9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu19)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu19 Huntington Beach (7/5/24)
Starbucks @ Goldenwest & Yorktown in Huntington Beach

30.2 miles (16.4) +570 ft {CF 1 18.9 ’/m}

> DETAIL: MILE 19-20 (FULL 30)
> DETAIL: MILE 21-22 (FULL 30)
> DETAIL: MILE 23-24 (FULL 30)

26.8* miles (13) +555 ft {CF 2 20.7 ’/m}
(Skips PCH out & takes upper bay trails on return)

> DETAIL: MILE 5-7 & 16-21 (SHORT CUT*)
> DETAIL: MILE 7-8 & 17-19 (SHORT CUT*)

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

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9:00 AM09:00

Saturday Rides (#35+)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

TROUTE SLIPS: DCP#35+ (12/9/24)
Regroup: Bagel Me! (Starbucks is nearby but has no outside seating)
@ Chapman and Glassell (the Plaza) in Orange

20.4 miles (10.1), +311 ft {CF 1 15.2.’/m} (a bit long but flat)
Walnut, Newport, Prospect, Yorba, Fairhaven, Cambridge, Old Town Orange

26.5 miles (14), +659ft (Old SUN30 M) {CF 2 24.9’/m}
Red Hill, Skyline, Dodge/Santa Clara, Yorba, Fairhaven, Cambridge, Old Town Orange

36 miles (24.1), +2,229 ft (Old SUN30 L) {CF 6 61.9’/m}
Red Hill, Skyline, Crawford Canyon/Cannon, Serrano, Nohl Ranch, Cambridge, Fairhaven, Foothill, Tustin Ranch

Long Plus: 42 miles (35.1), +2,729 ft {CF 6 65.0’/m} (Old SUN30 L+/Onyx 6)
Red Hill, Skyline, Crawford Canyon/Cannon, Serrano, Weir, SA Canyon, Nohl Ranch, Cambridge, Fairhaven, Foothill, Tustin Ranch

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

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9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#36+)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#36+ (8/24/24)
Regroup: CJ Coffee House;
@ Chapman and Jamboree in Orange

Short: 18.8 miles (9.8), +1,033 ft {CF 5 54.9.0’/m}
Up Pioneer & back over Jamboree

Medium: 36.5 miles (27.5), +1,035’ (Old SUN16 M) {CF 2 28.4’/m}
SART from MacArthur to Taft, Orange Park & over Jamboree

Long: 44.7 miles (35.1), +1,188 ft (Old SUN16 L) {CF 2 26.6’/m}
SART from MacArthur to Imperial, Santa Ana Canyon, Taft, Orange Park & over Jamboree

Long Plus: 61.7 miles (35.1), +2,525 ft {CF 4 40.9’/m}
SART from MacArthur to Imperial, Santa Ana Canyon, Taft, Orange Park & over Santiago Canyon, Saddleback Ranch, Glenn Ranch to Portola, Bake, Irvine Blvd

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

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9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu20)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu20 Orange via Santa Ana (6/19/24)
including the Flower & Pacific Electric bike paths, North Flower district to the
Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf / Corner Bakery @ Main & Memory Lane in Orange

29.7 miles (13.8) +393 ft {CF 1 13.2 ’/m}

26.2* miles (13.8) +338 ft {CF 1 12.9 ’/m}
(Skips 3.8 miles across Tustin on return)


Note - Route Tu20 is not a typical Tuesday BCI Ride - LOTS of turns and city streets…
There WILL be some who will opt to skip this one and ride
ROUTE Tu13 Irvine: Los Olivos (9/30/24) instead, so print both if you want the option at 9:15!

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

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6:30 PM18:30

Membership Meeting

On a scheduled Thursday of every other month
at the Irvine Ranch Water District’s
Community Meeting Room.
The Public is welcome.

6:30 Social Time with food & refreshments
7:00 Presentation

Afterwards, there’ll be a drawing with prizes.

Guest Speaker: Nancy Kim, PT OCS 
Topic: “Exercise for Cyclists"  - Nancy will show us the top exercises for cyclists to improve performance and prevent injury. 

Nancy Kim is co-owner of Alloy Personal Training Irvine 

  • A Physical Therapist for 22 years. Has worked in outpatient orthopedics, both at hospital-based and private practices.

  • Currently works with Luna Physical Therapy, which delivers outpatient orthopedics at the patient’s home.

  • Nancy is a co-owner of Alloy Personal Training Irvine with her husband, a brand new small group personal training gym at Westpark Plaza. 

  • An Irvine resident over 20 years. 

  • During her free time, Nancy enjoys taking their son to Parkour training, teaching him to ride a bike, and doing outdoor activities with family such as hiking, going to the park and pool.

Mark your calendars! Future meeting dates:
June 5 - Keri Caffrey will discuss CyclingSavvy 
Aug 14 - Presentation TBD
Oct. 30 - Annual Meeting, Keynote Speaker: Tony Cruz will share about his bike racing career
If you have a suggestion for future meetings, please contact

Disclaimer: Irvine Ranch Water District makes its facilities available for use by residents and nonprofit organizations merely as a public service, but does not, by allowing this use, endorse or support the purpose of the event or its sponsor.

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9:00 AM09:00

1st Saturday Jersey Day Rides (#37+)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park at 9:00
Jersey Day!
Show your colors &
wear your BCI jersey today… any version, old or new !
If you don't have a BCI Jersey please know you are welcome
- see our
Jersey Page to get one
After the ride we will gather for Lunch!

THIS is the perfect day to BRING A FRIEND
to meet BCI and share the fun!

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#37+ (3/20/25)
First run of new route! Added a FLAT short option to our Old Sun04
Regroup: Qargo Coffee
@ Talbert & Newhope in Fountain Valley

Short: 20.6 Miles, (9.8) CF0 (08.3’/m) +172 ft
Warner, Pacific Electric Rail Trail, MacArthur/T, back on Sunflower, Main, Red Hill, Alton

Medium: 30.7 miles, (20.1) CF1 (13.1'/m) +402 ft (Old Sun04)
Edinger, Red Hill, Newport, Dodge, Santa Clara, Main, Flower, SART, Slater, Newhope back on Talbert, Sunflower, Main, VonKarman/Tustin Ranch, Warner, Harvard

Long: 42.4 miles, (20.7) CF1 (15.1'/m) +641 ft (Old Sun04)
Edinger, Red Hill, Newport, Dodge, Santa Clara, Main, Flower, Memory Lane, SART, Slater, Newhope, back via Talbert, Bushard, Atlanta, SART, PCH, Riverside/Cliff, Irvine/Campus, Mesa/Birch, VonKarman/Tustin Ranch, Warner, Harvard

Long Plus: 47.3 miles, (17.7/23.5) CF1 (16.9'/m) +799 ft (Old Sun04)
Harvard, Walnut, Tustin Ranch, El Camino Real, Main/Chestnut, DT Santa Ana, Flower, Memory Lane, SART, Slater, Newhope, back via Talbert, Ward, Yorktown, Goldenwest, Seapoint, PCH, Bayside, Avocado, San Miguel, Bonita Canyon, Anteater, California, Harvard.
*Second break option at Starbucks, Yorktown & Goldenwest in Huntington Beach

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

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11:00 AM11:00

Jersey Day Lunch

If you don't have a BCI Jersey please know you are welcome - see our Jersey Page !
We have a few 2017 Jerseys left - If you want one, contact & if we have your size, we will bring to the lunch today - bring $67, $35 &/or $10 cash or a checkbook…

2024 Jersey (Wait List)

$35 2017 Jersey (Limited sizes available)

$10 sleeves (per pair)


If you are ready to join or renew - Board Members will be on hand to accept your dues & filled out & signed membership form in person - so if you have avoided using BCI's online system, bring $25 & a completed form to renew or join !

THIS is the perfect day to BRING A FRIEND to meet BCI and share the fun!

Tip: The Irvine Company posts discounts at many places in their centers - down load their app to save on dining!

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#19)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#19 (7/6/24)
Regroup: Starbucks
@ Irvine Center & Odyssey, Irvine

Short: 12.9 miles (8.2), +242 ft {CF 1 18.8’/m}

Medium: 31 miles (18), +1,333 ft  {CF 4 43.0’/m}
Harvard, University, Shady Cyn, Ridgeline

Long: 41.9 miles (26.9), +2,540 ft {CF 6 60.6’/m} 
Harvard, University/Eastbluff, San Joaquin, Ridgeline (to top)

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu21)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu21 Irvine (6/19/24)
The Olive Grove Café on Burt/Progress, west of Sand Canyon

29.9 miles (14.9) +678 ft {CF 2 22.7 ’/m}

> DETAIL: MILE 17-24 (FULL 30)

25* miles (14.9) +522 ft {CF 2 20.9 ’/m}
(Skips some of Spectrum, Thomas, Rockfield, Bake and upper SD Creek on return)


Savvy Tips for Route 21:
The full route takes Bake across the 405 freeway...
Even though Bake is a Class II bikeway, Irvine and Caltrans have failed to paint any of the Complete Streets tools, and allows both right lanes to enter the freeway at two high speed entrances. Mile 19.7 to 20.3 can be a very stressful 1/2 mile.
Even though posted at 50 MPH, motorists speed on Bake, and they accelerate as they merge into the high speed entrances, making it critical for cyclists to assert their lane position early to be seen and safely cross the freeway.
You can’t signal and hope to be let over, you need to time your merge and be assertive.

Rockfield to Bake: @Mile 19.7
• Pause on Rockfield to regroup; several cyclists together have an advantage to be seen and control any lane. Pausing also lets you time the signal so less traffic is coming down Bake behind you as you merge into the road.
• Merge out of the narrowing #4 lane as soon as possible to control the #3 lane.
There is no room to ride the gutter & share the #4 lane with passing vehicles.
Clear the #4 RTOL: take & Control the #3 lane or take the sidewalk.
If you don’t feel safe merging over, use a driveway to get onto the sidewalk.

Bake to 405 NB entrance: Mile 19.9
• If you are already controlling the #3 lane, motorists heading for the freeway will pass on the right in the #4 RTOL. Those going straight can merge and pass you in the #1 or #2 lanes on your left.
• If you try to control the #4 RTOL you will have speeding motorist passing and entering the freeway across you from the #3 combo lane, and will be unable to merge over to control the #3 lane. Just stay right and use the shoulder.
• If you make it to the shoulder or ride the sidewalk, watch out at the crosswalk. If one lane stops for you the second lane may not.
Controlling the #3 combo lane really is safest.

