BCI has a Club Account with Ride With GPS.
By becoming a member of the BCI RWGPS CLUB account you will unlock features that are typically reserved for paid accounts. Namely, the option to download any of the club's routes for offline use and the ability to use turn-by-turn voice navigation while navigating any routes in our route library.
If you already have a Ride with GPS account you'll be automatically added to the club, if not you'll be asked to set up a Starter (Free) RWGPS account. After joining the club account you'll be able to access it from your homepage

This means every BCI Member can access all of BCI’s Routes - and get the full service of turn by turn navigation on your smart phone app or upload turn by turn cues to your GPS device FOR FREE - You no longer have to pay for your own subscription membership (Unless you use RWGPS to create your own routes or to get navigation cues for other routes not from BCI)

Once you join our Club Account on their system, you will have access and can stop paying your renewal dues and convert to the free “Starter” plan if you only want the free and BCI access.

Contact Clubs@ridewithgps.com with any questions about setting up or using our RideWithGPS Club Account