A significant number of BCI Riders are signed up to attend since announced in March, so we are making this an official remote ride!
Most are heading up on Thursday to get an extra night sleeping at elevation, then participating in the Friday acclimation rides to get used to riding at altitude, then riding on the Gran Fondo or Medio or Piccolo on Saturday and celebrating / recovering the night to head home Sunday.
The rides on Saturday are the Gran Fondo: 102 miles, Medio: 70 miles and Piccolo: 42 miles
If you typically do BCI’s medium rides, you’ll probably want to do the Piccolo.
For all the information,
see the post in PaceLines

Weekend leader, BCI Secretary Kim Gerrard, is coordinating a WhatsApp group to keep everyone in town connected on where to be and when!

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9:00 AM09:00

Labor Day Ride

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & leave the parking lot for others.
See our “
New-Normal Self-Serve” Ride System

Route Slip - Labor Day Ride to Newport Beach (8/19/23)
(The Crystal Cove Starbucks CLOSED in June,
so we’ll stop at another Starbucks at mile 21.8 @ Bayside & PCH)
36.1 miles (21.8) +/-1,225 ft CF3 (33.9'/m)

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