BAKE to 405 SB entrance: Mile 20.3
• There is an unmarked bike lane over the bridge, but merge back out to control the #3 combo lane as early as possible, well before the bike lane ends for a RTOL.
• If you make it to the shoulder after the bike lane ends or ride the sidewalk, watch out at the crosswalk. If one lane stops for you the second lane may not.
• Past the exit, everyone can get together in the bike lane at mile 20.4.

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

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6:30 PM18:30

Board of Directors

The Directors meet every month to handle the business of the club.
Members are welcome to attend; and if you have any business or suggestions, please let our President - or all Directors @ know so it can be placed on the agenda!

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 829 4739 8226
Minutes of past Board Meetings are available.  

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to Apr 12

Carpinteria Remote Weekend : Add Friday !

  • Holiday Inn Express (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Drive up Friday to get an early start for a weekend of fun; enjoy spectacular sunset and dining options and be fresh Saturday morning for the Saturday Rides and be there for the FundaySunday Remote on Sunday and extend another 2 nights to get in riding in Solvang (DTBA) !

Lodging recommendation: Book your own best deal…
Holiday Inn Express * * * or Motel 6 * * next door…
(or camp at Carpinteria State Beach)

We will gather at the Holiday Inn Express and all roll out together at 9am

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9:00 AM09:00

Saturday Rides (#01)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#01 (8/31/24)
Regroup: Breugers’s / Jamba Juice
@ MacArthur and Fairview in Santa Ana

Short: 18.2 miles (8.7), flat - +109 ft {CF 0 5.9’/m}
Harvard, Main, Sunflower

Medium: 32.3 miles (17), flat +431 ft {CF 1 13.4’/m}
Tustin Ranch/Von Karman, Campus/Irvine, Placentia/Mesa Verde

Long: 43.1 miles (21.1), flat +756 ft {CF 1 17.5’/m}
SART, Riverside/Cliff, Dover, Santa Ana/Redhill

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
to Apr 13

Carpinteria Remote Weekend

  • Holiday Inn Express (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Drive up early Saturday (or Friday!) for a weekend of fun;
4 routes to choose from on Saturday - enjoy an amazing sunset - full moon the next day and join the
FundaySunday Remote ! Extend another 2 nights to get in more riding in Solvang !

Lodging recommendation: Book your own best deal…
Holiday Inn Express * * * or Motel 6 * *
(or camp at Carpinteria State Beach)

We will gather at the Holiday Inn Express and all roll out together to Ventura, then the Longer rides head up the Ojai Bikeway; The Long peels off to Lake Casitas while the Long Plus and Metric Century head to Ojai for lunch before returning to Carpinteria.

Carpinteria Remote Routes (1/26/25)

Carpinteria to Ventura
Lunch in Ventura at Mile 16.7
33.2 miles +791 feet CF 2 (23.8’/m)

Carpinteria Lake Casitas Loop (Long)
42.7 miles +2,540 ft CF 5 (59.5’/m)

Carpinteria to Ojai & back over Lake Casitas (Long Plus)
Lunch in Ojai at Mile 30
51.4 miles +2,761 ft CF 5 (53.7’/m)

Carpinteria to Ojai & Back (Metric Century)
Lunch in Ojai at Mile 30
61.8 miles +1,785 ft CF 2 (28.9’/m)

Check out & at 8:30 Roll on over
to meet the
FundaySunday ‘day trippers
gathering at Island Brewery…
West on Carpinteria, Left on Linden,
Left just before the RR Xing

1.1 mile +2 ft (1.8’/m)

FundaySunday Carpinteria & Santa Barbara (1/22/25)
34.4 miles +1,386 feet CF4 (40.3 ‘/m)

Members and Guests Please SIgn Up!

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9:00 AM09:00

FundaySunday REMOTE

A different option for a Second Sunday Ride!
If you can’t
get away for the whole weekend, drive up for one day!
We have another ride that STARTS and ENDS at a remote location for lunch!
This month we will explore Santa Barbara!
Park near Island Brewing Company in Carpinteria, & be ready to ride at 9am; (It is less than 2 1/2 hours from Irvine, or stay the night with others up for the weekend at a local hotel - or camp!
Lodging recommendation: Book your own best deal…
Holiday Inn Express * * * or Motel 6 * * (or camp at Carpinteria State Beach)
Extend a couple of nights & head for Solvang area Monday & Tuesday!

We will explore the area from Carpinteria to Summerland, Montecito, Santa Barbara & back, including the clock tower view from the County Courthouse and a visit to the Santa Barbara Mission, and along the beachfront of Santa Barbara. We’ll stop for a snack in Santa Barbara and be back to Carpinteria to enjoy beer and pizza for a late lunch at the end of the ride.
No Drop route with several regroups.

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9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#20)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#20 (12/26/23)
Regroup: Starbucks / Mag’s Donuts
@ Shady Canyon & Quail Hill, Irvine

Short: 14.6 miles (8.8) +259 ft {CF 1 17.7’/m}

>DETAILof Mile 9.1/9.2 on the SHORT route

Medium: 28.2 miles (19.7), Hilly +1,357’ {CF 4 48.1’/m}
Skyline, Lemon Heights, Hicks Cyn, Jeffery

>DETAIL of Mile 5.8/9.5 on the MEDIUM route

Long: 37.9 miles (29.2), Hilly +2,041 ft {CF 5 53.9’/m}
Red Hill, Arroyo, Skyline, Pioneer, Newport Blvd,
Santiago, Jeffery, Turtle Rock

>DETAIL of Mile 6.9/10 on the LONG route

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
to Apr 15

Solvang Remote Extension : Add Monday & Tuesday!

Don’t have to get back to work on Monday? Extend the Carpinteria Weekend or FundaySunday with 2 nights in Buellton and enjoy 2 days of riding in the Solvang area!
After the FundaySunday, drive up the highway about 1 hour to Buellton for dinner; spend the night ready to enjoy a selection of ride options on Monday and Tuesday…

Lodging recommendation:
Pete van Nuys has set us up again with a discount booking - only $149 + tx/night
book through THIS LINK by March 23rd
After that - you will have to Book your own best deal…
MONDAY: Hampton Inn * * * 2 nights Apr 13-15
(or cheaper options in Buellton or camp at Flying Flags campground)

Drive up to Beullton from OC or Carpinteria
We will roll out 8. Meet in the lobby of the Hampton Inn.
We will have all day and be back to walk to a nearby restaurant or drive to dinner…
We can ask for late check out (after 11) & have time for some more riding if we roll again at 8am - loading up and heading back to OC in the evening to cross LA after rush hour.

Solvang Remote Routes

18.2 miles +886 ft {CF 4 48’/m}
to Los Olivos, & return down Ballard Canyon (4 slips per page)

24.1 miles +1,240 ft {CF 5 51’/m}
to Nojoqui Falls, Folding Hills Winery, Hwy 101 to Buellton (2 per page)

31 miles +659 ft {CF 2 27’/m}
From La Purisima Mission
(not Buellton) to Lompoc Surf (2 per page)

38 miles +2,394 ft {CF 6 63’/m}
to Los Olivos, Zaca Mesa, Ballard Canyon (2 per page)

41.7 miles +2,000 ft {CF 4 48’/m}
to Santa Rosa Road, Lompoc (lunch), La Purisma Mission, 246 back (2 per page)

41.9 miles +2,726 ft {CF 6 65’/m}
to Happy Canyon, Santa Ynez, & back on 246 (2 per page)

70.1 miles +5,257 ft {CF 7 75’/m}
to Jalama Beach & back via Santa Rosa Road (4 slips per page)

Here are all 7 routes in one pdf.

View Event →
9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu01)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu01 Lake Forest: Trabuco & Bake (6/19/24)
Starbucks / McDonalds @ Irvine/Trabuco & Bake in Lake Forest

30.2 miles (19.9) +969 ft {CF 3 32.1 ’/m}  

24.9* miles (14.5) +577 ft {CF 2 23.2 ’/m}
(skips Tustin Ranch, Orchard Hills & Portola)

> DETAIL: MILE 10.6-10.9 (SHORT CUT*)

> DETAIL: MILE 20.1-21.9 / 14.8-16.6*

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Saturday Rides (#02)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#02 (3/6/24)
Regroup: Kéan Coffee
@ Main and Newport in Tustin

Short: 14.8 miles (8.3), Flat, +186 ft {CF 1 12.6’/m}
Alton, Red Hill

Medium: 32.1 miles (19.2), Rolly +659’ {CF 2 20.5’/m}
Campus, Von Karman, Irvine Bl

Long: 44.7 miles (27.5), Hilly +1,986 ft {CF 4 44.4’/m}
Spyglass, Back Bay, Newport Ave

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#21+)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#21+ (11/2/24)
Regroup: Starbucks
@ Alicia & Jeronimo, Mission Viejo

Short: 18.7 (9.4) miles, +622 ft {CF 3 33.3’/m}
Alton, Jeronimo, Alicia, Muirlands-Barranca

33 miles (23.4), +1,608 ft {CF 4 48.7’/m}
Portola, El Toro, Marguerite, Jeronimo, Alicia, Muirlands-Barranca

39.8 miles (30.1), +2,675 ft {CF 6 67.2’/m}
Jamboree, Santiago-El Toro, Marguerite, Jeronimo. Alicia, Muirlands-Barranca

Long Plus: 59.7 miles (30.1), +4,594 ft {CF 7 77.0’/m}
Jamboree, Santiago-El Toro, Marguerite, Jeronimo, Alicia, & back over Santiago Canyon

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu02)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu02 Newport Beach: Bison & MacArthur (6/19/24)
Mag’s Donuts / Starbucks on Bison between MacArthur & Camelback in Newport

29.9 miles (19.4) +1,212 ft {CF 4 40.5 ’/m}

> DETAIL: MILE 19.5-19.9 (FULL 30)

25.2* miles (19.4) +991 ft {CF 3 39.3 ’/m}
(skips MacArthur, San Joaquin and Back Bay on return) 

> DETAIL: MILE 19.5-21.3 (SHORT CUT*)

