bci.tidyhq.com ?

In order to sign-in for a ride, you must have an account with our TidyHQ system.
Guests register once, and then can sign-in for rides as a guest (or join). When you Log-In the first time with an email not yet in the system, it will ask you “Would you like to Create an Account?” and will take you through the steps to establish an account. Each user must have a unique email address for their own account.

TidyHQ is the home for our membership details, membership and event payments, and how we now handle ride sign-ins. It houses all of your personal contact details that the organization needs to run BCI. 
Once you have a password you can maintain your own profile. This includes opting in (or out) of our future roster publications, change of address, loggin in for events and for membership renewal. 

Steps to get you on TidyHQ:

  1. TidyClub login, follow this link: https://bci.tidyhq.com and Log In

  2. Enter the email address we might already for you if you still want to use it. If your email is in the system, it will ask for your password; you may need to reset your password.
    If your email is not recognized, Create an Account.

  3. It will ask for your name, and agreement to their Terms & Conditions

  4. An invitation will be emailed to you to verify your account.

  5. Check your email for an email with a link to Activate Account.

  6. Follow the prompts to set a your password & Activate your Account.

RENEW your lapsed membership or join ?

If you return from a lapsed membership (let us know by entering your original BCI# or say "renew" for your BCI# & we’ll look you up) or If you are joining for the first time, click here: