About Ride Statistics
For many years, BCI’s elected Statistician crunched raw data gathered from sign-in sheets to compile members’ ride statistics. Poor penmanship, partially filled out forms, and human error made this a slow, laborious, and error-prone process. During Covid, sign-in sheets were eliminated, and the club decided to gather ride statistics electronically.
The BCI Ridership Challenge
A Challenge Hound account is required in order to participate in the BCI Ridership Challenge. You must be a current BCI member, and have the current password, which is sent out in our monthly member News Alerts. We track the following annual metrics (not only BCI club rides) and will issue award certificates at the end of the year.
Total rides
Total miles
Total elevation
Total time in the saddle
Average Performance (an “equalizer” for those who don’t have as much time to ride)
Recognition by AGE brackets and perfomance
The BCI Ridership Challenge is fun and motivating —but you must opt in to be counted!
NOTE: When BCI went “electronic” with ride statistics, Strava was the app of choice. After 8 years, Strava is no longer welcoming new Challenge Hound users. The good news is that Challenge Hound has solutions and alternatives.
Engage and motivate yourself and others!
Join The BCI Ridership Challenge
And check out our Statistician’s articles, survey results, recognitions, and musings in:
“BCI Counts,” found in our newsletter.
Questions? Please email our Statistician (Rob Oglesby) at stats@bikeirvine.org