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

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9:00 AM09:00

Saturday Rides (#03)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#03 (9/7/24)
Regroup: Brio Brio Bakery & Café / Jack in the Box / Henry’s Donuts
@ Muirlands and Lake Forest, Lake Forest
(Brio Brio is NO CASH - bring Plastic or E-Pay) or Jack In The Box next door

Short: 18.3 miles (11.1), +538 ft {CF 2 29.4.2’/m}
Yale Loop, Venta Spur Bridge, Great Park, Lake Forest, Muirlands, ICD

Medium: 29.1 miles (17), +703 ft {CF 2 24.2’/m}
Venta Spur Bridge, Great Park, Irvine Bl, Lake Forest, Muirlands, Alton

Long: 36.3 miles (24), +1,384 ft {CF 3 38.1’/m}
Irvine Bl, Trabuco, Marguerite, Muirlands, Alton

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#22)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#22 (2/15/25)
Regroup: Starbucks / Panera Bread
@ Irvine Blvd & Sand Canyon, Irvine

Short: 17.7 miles (6.2), +450 ft {CF 2 25.4’/m}

Medium: 32.2 miles (19.3), rolly - +1,357 ft {CF 4 42.1’/m}
Muirlands, Lake Forest to top to Bake, Jeffrey, Portola

Long: 43 miles (30.1), hilly +1,794 ft {CF 4 41.7’/m}
Harvard, Turtle Rock, Barranca/Muirlands, Lake Forest, Bake, Jeffrey, Portola

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu03)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu03 Foothill Ranch via the Borrego Trail (12/3/24)
Dunkin' @ Market & Portola in Lake Forest

30.7 miles (17.1) +1,322 ft {CF 4 43.1 ’/m}

25.3* miles (11.7) +1,075 ft {CF 4 42.3 ’/m}
(Skips Culver, Portola, Modjeska, Irvine Blvd )

> DETAIL: MILE 14.9-16 / 9.6-10.7*

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

View Event →
6:30 PM18:30

Board of Directors

The Directors meet every month to handle the business of the club.
Members are welcome to attend; and if you have any business or suggestions, please let our President - or all Directors @ know so it can be placed on the agenda!

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 829 4739 8226
Minutes of past Board Meetings are available.  

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

1st Saturday Jersey Day Rides (#04)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park at 9:00
Jersey Day!
Show your colors &
wear your BCI jersey today… any version, old or new !
If you don't have a BCI Jersey please know you are welcome
- see our
Jersey Page to get one
After the ride we will gather for Lunch!
THIS is the perfect day to BRING A FRIEND
to meet BCI and share the fun!

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#04 (1/28/24)
Regroup: Starbucks
@ Trabuco and Jeffrey, Irvine

Short: 13 miles (8.1), +398 ft {CF 3 30.6’/m}

Medium: 32.3 miles (19.6), +664 ft {CF 2 20.6’/m}

Long: 42.4 miles (28), +2,539 ft {CF 5 59.9’/m}

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
11:00 AM11:00

Jersey Day Lunch

If you don't have a BCI Jersey please know you are welcome - see our Jersey Page !
We have a few 2017 Jerseys left - If you want one, contact & if we have your size, we will bring to the lunch today - bring $67, $35 &/or $10 cash or a checkbook…

2024 Jersey (Wait List)

$35 2017 Jersey (Limited sizes available)

$10 sleeves (per pair)


If you are ready to join or renew - Board Members will be on hand to accept your dues & filled out & signed membership form in person - so if you have avoided using BCI's online system, bring $25 & a completed form to renew or join !

THIS is the perfect day to BRING A FRIEND to meet BCI and share the fun!

Tip: The Irvine Company posts discounts at many places in their centers - down load their app to save on dining!

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#23)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#23 (2/22/25)
Regroup: Peet’s Coffee
@ Portola and Culver, Irvine

Short: 14.6 miles (7.7), +475 ft {CF 3 32.5’/m}
Peters Canyon bike path, Hicks Canyon Trail bike path, Portola, Yale

Medium: 32.9 miles (16), +1,512 ft {CF 4 46.0’/m}
Tustin Ranch, Crawford Canyon, Chapman, Portola

Long: 40.4 miles (23.4) +2,261 ft {CF 5 56.0’/m}
Crawford Canyon, Cannon, Villa Park, Santiago Canyon

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

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9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu04)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu04 Newport Coast via Laguna Beach (7/15/24)
Blk Dot (formerly Starbucks) @ Crystal Cove Center in Newport Coast

30.4 miles (15.8) +1,177 ft {CF 3 38.8’/m}

> DETAIL: MILE 12.0-12.3 (FULL 30)

25.4* miles (10.6) +964 ft {CF 3 38.0’/m}
(Skips Laguna Canyon & Laguna Beach) 

There is 1/2 mile of construction zone on Lagna Canyon.
It is a segment wher ethere is no shoulder, concrete barriers and you must take the lane. You can ‘time the light’ to follow a platoon of traffic and ride downhill before the next platoon of traffic catches up with you.
To avoid it, take the SHORT CUT route, or the detour:
Pavona Sidewalk & Romano sidewalk to Lake Forest Road to Moulton to El Toro Road. The construction is at mile 8.4 but to detour, you must cross the 133 @ mile 4.5.
The DETOUR WILL ADD 2.5 MILES to today’s ride.
This DETOUR will be offered until the construction work is completed by Caltrans.TBA

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

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9:00 AM09:00

Saturday Rides (#05)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#05 (9/14/24)
Regroup: Peet’s Coffee
@ University Center, Irvine

Short: 12.9 miles (6.9), Rolly +244 ft {CF 1 18.9’/m}
West Yale Loop, University

Medium: 30.9 miles (17.2), Rolly +1,050 ft {CF 3 34.0’/m}
Tustin Ranch, Von Karman, Turtle Rock

Long: 39 miles (22.4) , Hilly +1,965 ft {CF 5 50.4’/m}
Orchard Hills, Tustin Ranch, Turtle Rock

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

FundaySunday REMOTE

A different option for a Sunday Ride?!
Celebrate Mothers Day with Pie!
Lets have another ride that STARTS and ENDS at a remote location for lunch!
Park near Lauries Pie Bar in Long Beach at meet at her location, & be ready to ride at 9am; We will explore the Long Beach shoreline, roll up the LA River bikeway, cross Long Beach and come down the San Gabriel River / Coyote Creek bikeway - ride across Belmont Shore & then up the beach path back into Downtown Long Beach for some Pie (and lunch.. if you want a beer and more substantial lunch / pizza there are The 4th Horseman, Milana’s NY Pizza and Anna’s Joint Pub all near Laurie’s Pie Bar).
No Drop route with several regroups.

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9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#24)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#24 (12/27/21)
Regroup: Starbucks
@ Main and MacArthur, Irvine

Short: 13 miles (6), +109 ft {CF 0 8.4’/m}
Red Hill, San Diego Creek bike path

Medium: 33.2 miles (20.8), rolly +617 ft {CF 1 18.6’/m}
Jamboree, PCH, Red Hill

Long: 41.2 miles (28.8), Hilly, +1,642 ft {CF 3 39.9’/m}
University, San Joaquin Hills, PCH, Red Hill

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu05)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu05 Foothill Ranch: Alton & Rancho Pkwy (7/24/24)
Starbucks @ Alton & Rancho Parkway in Lake Forest

30 miles (14.8) +1,216 ft {CF 4 40.5 ’/m}

25* Miles (10.4) +988 ft {CF 3 39.5 ’/m}
(skips Yale, Hicks Canyon, Portola, Portola Springs, Modjeska, Irvine Blvd on way up
& Antibes, Paloma & Portola on return) 

> DETAIL: MILE 14.8-17 / 10.3-12.2*

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Saturday Rides (#06)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#06 (1/4/25)
Regroup: Corner Bakery / Einstein Bros.
@ Main and Harvard, Irvine

Short: 15.3 miles (8.6) +256 ft {CF 1 16.7’/m}

Medium: 30.9 miles (17.4), +1,017 ft {CF 3 32.9.4’/m}
Harvard, UCI, Shady Canyon, Quail Hill, Alton

Long: 39.6 miles (27.2), +1,296’ {CF 3 32.7’/m}
Laguna Cyn, El Toro, Laguna Hills, Muirlands/Barranca, Red Hill, Walnut, Jeffrey

NOTE: On the Long Route, at mile 8.4, for a short stretch (6/10 mile) we are in the construction zone ‘gauntlet’ between the 73 Toll Road signal and the El Toro Signal. No shoulder - take & control the travel lane. If we time the signal - group up and wait for all the tailgating racing motorists to go by, then follow in the empty road with the red light holding up the next wave, it’s not hard to make it downhill to the left turn lane at El Toro before the next platoon comes up behind - and when in the lane, the first motorist should see us and slow down as they come up behind us…

To avoid the construction zone, turn left at Mile 5 onto Lake Forest (there IS a bike button to get a green light to make a box-turn left) and turn right on < ICD / Moulton > and you can miss the majority of the Laguna Canyon and all of El Toro Road…

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#27)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#27 (3/1/25)
Regroup: Peets Coffee
@ Portola and Culver, Irvine

Short: 14.6 miles (9.3), +439 ft {CF 3 30.1’/m}
Tustin Ranch, Jamboree, Portola, Yale

Medium: 33.9 miles (15.6), Hilly, +1,497 ft {CF 4 44.2’/m}
Skyline, Newport, Jamboree, Irvine Bl, Alton

Long: 38.7 miles (20.7), Hilly, +2,209 ft {CF 5 57.1’/m}
Skyline, Newport, Canyon View, Jamboree, Alton

Don’t Get Lost in the Foothills!
> DETAIL of Mile 5.5 to 8.5 on Medium and Long Routes
> DETAIL of Mile 6.6 to 6.9 on Medium and Long Routes

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu06)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu06 Corona del Mar (6/23/24)
Starbucks or Bruegger’s Bagels @ PCH & Goldenrod in Newport Beach

30.2 miles (16.4) +1,636 ft {CF 5 54.1 ’/m}

24.9* miles (11.1) +902 ft {CF 3 36.5 ’/m}
(Skips climb over Spy Glass, San Joaquin Hills & Newport Coast

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

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to May 31

Carson City Scene

Green, Luscious, Breathtaking!

Join BCI for a week of cycling and adventure in and around
Carson City, Nevada at the end of May.

Yes, you are cycling by and experiencing this or hiking in through the meadow.  Likely this is our weather condition on our adventure together the week of late May 2025!

Hampton Inn & Suites $143/night + tax
My Place Hotel; $109/night + tax


View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Saturday Rides (#07)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#07 (9/21/24)
Regroup: Knowlwoods
@ Sand Canyon and Burt, Irvine

Short: 17.9 miles (8.2), +445 ft {CF 2 24.9’/m}
W Yale Loop, San Diego Creek Trail, Valley Oak, Sand Canyon, Portola, Yale

Medium: 30.9 miles (16.8), +995 ft {CF 3 32.2’/m}
Tustin Ranch, Irvine Bl, Turtle Rock

Long: 41.2 miles (26.3), +1,844 ft {CF 4 44.8’/m}
Irvine / Trabuco, Jeronimo, Shady Canyon, Turtle Rock

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#28)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#28 (2/4/24)
Regroup: MoulinGreenleaf Kitchen
@ Hyland and Sunflower, Costa Mesa

Short: 19.1 miles (9.3), +125 ft {CF 0 6.5’/m}

Medium: 26.4 miles (17), Flat +312 ft {CF 1 11.8’/m}
Tustin Ranch, Victoria, Sunflower

Long: 37.2 miles (27.9), Flat +472 ft {CF 1 12.7’/m}
Tustin Ranch, PCH, Seapoint, Sunflower

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

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9:00 AM09:00

Memorial Day Ride to Crystal Cove

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please leave the parking lot for others.
Our Labor Day ride was so nice we’ll repeat it…

Route Slip - Holiday Ride to Newport Beach (9/2/24)
We’ll cut down to Corona del Mar, head south on PCH, turn around at the Shake Shack and take the bike sidepath back north, enjoy Crystal Cove State Beach on the way back to the coffee stop at Starbucks at Bayside & PCH before climbing up to Castaways and taking the west side of upper newport back to the San Diego Creek & Peters Canyon bikeways.

34.8 miles (20.6) +1,126 ft CF3 (32.4'/m)

Short Cut:
31.1 miles (16.9) +979 ft CF3 (31.5'/m)

Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu07)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu07 Lake Forest (8/6/24)
Bagels & Brew @ Lake Forest & Serrano in Lake Forest

30.3 miles (20.1) +1,413 ft {CF 4 46.6 ’/m}

> DETAIL: MILE 14.4-15.2 (FULL 30)

25.3* miles (15.2) +1,012 ft {CF 4 40.0 ’/m}
(Skips upper Bake, Glenn Ranch & Aliso Creek Trail)

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Saturday Rides (#08)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#08 (1/10/25)
Regroup: Bruegger’s Bagels
@ Alton and Ada, Irvine

Short: 13.5 miles (6.9) +275 ft {CF 2 20.4’/m}
Alton, Barranca, Technology

Medium: 32.1 miles (17.8), +844 ft {CF 2 26.3’/m}
Tustin Ranch, Red Hill, Alton

Long: 39.1 miles (21.2) , hilly +2,021 ft {CF 5 51.7’/m}
Orchard Hills, Portola, Whispering Hills/Portola Springs, Alton

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#29)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#29 (2/10/24)
Regroup: Starbucks
@ El Toro and Trabuco, Lake Forest

Short: 18.3 miles (8.9), Rolly +585 ft {CF 3 32.0’/m}
ICD, Barranca, El Toro Road

Medium: 29.7 miles (18.1), Hilly - +1,256 ft {CF 4 42.3’/m}
Portola, Alton, El Toro

Long: 37 miles (25.2), +2,115 ft {CF 5 57.2’/m}
Orchard Hills, Portola, Alton/Paloma, Santa Margarita

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu08)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu08 Irvine: Woodbury (8/13/24)
Starbucks & Panera Bread @ Sand Canyon & Irvine Blvd in Irvine

30.1 miles (18.4) +1,159 ft {CF 3 38.6 ’/m}

> DETAIL: MILE 18.7-19.9 (FULL 30)

24.9* miles (16.2) +976 ft {CF 3 39.2 ’/m}
(Skips a bit of the Great Park, and mazes in Northwood)

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

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6:30 PM18:30

Membership Meeting

On a scheduled Thursday of every other month
at the Irvine Ranch Water District’s
Community Meeting Room.
The Public is welcome.

6:30 Social Time with food and refreshments
7:00 Presentation

Guest Speaker / Program: TBA

There will be a raffle and refreshments - please come on down!

Disclaimer: Irvine Ranch Water District makes its facilities available for use by residents and nonprofit organizations merely as a public service, but does not, by allowing this use, endorse or support the purpose of the event or its sponsor.

If you have a suggestion for future meetings, please contact

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9:00 AM09:00

1st Saturday Jersey Day Rides (#09)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park at 9:00
Jersey Day!
Show your colors &
wear your BCI jersey today… any version, old or new !
If you don't have a BCI Jersey please know you are welcome
- see our
Jersey Page to get one
After the ride we will gather for Lunch!
THIS is the perfect day to BRING A FRIEND
to meet BCI and share the fun!

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#09 (5/26/24)
Regroup: Starbucks
@ Culver and Walnut, Irvine

Short: 14.4 miles (8.4), +236 ft {CF 1 16.4’/m}
Peters Canyon, Venta Spur, Walnut Trails

Medium: 30.0 miles (18.4), hilly- +864 ft {CF 2 28.8’/m}
Tustin Ranch, Pioneer, Portola, Venta Spur Bridge

Long: 38.3 miles (25.3), +1,972 ft {CF 5 51.5’/m}
Pioneer, Jamboree, Cannon, Canyon View

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
11:00 AM11:00

Jersey Day Lunch

If you don't have a BCI Jersey please know you are welcome - see our Jersey Page !
We have a few 2017 Jerseys left - If you want one, contact & if we have your size, we will bring to the lunch today - bring $67, $35 &/or $10 cash or a checkbook…

2024 Jersey (Wait List)

$35 2017 Jersey (Limited sizes available)

$10 sleeves (per pair)


If you are ready to join or renew - Board Members will be on hand to accept your dues & filled out & signed membership form in person - so if you have avoided using BCI's online system, bring $25 & a completed form to renew or join !

THIS is the perfect day to BRING A FRIEND to meet BCI and share the fun!

Tip: The Irvine Company posts discounts at many places in their centers - down load their app to save on dining!

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9:00 AM09:00

FundaySunday REMOTE

Lets have another ride that STARTS and ENDS at a brewery for lunch!
Park at Pizza Port in San Clemente, ride to Oceanside, catch the train back to San Clemente, ride back up to the Pizza Port for lunch.
No Drop route with several regroups.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#30+)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.
This second Sunday, more will be on our FundaySunday remote ride…

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#30+ (12/14/24)
Regroup: Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf / Bruegger’s Bagels
@ Tustin and 17th in Santa Ana

Short: 18.9 miles (10.5), +360 ft {CF 1 19.0’/m}
Red Hill, Arroyo, Foothill, Santa Clara, Tustin & back across Tustin to Bryan

Medium: 29.2 miles (14.1), +1,087’ (Old SUN28 M) {CF 3 37.2’/m}
Red Hill, Arroyo, Cowan Heights, Foothill, Santa Clara, Tustin &
back on Bryan, Portola, JOST Sand Canyon ICD

Long: 37.3 miles (22.5), +1,879 ft (Old SUN28 L) {CF 5 50.4’/m}
Yale, Portola, Jamboree, OPA, Newport, Cowan Heights, Foothill, Santa Clara, Tustin
& back on Bryan, Portola, Sand Canyon, ICD

Long Plus: 54.4 miles (34.5), +2,488 ft {CF 4 45.7’/m}
Jamboree, Santiago, Serrano, Weir Canyon, Orangethorpe, Lakeview, Riverdale, Orange Olive, Cambridge, Fairhaven, Tustin & back across Tustin, UCI, around Turtle Rock & Woodbridge

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu09)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu09 Newport Beach: Fashion Island (8/6/24)
Starbucks @ Fashion Island in Newport Beach

30.3 miles (20.3) +1,072 ft {CF 3 35.4 ’/m}

25.5* miles (17) +917 ft {CF 3 36.0 ’/m}
(Skips Quail Hill & Laguna Canyon)

> DETAIL: MILE 20.2-20.6 / 16.9-17.3*

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

View Event →
6:30 PM18:30

Board of Directors

The Directors meet every month to handle the business of the club.
Members are welcome to attend; and if you have any business or suggestions, please let our President - or all Directors @ know so it can be placed on the agenda!

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 829 4739 8226
Minutes of past Board Meetings are available.  

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Saturday Rides (#10)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#10 (6/1/24)
Regroup: Starbucks & Mag’s Donuts
@ Culver and Michelson, Irvine

Short: 14.4 miles (6.2), +243 ft {CF 1 16.9’/m}

Medium: 30.5 miles (17.8), +1,335 ft {CF 4 43.8’/m}
Yale, Eastbluff, Culver

Long: 35.4 miles (20.5), +1,897 ft {CF 5 53.6’/m}
Eastbluff, Culver, Campus, Turtle Rock


Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#31+)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#31+ (9/7/24)
Regroup: Mag’s Donuts / Starbucks
@ Bison and MacArthur, Newport

Short: 17.5 miles (8.1) +401 ft {CF 2 22.9’/m}
Yale Loop, Harvard, Turtle Rock, Ridgeline

Medium: 33.7 miles (21.3) +1,322 ft {CF 3 39.2’/m}
Laguna Cyn/Shady Cyn, Back Bay

Long: 42.2 miles (24.9) +2,926 ft {CF 6 69.3’/m}
Newport Coast, Ridge Park/Vista Ridge, San Joaquin Hills, Spyglass, MacArthur

Long Plus: 55 miles (24.9) +3,072 ft {CF 5 55.9’/m}
Newport Coast, Ridge Park/Vista Ridge, San Joaquin, Brookhurst, Victoria


> DETAIL MAP of Mile 7-16 on LONG & LONG PLUS Route

DCP#31+ is the Heat Wave Alternate Ride for Hot Days.

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

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9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu10)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu10 Mission Viejo (1/21/25)
Einstein Bros. @ RSM Pkwy & Los Alisos in Mission Viejo

30.1 miles (14.1) +1,103 ft {CF 3 36.6 ’/m}

26.7* miles (13.2) +1,071 ft {CF 4 40.1 ’/m}
(Skips climb up Serrano, Marguerite & some of
Los Alisos/Muirlands/Barranca, ICD & West Yale Loop on return)

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

"Sizzling Summer" Remote Rides

We are having special remote rides from Turtle Rock Park, where we can celebrate summer with different routes and our BCI Picnic after!

Ride Start:
Upper lot of Turtle Rock Park off Turtle Rock Drive


! ! !


Directions: Deerfield Park to Turtle Rock Park
12 minutes - 5.7 miles

5 routes to choose from!
ROUTE SLIPS: (6/19/24)
(CF Rating 2 to 8 (average climb in feet per mile))

Regroup A [Short & Medium]:
Corner Bakery / Jamba Juice @ Main & Harvard in Irvine
Short: 18.6 miles (12.3), +748 ft (CF4 : 40.2 ‘/m)
Medium: 25.9 miles (19.6), Rolly +732 ft (CF2 : 28.3 ‘/m)

Regroup B [Med+, Long & Long+]:
Starbucks / Togos @ Alicia & Pacific Park in Laguna Niguel

Medium Plus: 30.2 miles (17), +2,107 ft (CF6 : 69.8 ‘/m)
Long: 44.2 miles (31.9), +3,383 ft (CF7 : 76.5 ‘/m)
YES - CF 7 !
Long Plus: 49.9 miles (35.4),+4,372 ft (CF8 : 87.6 ‘/m)
YES - CF 8 !

Guests are welcome, with a signed waiver or signed in - but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
11:00 AM11:00

Picnic in the Park

Picnic copy.png

Location: Turtle Rock Park
BCI kicks off another Summer with a picnic after the Sizzling Summer Remote Rides.

Lunch will be ready around the time you return from your ride, 11:30ish - until about 1:30 p.m.
Lunch will includes a sandwich, chips, watermelon, cookie and a drinks. Sandwich details and pricing are still being worked out and will be announced soon. The price includes food and also paying the City of Irvine to allow us to hold a group picnic.
The BCI will cover the rest of the expenses.
If you don’t want a lunch, do feel free to attend and socialize under the shade trees !
(Reminder - City parks do not allow adult beverages if you BYOB)



View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#32)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#32 (8/10/24)
Regroup: Brio Brio Bakery & Café / Jack in the Box / Henry’s Donuts
@ Muirlands and Lake Forest, Lake Forest
Brio Brio is NO CASH - bring Plastic or E-Pay or visit Jack in the Box next door, Henry’s across the parking lot…

Short: 15.1 miles (7.8) , +410 ft {CF 2 27.2’/m}
Yale, Alton, sidewalk of Lake Forest, Muirlands, Technology, Valley Oak

Medium: 31.8 miles (18.7), +1,594 ft {CF 5 50.1’/m}
Orchard Hills, Portola Springs, Trabuco, Lake Forest;
Back on Muirlands, Los Alisos, Ave de Carlota, Lake Forest, Laguna Canyon, Alton, Muirlands, Technology, Valley Oak

Long: 42.0 miles (24.8), +2,266 ft {CF 5 54.0’/m}
Orchard Hills, Portola Springs, Irvine Blvd, Alton, Paloma, Portola, Lake Forest;
Back on Muirlands, Los Alisos, Ave de Carlota, Lake Forest, Laguna Canyon, Alton, Muirlands, Technology, Valley Oak

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu11)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu11 Newport Coast : Crystal Cove (6/23/24)
Crystal Cove Shake Shack on PCH in Newport Coast

30 miles (15.6) +1,036 ft {CF 3 34.5 ’/m}

25* miles (11.6) +934 ft {CF 3 37.4 ’/m}
(Skips Michelson, Von Karman, Dove, Birch, Orchard, Orchid, Bayside, Mesa, Bayview Trail & Larkspur/Seaview and Michelson on return)

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Saturday Rides (#11)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#11 (12/14/24)
Regroup: Brio Brio Bakery & Café / Jack in the Box / Henry’s Donuts
@ Muirlands & Lake Forest, Lake Forest
(Brio Brio is NO CASH - bring Plastic or E-Pay)

Short: 17.8 miles (10.8) +542 ft {CF 3 30.4’/m}
Venta Spur Bridge, Great Park

Medium: 27.4 miles (16), +1,047 ft {CF 3 38.2’/m}
Great Park, Irvine Bl, Trabuco, Alicia

Long: 45 miles (31.1), Hilly +2,836 ft {CF 6 63.0’/m}
Irvine Bl, Marguerite, RSM, Antonio, La Paz

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#33)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#33 (3/22/25)
Regroup: Starbucks & Mag’s Donuts
@ Culver and Michelson, Irvine

Short: 16.8 miles (10.1) , +355 ft {CF 2 21.1’/m}
Walnut Trail, Peters Canyon Trail, University Trail, Sand Canyon Sidepath,
San Diego Creek Trail, Valley Oak, ICD

Medium: 28.1 miles (19.8), +800 ft {CF 2 28.5’/m}
Yale, Bryan, Peters Cny Trail, Harvard, University-Eastbluff-Ford-Bonita Canyon, University Trail, Freeway Trail, Laguna Canyon, Valley Oak

Long: 37.9 miles (23.5), +1,512 ft {CF 3 39.9’/m}
Tustin Ranch-Von Karman, Mesa, Santa Ana, Dover, PCH, Bayside, Marguerite, San Joaquin, Newport Terrace, Spy Glass, Bonita Canyon, Knollcrest, Technology, Laguna, Valley Oak

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu12)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu12 Irvine: Orchard Park (2/4/25)
Peet's @ Culver & Portola & Culver in Irvine

30 miles (17.7) +1,102 ft {CF 3 37.7 ’/m}

25.7* miles (16.4) +837 ft {CF 3 32.6 ’/m}
(Skips Tustin Ranch / Von Karman to Michelson) 

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

View Event →
6:30 PM18:30

Board of Directors

The Directors meet every month to handle the business of the club.
Members are welcome to attend; and if you have any business or suggestions, please let our President - or all Directors @ know so it can be placed on the agenda!

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 829 4739 8226
Minutes of past Board Meetings are available.  

View Event →
8:00 AM08:00

Independence Day Ride

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
BCI’s ride to the Huntington Beach Parade !

ROUTE SLIP (3/17/24)
37.6 miles (16.6) +/-578 ft

> DETAIL of mile 10.6 to 11.4
from Fair across Harbor onto Golf Course Drive Bikeway
> DETAIL of mile 18.7 to 19.4
on HB Trail bike path past PCH closure

The start of this special ride is set for 8am, giving everyone time to beat the heat and get home before our various holiday celebrations.
Members spend as much (or little) time as they want at the parade before returning to the start.

Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

1st Saturday Jersey Day Rides (#12)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park at 9:00
Jersey Day!
Show your colors &
wear your BCI jersey today… any version, old or new !
If you don't have a BCI Jersey please know you are welcome
- see our
Jersey Page to get one
After the ride we will gather for Lunch!
THIS is the perfect day to BRING A FRIEND
to meet BCI and share the fun!

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#12 (6/18/24)
Regroup: Bagels & Brew
@ Serrano & Lake Forest, Lake Forest

Short: 16.4 miles (8.3) +464 ft {CF 2 28.3’/m}
Technology, Alton, Toledo, Serrano

Medium: 29.2 miles (18.4), rolly +1,161 ft {CF 3 39.7’/m}
Moulton, Aliso Creek, Los Alisos, Ridge Route, Irvine Blvd

41.2 miles (26.1) , +2,424 ft {CF 5 58.8’/m}
Irvine Center, SD Creek, Lake Forst, Moulton, Crown Valley, Cabot, P.D. Valencia, Aliso Creek, Trabuco

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
11:00 AM11:00

Jersey Day Lunch

If you don't have a BCI Jersey please know you are welcome - see our Jersey Page !
We have a few 2017 Jerseys left - If you want one, contact & if we have your size, we will bring to the lunch today - bring $67, $35 &/or $10 cash or a checkbook…

2024 Jersey (Wait List)

$35 2017 Jersey (Limited sizes available)

$10 sleeves (per pair)


If you are ready to join or renew - Board Members will be on hand to accept your dues & filled out & signed membership form in person - so if you have avoided using BCI's online system, bring $25 & a completed form to renew or join !

THIS is the perfect day to BRING A FRIEND to meet BCI and share the fun!

Tip: The Irvine Company posts discounts at many places in their centers - down load their app to save on dining!

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#34)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#34 (8/17/24)
”Eichler Homes of Orange Tour”
(Note: Long: only 1 per page. Short & Medium have 2 copies per page)
Regroup: Starbucks
@ Bryan and Newport Ave in Tustin

18.2 miles (12.3), +299 ft {CF 1 16.4’/m}
Visit 1 of the 3 Eichler Home Neighborhoods in Orange

31.5 miles (18.5), +803’ {CF 2 25.5’/m}
Visit 2 of the 3 Eichler Home Neighborhoods in Orange

46.4 miles (25.8), +1,252 ft {CF 2 27.0’/m}
Visit all 3 of the 3 Eichler Home Neighborhoods in Orange

For those who slow down and explore, you can see more than just the few on the route:
if interested, you can
explore the adjacent streets off the route to see all 350 !

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu13)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu13 Irvine: Los Olivos (2/11/25)
Starbucks @ Research & ICD in Irvine

30.1 miles (15.9) +1,251 ft {CF 4 41.6 ’/m}

25.1* miles (11.2) +655 ft {CF 2 26.1 ’/m}
(Skip climbs up Ridgeline & Santa Vittoria, & shortens JOST & Yale )


> DETAIL: MILE 9.9 / 7.1* (BOTH)

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Saturday Rides (#13)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#13 (10/18/24)
Regroup: Peet’s Coffee
@ Newport & Old Irvine, Tustin

Short: 14.7 miles (6.8), +296 ft {CF 2 20.1’/m}

Medium: 26.5 miles (18.0), +1,271 ft {CF 4 48.0’/m}
Yale, Jamboree, Newport, Tustin Ranch

Long: 40.5 miles (26.7), +1,693 ft {CF 4 41.8’/m}
Jamboree, Santiago Cyn, Fairhaven, Taft, Cambridge, Portola

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#35+)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#35+ (12/9/24)
Regroup: Bagel Me! (Starbucks is nearby but has no outside seating)
@ Chapman and Glassell (the Plaza) in Orange

20.4 miles (10.1), +311 ft {CF 1 15.2.’/m} (a bit long but flat)
Walnut, Newport, Prospect, Yorba, Fairhaven, Cambridge, Old Town Orange

26.5 miles (14), +659ft (Old SUN30 M) {CF 2 24.9’/m}
Red Hill, Skyline, Dodge/Santa Clara, Yorba, Fairhaven, Cambridge, Old Town Orange

36 miles (24.1), +2,229 ft (Old SUN30 L) {CF 6 61.9’/m}
Red Hill, Skyline, Crawford Canyon/Cannon, Serrano, Nohl Ranch, Cambridge, Fairhaven, Foothill, Tustin Ranch

Long Plus: 42 miles (35.1), +2,729 ft {CF 6 65.0’/m} (Old SUN30 L+/Onyx 6)
Red Hill, Skyline, Crawford Canyon/Cannon, Serrano, Weir, SA Canyon, Nohl Ranch, Cambridge, Fairhaven, Foothill, Tustin Ranch

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu14)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu14 Tustin (9/24/24)
Kéan Coffee @ Main & Newport in Tustin

30.1 miles (14.7) +525 ft {CF 1 17.4 ’/m}

> Detail: Mile 16-16.2 (Full 30)
> Detail: Mile 16-17 (Full 30)

25.1* miles (15) +378 ft {CF 1 15.1 ’/m}
(skips Cowan Heights / North Tustin segment)

> DETAIL: MILE 2.4-4.0 (BOTH)
> DETAIL: MILE 11.5-16.0 (BOTH)

> DETAIL: All 4 detail maps in one pdf

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#36+)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#36+ (8/24/24)
Regroup: CJ Coffee House
@ Chapman and Jamboree in Orange

Medium: 36.5 miles (27.5), +1,035’ (Old SUN16 M) {CF 2 28.4’/m}
SART from MacArthur to Taft, Orange Park & over Jamboree
Short: 18.8 miles (9.8), +1,033 ft {CF 5 54.9.0’/m}
Up Pioneer & back over Jamboree

Long: 44.7 miles (35.1), +1,188 ft (Old SUN16 L) {CF 2 26.6’/m}
SART from MacArthur to Imperial, Santa Ana Canyon, Taft, Orange Park & over Jamboree

Long Plus: 61.7 miles (35.1), +2,525 ft {CF 4 40.9’/m}
SART from MacArthur to Imperial, Santa Ana Canyon, Taft, Orange Park & over Santiago Canyon, Saddleback Ranch, Glenn Ranch to Portola, Bake, Irvine Blvd

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu15)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu15 Irvine: Hoag (2/25/25)
W Café @ Sand Canyon & Hoag Hospital in Irvine

29.9 miles (18.8) +1,062 ft {CF 3 35.5 ’/m}

25* miles (15.7) +804 ft {CF 3 32.2 ’/m}
(skips Walnut & Tustin Ranch, Orchard Hills on way out,
and Antivo/Research & Scientific and Knowlcrest & Quail Ridge on return)

> DETAIL: MILE 16.4 / 13.4* (BOTH)
> DETAIL: MILE 19.8-20.5* (SHORT CUT)
> DETAIL: MILE 26.9 / 22.2( BOTH)

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#37+)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#37+ (3/20/25)
Regroup: Qargo Coffee
@ Talbert & Newhope in Fountain Valley

Short: 20.6 Miles, (9.8) CF0 (08.3’/m) +172 ft
Warner, Pacific Electric Rail Trail, MacArthur/T, back on Sunflower, Main, Red Hill, Alton

Medium: 30.7 miles, (20.1) CF1 (13.1'/m) +402 ft (Old Sun04)
Edinger, Red Hill, Newport, Dodge, Santa Clara, Main, Flower, SART, Slater, Newhope back on Talbert, Sunflower, Main, VonKarman/Tustin Ranch, Warner, Harvard

Long: 42.4 miles, (20.7) CF1 (15.1'/m) +641 ft (Old Sun04)
Edinger, Red Hill, Newport, Dodge, Santa Clara, Main, Flower, Memory Lane, SART, Slater, Newhope, back via Talbert, Bushard, Atlanta, SART, PCH, Riverside/Cliff, Irvine/Campus, Mesa/Birch, VonKarman/Tustin Ranch, Warner, Harvard

Long Plus: 47.3 miles, (17.7/23.5) CF1 (16.9'/m) +799 ft (Old Sun04)
Harvard, Walnut, Tustin Ranch, El Camino Real, Main/Chestnut, DT Santa Ana, Flower, Memory Lane, SART, Slater, Newhope, back via Talbert, Ward, Yorktown, Goldenwest, Seapoint, PCH, Bayside, Avocado, San Miguel, Bonita Canyon, Anteater, California, Harvard.
*Second break option at Starbucks, Yorktown & Goldenwest in Huntington Beach

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu16)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu16 Orange (3/4/25)
Tru Bru Organic Coffee @ Newport & Chapman in Orange

31.3 miles (13.1) +1,406 ft {CF 4 44.9 ’/m}
> Detail of Mile 13-15.5 (only on full 30)

26.6* miles (13.1) +1,168 ft {CF 4 43.9 ’/m}
(skips Orange Park Acres horse country and Emus, Climb over Cannon,
Crawford Canyon - Cowan Heights / North Tustin segment)

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

1st Saturday Jersey Day Rides (#TBA)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park at 9:00
Jersey Day!
Show your colors &
wear your BCI jersey today… any version, old or new !
If you don't have a BCI Jersey please know you are welcome
- see our
Jersey Page to get one
After the ride we will gather for Lunch!
THIS is the perfect day to BRING A FRIEND
to meet BCI and share the fun!


Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
11:00 AM11:00

Jersey Day Lunch

If you don't have a BCI Jersey please know you are welcome - see our Jersey Page !
We have a few 2017 Jerseys left - If you want one, contact & if we have your size, we will bring to the lunch today - bring $67, $35 &/or $10 cash or a checkbook…

2024 Jersey (Wait List)

$35 2017 Jersey (Limited sizes available)

$10 sleeves (per pair)


If you are ready to join or renew - Board Members will be on hand to accept your dues & filled out & signed membership form in person - so if you have avoided using BCI's online system, bring $25 & a completed form to renew or join !

THIS is the perfect day to BRING A FRIEND to meet BCI and share the fun!

Tip: The Irvine Company posts discounts at many places in their centers - down load their app to save on dining!

View Event →
9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#TuTBA)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building


Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

View Event →
6:30 PM18:30

Board of Directors

The Directors meet every month to handle the business of the club.
Members are welcome to attend; and if you have any business or suggestions, please let our President - or all Directors @ know so it can be placed on the agenda!

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 829 4739 8226
Minutes of past Board Meetings are available.  

View Event →
6:30 PM18:30

Membership Meeting

On a scheduled Thursday of every other month
at the Irvine Ranch Water District’s
Community Meeting Room.
The Public is welcome.

6:30 Social Time with food and refreshments
7:00 Presentation

Guest Speaker / Program: TBA

There will be a raffle and refreshments - please come on down!

Disclaimer: Irvine Ranch Water District makes its facilities available for use by residents and nonprofit organizations merely as a public service, but does not, by allowing this use, endorse or support the purpose of the event or its sponsor.

If you have a suggestion for future meetings, please contact

View Event →
6:30 PM18:30

Board of Directors

The Directors meet every month to handle the business of the club.
Members are welcome to attend; and if you have any business or suggestions, please let our President - or all Directors @ know so it can be placed on the agenda!

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 829 4739 8226
Minutes of past Board Meetings are available.  

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

1st Saturday Jersey Day Rides (#TBA)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park at 9:00
Jersey Day!
Show your colors &
wear your BCI jersey today… any version, old or new !
If you don't have a BCI Jersey please know you are welcome
- see our
Jersey Page to get one
After the ride we will gather for Lunch!
THIS is the perfect day to BRING A FRIEND
to meet BCI and share the fun!


Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
11:00 AM11:00

Jersey Day Lunch

If you don't have a BCI Jersey please know you are welcome - see our Jersey Page !
We have a few 2017 Jerseys left - If you want one, contact & if we have your size, we will bring to the lunch today - bring $67, $35 &/or $10 cash or a checkbook…

2024 Jersey (Wait List)

$35 2017 Jersey (Limited sizes available)

$10 sleeves (per pair)


If you are ready to join or renew - Board Members will be on hand to accept your dues & filled out & signed membership form in person - so if you have avoided using BCI's online system, bring $25 & a completed form to renew or join !

THIS is the perfect day to BRING A FRIEND to meet BCI and share the fun!

Tip: The Irvine Company posts discounts at many places in their centers - down load their app to save on dining!

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

1st Saturday Jersey Day Rides (#TBA)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park at 9:00
Jersey Day!
Show your colors &
wear your BCI jersey today… any version, old or new !
If you don't have a BCI Jersey please know you are welcome
- see our
Jersey Page to get one
After the ride we will gather for Lunch!
THIS is the perfect day to BRING A FRIEND
to meet BCI and share the fun!


Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
11:00 AM11:00

Jersey Day Lunch

If you don't have a BCI Jersey please know you are welcome - see our Jersey Page !
We have a few 2017 Jerseys left - If you want one, contact & if we have your size, we will bring to the lunch today - bring $67, $35 &/or $10 cash or a checkbook…

2024 Jersey (Wait List)

$35 2017 Jersey (Limited sizes available)

$10 sleeves (per pair)


If you are ready to join or renew - Board Members will be on hand to accept your dues & filled out & signed membership form in person - so if you have avoided using BCI's online system, bring $25 & a completed form to renew or join !

THIS is the perfect day to BRING A FRIEND to meet BCI and share the fun!

Tip: The Irvine Company posts discounts at many places in their centers - down load their app to save on dining!

View Event →
to Oct 11

Squadra Dory Tour

Several years ago many BCI Members joined a great cycling trip to Italy - Squadra (Team) Dory is returning to Italy this October!
You're invited to share: a week of delicious food, fun and some great cycling with friends.  We've found that early fall offers the best weather of the year, is reasonably priced and crowd free. 
If you've never been to Italy, the best way to experience it is on a bicycle while staying at one of Riccione's premier cycling resorts.

Your hosts for the fall tour are the Buescher brothers, Steve & John
and Richard Sheff, who returns as the tour's, Directeur Sportif. 

All the specifics you'll need to plan for next fall's tour will be available soon.  If you have a friend who may be interested in becoming part of the Squadra Dory tour, let us know and we will add them to our distribution list. 

Richard Sheff, Directeur Sportif.

View Event →
6:30 PM18:30

Board of Directors

The Directors meet every month to handle the business of the club.
Members are welcome to attend; and if you have any business or suggestions, please let our President - or all Directors @ know so it can be placed on the agenda!

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 829 4739 8226
Minutes of past Board Meetings are available.  

View Event →
6:00 AM06:00

UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge Day 2025

Join TEAM BCI in support of UCI’s ongoing research to put an end to cancer. 

We are looking forward to partnering once again with the University of California Irvine (UCI) and its Anti-Cancer Challenge - on Saturday, October 11th 2025. All registration fees go directly to UCI’s Cancer Research.

JOIN your BCI family teammates!

In order to participate in the event on TEAM BCI, you must complete two steps:

  1. First, please sign in on our BCI TidyHQ page so we can keep track of our team.

  2. Next, go to the event site by clicking the Register Here button below. NOTE: The minimum donation for the bike event is $50. However, if you’re interested in a BCI/UCI Jersey for a $70 donation, we still have limited quantities of XL, 2XL, 3XL and 4XL. Feel free to call Deby Six @ 714-343-8562 with any questions!

Thanks very much for helping to end cancer!
- Deby Six, TEAM BCI Captain, UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge


The UC Irvine Anti-Cancer Challenge event will take place from 6:00am-4pm on Saturday, October 11, 2025 and include 14, 35, 60, and 100 mile cycling routes, a mountain bike route, a 5K run/walk and a wellness festival at UC Irvine’s Aldrich Park. All routes will begin at UC Irvine’s Aldrich Park and travel through neighboring Orange County cities.

Festival includes finish line BBQ, Live musical entertainment, VIP lounge, and awards.

For additional information about the event, visit the 2025 UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge website:

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Saturday Rides (#32)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#32 (8/10/24)
Regroup: Brio Brio Bakery & Café / Jack in the Box / Henry’s Donuts
@ Muirlands and Lake Forest, Lake Forest
Brio Brio is NO CASH - bring Plastic or E-Pay or visit Jack in the Box next door, Henry’s across the parking lot…

Short: 15.1 miles (7.8) , +410 ft {CF 2 27.2’/m}
Yale, Alton, sidewalk of Lake Forest, Muirlands, Technology, Valley Oak

Medium: 31.8 miles (18.7), +1,594 ft {CF 5 50.1’/m}
Orchard Hills, Portola Springs, Trabuco, Lake Forest;
Back on Muirlands, Los Alisos, Ave de Carlota, Lake Forest, Laguna Canyon, Alton, Muirlands, Technology, Valley Oak

Long: 42.0 miles (24.8), +2,266 ft {CF 5 54.0’/m}
Orchard Hills, Portola Springs, Irvine Blvd, Alton, Paloma, Portola, Lake Forest;
Back on Muirlands, Los Alisos, Ave de Carlota, Lake Forest, Laguna Canyon, Alton, Muirlands, Technology, Valley Oak

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
6:00 PM18:00

43rd Annual Meeting

Join us for our Annual Meeting and Officer elections!

The Annual Meeting is an important club function where we celebrate our 2025 Board & other volunteers, participate in the Election of Officers for 2025-26, and enjoy time with cycling friends.

President Marc Urias will preside over the business of the Annual Meeting.

Check back later as we work out more of the details!

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

1st Saturday Jersey Day Rides (#TBA)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park at 9:00
Jersey Day!
Show your colors &
wear your BCI jersey today… any version, old or new !
If you don't have a BCI Jersey please know you are welcome
- see our
Jersey Page to get one
After the ride we will gather for Lunch!
THIS is the perfect day to BRING A FRIEND
to meet BCI and share the fun!


Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
11:00 AM11:00

Jersey Day Lunch

If you don't have a BCI Jersey please know you are welcome - see our Jersey Page !
We have a few 2017 Jerseys left - If you want one, contact & if we have your size, we will bring to the lunch today - bring $67, $35 &/or $10 cash or a checkbook…

2024 Jersey (Wait List)

$35 2017 Jersey (Limited sizes available)

$10 sleeves (per pair)


If you are ready to join or renew - Board Members will be on hand to accept your dues & filled out & signed membership form in person - so if you have avoided using BCI's online system, bring $25 & a completed form to renew or join !

THIS is the perfect day to BRING A FRIEND to meet BCI and share the fun!

Tip: The Irvine Company posts discounts at many places in their centers - down load their app to save on dining!

View Event →
6:30 PM18:30

Board of Directors

The Directors meet every month to handle the business of the club.
Members are welcome to attend; and if you have any business or suggestions, please let our President - or all Directors @ know so it can be placed on the agenda!

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 829 4739 8226
Minutes of past Board Meetings are available.  

View Event →
6:30 PM18:30

Board of Directors

The Directors meet every month to handle the business of the club.
Members are welcome to attend; and if you have any business or suggestions, please let our President - or all Directors @ know so it can be placed on the agenda!

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 829 4739 8226
Minutes of past Board Meetings are available.  

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

1st Saturday Jersey Day Rides (#TBA)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park at 9:00
Jersey Day!
Show your colors &
wear your BCI jersey today… any version, old or new !
If you don't have a BCI Jersey please know you are welcome
- see our
Jersey Page to get one
After the ride we will gather for Lunch!
THIS is the perfect day to BRING A FRIEND
to meet BCI and share the fun!


Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
11:00 AM11:00

Jersey Day Lunch

If you don't have a BCI Jersey please know you are welcome - see our Jersey Page !
We have a few 2017 Jerseys left - If you want one, contact & if we have your size, we will bring to the lunch today - bring $67, $35 &/or $10 cash or a checkbook…

2024 Jersey (Wait List)

$35 2017 Jersey (Limited sizes available)

$10 sleeves (per pair)


If you are ready to join or renew - Board Members will be on hand to accept your dues & filled out & signed membership form in person - so if you have avoided using BCI's online system, bring $25 & a completed form to renew or join !

THIS is the perfect day to BRING A FRIEND to meet BCI and share the fun!

Tip: The Irvine Company posts discounts at many places in their centers - down load their app to save on dining!

View Event →

9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#34)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#34 (8/17/24)
”Eichler Homes of Orange Tour”
(Note: Long: only 1 per page. Short & Medium have 2 copies per page)
Regroup: Starbucks;
@ Bryan and Newport Ave in Tustin

18.2 miles (12.3), +299 ft {CF 1 16.4’/m}
Visit 1 of the 3 Eichler Home Neighborhoods in Orange

31.5 miles (18.5), +803’ {CF 2 25.5’/m}
Visit 2 of the 3 Eichler Home Neighborhoods in Orange

46.4 miles (25.8), +1,252 ft {CF 2 27.0’/m}
Visit all 3 of the 3 Eichler Home Neighborhoods in Orange

For those who slow down and explore, you can see more than just the few on the route:
if interested, you can
explore the adjacent streets off the route to see all 350 !

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Saturday Rides (#33)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#33 (11/30/24)
Regroup: Mag’s Donuts / Starbucks
@ Culver and Michelson, Irvine

Short: 16.7 miles (10) , +345 ft {CF 2 20.6’/m}
Walnut Trail, Peters Canyon Trail, University Trail, Sand Canyon Sidepath,
San Diego Creek Trail, Valley Oak, ICD

Medium: 27.6 miles (19.7), +814 ft {CF 2 29.5’/m}
Yale, Bryan, Peters Cny Trail, Harvard, University-Eastbluff-Ford-Bonita Canyon, University Trail, Freeway Trail, Laguna Canyon, Valley Oak

Long: 37.9 miles (23.5), +1,512 ft {CF 3 39.9’/m}
Tustin Ranch-Von Karman, Mesa, Santa Ana, Dover, PCH, Bayside, Marguerite, San Joaquin, Newport Terrace, Spy Glass, Bonita Canyon, Knollcrest, Technology, Laguna, Valley Oak

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
to Mar 20

Catalina Adventure

Dave Murphy, BCI’s Secretary, is planning to lead a group of cyclists across Catalina for an overnight adventure! Book your own passage and Conservancy Membership for Bike Pass, Pay Dave for your lodging, pack in or buy your own meals…
Mountain Bike / Gravel Bike / Sturdy Touring bike recommended !

Here are the plans:
8           Load onto Catalina Flyer at 8am in Newport
($94 round trip $76 on sale ~ $59.20 GroupOn
+ $20 for Bicycle on board - electric welcome
Bicycling on Catalina requires a
$35 Conservancy Membership to get a Bike Pass -
($65 for a couple)
9 Depart Newport
10:30    Arrive at Avalon 

Hit the road & ride
to Two Harbors (23.2 miles +3,233 ft) CF 13 (139.4’/m) - Mostly on dirt roads

If early enough – go nap, snorkeling or optional ride on toward
Parsons Landing & back (15.9 miles +1,294 ft) CF 8 (81.4’/m)

Stay at the Banning House Lodge - including Cocktails & Cheese in evening and breakfast in the morning  (Dave is holding 5 rooms until February 14th - Contact him and commit before Feb 14th to secure a room and pay him back!) mail to Secretary@BikeIrvine to reserve your room!)
Rm 227-1 queen  (1 sofa sleeper/1 rollaway) 3 singles $470.10
Rm 519-1 queen  (1 sofa sleeper/1 rollaway) 3 singles $470.10  
Rm 529-1 king 1 couple  $470.10  
Rm 627-1 queen 1 couple $301.80  
Rm 595-1 queen 1 couple $301.80

5           Dinner at Harbor Reef Bar (closes at 6) or General Store (closes at 5:30)

6:55  Sunrise
Optional ride Parsons Landing & back (15.9 miles +1,294 ft)) CF 8 (81.4’/m)

8           Coffee / Snacks / lunch supplies at General Store (opens 8am) 
10         Check Out and load bikes -
Ride back to Avalon (22.6 miles +3,117 ft) CF 13 (137.9’/m)

Members & Guests PLEASE SIGN UP

Late Lunch in Avalon if time permits
3:30           Load bikes on Catalina Flyer 1 hr before launch
4:30           Depart Avalon
6           Arrive Newport  

View Event →
9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu18)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu18 Costa Mesa (10/22/24)
including Santa Ana River Trail to
French’s / Starbucks @ Baker & Fairview in Costa Mesa

30.1 miles (17.4) +497 ft {CF 1 16.5 ’/m}

> DETAIL: MILE 17.4-17.7 (FULL 30)

25* miles (14.7) +374 ft {CF 1 15.0 ’/m}
(Skips PCH out & Victoria, Warner, Tustin Ranch on return)

> DETAIL: MILE 6.9-11.5 (SHORT CUT*)
> DETAIL: MILE 14.5-15.5 (SHORT CUT*)

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#21+)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#21+ (3/15/25)
Regroup: Starbucks
@ Alicia & Jeronimo, Mission Viejo

Short: 18.7 (9.4) miles, +622 ft {CF 3 33.3’/m}
Alton, Jeronimo, Muirlands-Barranca

33.6 miles (24.1), +1,659 ft {CF 4 49.4’/m}
Portola, El Toro, Marguerite, Jeronimo, Obrero, Muirlands-Barranca

Long: 40.6
miles (31.1), +2,735 ft {CF 6 67.4’/m}
Jamboree, Santiago-El Toro, Marguerite, Jeronimo. Obrero, Muirlands-Barranca

Long Plus: 59.3 miles (30.8), +4,645 ft {CF 7 78.3’/m}
Jamboree, Santiago-El Toro, Marguerite, Jeronimo, Obrero, Alicia, Marguerite, El Toro & back over Santiago Canyon

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Saturday Rides (#31+)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#31+ (9/7/24)
Regroup: Mag’s Donuts / Starbucks
@ Bison and MacArthur, Newport

Short: 17.5 miles (8.1) +401 ft {CF 2 22.9’/m}
Yale Loop, Harvard, Turtle Rock, Ridgeline

Medium: 33.7 miles (21.3) +1,322 ft {CF 3 39.2’/m}
Laguna Cyn/Shady Cyn, Back Bay

Long: 42.2 miles (24.9) +2,926 ft {CF 6 69.3’/m}
Newport Coast, Ridge Park/Vista Ridge, San Joaquin Hills, Spyglass, MacArthur

Long Plus: 55 miles (24.9) +3,072 ft {CF 5 55.9’/m}
Newport Coast, Ridge Park/Vista Ridge, San Joaquin, Brookhurst, Victoria


> DETAIL MAP of Mile 7-16 on LONG & LONG PLUS Route

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu17)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu17 Newport Beach: Ford & San Miguel (7/5/24)
Chaupain Bakery / Pavillions Starbucks @ Ford & San Miguel in Newport

30.2 miles (16.1) +1,629 ft {CF 5 53.9 ’/m}

> DETAIL: MILE 3.5-4.8 (FULL 30)
> DETAIL: MILE 17 - 19.3 (FULL 30)

24.9* miles (13.1) +/1,164 ft {CF 4 46.3 ’/m}
(skips Ridgeline & Corona del Mar)


> DETAIL: MILE 16-16.3 / 13.0-13.3* (BOTH)

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

View Event →
8:59 AM08:59

Sunday Rides (#30+)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#30+ (12/14/24)
Regroup: Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf / Brueggers Bagels;
@ Tustin and 17th in Santa Ana

Short: 18.9 miles (10.5), +360 ft {CF 1 19.0’/m}
Red Hill, Arroyo, Foothill, Santa Clara, Tustin & back across Tustin to Bryan

Medium: 29.2 miles (14.1), +1,087’ (Old SUN28 M) {CF 3 37.2’/m}
Red Hill, Arroyo, Cowan Heights, Foothill, Santa Clara, Tustin &
back on Bryan, Portola, JOST Sand Canyon ICD

Long: 37.3 miles (22.5), +1,879 ft (Old SUN28 L) {CF 5 50.4’/m}
Yale, Portola, Jamboree, OPA, Newport, Cowan Heights, Foothill, Santa Clara, Tustin
& back on Bryan, Portola, Sand Canyon, ICD

Long Plus: 54.4 miles (34.5), +2,488 ft {CF 4 45.7’/m}
Jamboree, Santiago, Serrano, Weir Canyon, Orangethorpe, Lakeview, Riverdale, Orange Olive, Cambridge, Fairhaven, Tustin & back across Tustin, UCI, around Turtle Rock & Woodbridge

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
8:50 AM08:50

FundaySunday REMOTE

A different option for a Sunday Ride?
Lets have a ride that STARTS and ENDS at a brewery for lunch!

Park at Main Street Brewery in Corona by 8:30, & be ready to ride at 8:50 am to the Corona Main Station to board the MetroLink train to Fullerton by 9:10
Train Schedule:
91/Perris Valley 1763 LEAVES Corona at 9:11 from Track #2
gets to Fullerton at 9:40.

Note - we will need to go up and over to the middle Track# 2 and there is only 1 elevator - so if running late or concerned about having to take the elevators up & over, you might want to park at the train station and get to Track 2 “sooner” - as there will be no “later”.

Upload the Metrolink App to your phone and set up your method of payment Saturday night.
DO NOT buy your ticket until Sunday Morning, but having the app loaded and the payment method linked, will save you time before reaching Track #2!

From Fullerton we will ride across Fullerton to the El Cajon Trail and up the SART back to Corona.

No Drop route with several regroups:
ROUTE: FundaySunday Fullerton to Corona (3/9/25)

Main Street Brewery to Train:
8:50 - 9:10 am
(including up and over to Track 2!)
0.8 Miles +19 ft (23.8'/m) CF2

Fullerton to Corona: 9:40 ~ 12:40 (@10 mph pace) 12:10 (@12 mph pace)
29.4 Miles +1,193 ft  (40.6'/m) CF4

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Saturday Rides (#29)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#29 (2/10/24)
Regroup: Starbucks
@ El Toro and Trabuco, Lake Forest

Short: 18.3 miles (8.9), Rolly +585 ft {CF 3 32.0’/m}
ICD, Barranca, El Toro Road

Medium: 29.7 miles (18.1), Hilly - +1,256 ft {CF 4 42.3’/m}
Portola, Alton, El Toro

Long: 37 miles (25.2), +2,115 ft {CF 5 57.2’/m}
Orchard Hills, Portola, Alton/Paloma, Santa Margarita

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
6:30 PM18:30

Board of Directors

The Directors meet every month to handle the business of the club.
Members are welcome to attend; and if you have any business or suggestions, please let our President - or all Directors @ know so it can be placed on the agenda!

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 829 4739 8226
Minutes of past Board Meetings are available.  

View Event →
9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu16)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu16 Orange (8/6/24)
Tru Bru Organic Coffee @ Newport & Chapman in Orange

30.9 miles (13) +1,378 ft {CF 4 44.6 ’/m}
> Detail of Mile 13-15.5 (only on full 30)

25.8* miles (13) +1,179 ft {CF 4 45.7 ’/m}
(skips Orange Park Acres horse country and Emus, Climb over Cannon,
Crawford Canyon - Cowan Heights / North Tustin segment)

> DETAIL OF MILE 25.7 / 20.5*

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#28)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#28 (2/4/24)
Regroup: MoulinGreenleaf Gourmet
@ Hyland and Sunflower, Costa Mesa

Short: 19.1 miles (9.3), +125 ft {CF 0 6.5’/m}

Medium: 26.4 miles (17), Flat +312 ft {CF 1 11.8’/m}
Tustin Ranch, Victoria, Sunflower

Long: 37.2 miles (27.9), Flat +472 ft {CF 1 12.7’/m}
Tustin Ranch, PCH, Seapoint, Sunflower

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
11:00 AM11:00

Jersey Day Lunch

If you don't have a BCI Jersey please know you are welcome - see our Jersey Page !
We have a few 2017 Jerseys left - If you want one, contact & if we have your size, we will bring to the lunch today - bring $67, $35 &/or $10 cash or a checkbook…

2024 Jersey (Wait List)

$35 2017 Jersey (Limited sizes available)

$10 sleeves (per pair)


If you are ready to join or renew - Board Members will be on hand to accept your dues & filled out & signed membership form in person - so if you have avoided using BCI's online system, bring $25 & a completed form to renew or join !

THIS is the perfect day to BRING A FRIEND to meet BCI and share the fun!

Tip: The Irvine Company posts discounts at many places in their centers - down load their app to save on dining!

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

1st Saturday Jersey Day Rides (#27)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park at 9:00
Jersey Day!
Show your colors &
wear your BCI jersey today… any version, old or new !
If you don't have a BCI Jersey please know you are welcome
- see our
Jersey Page to get one
After the ride we will gather for Lunch!
THIS is the perfect day to BRING A FRIEND
to meet BCI and share the fun!

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#27 (1/27/24)
Regroup: Peets Coffee
@ Portola and Culver, Irvine

Short: 14.6 miles (9.3), +439 ft {CF 3 30.1’/m}
Tustin Ranch, Jamboree, Portola, Yale

Medium: 33.9 miles (15.6), Hilly, +1,497 ft {CF 4 44.2’/m}
Skyline, Newport, Jamboree, Irvine Bl, Alton

Long: 38.7 miles (20.7), Hilly, +2,209 ft {CF 5 57.1’/m}
Skyline, Newport, Canyon View, Jamboree, Alton

Don’t Get Lost in the Foothills!
> DETAIL of Mile 5.5 to 8.5 on Medium and Long Routes
> DETAIL of Mile 6.6 to 6.9 on Medium and Long Routes

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu15 D)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu15 w/ DETOUR Irvine: Hoag (9/30/24)
W Café @ Sand Canyon & Hoag Hospital in Irvine (AVOIDS THE CLOSURE)

30.1 miles (18.7) +1,024 ft {CF 3 34.0 ’/m}

25.4* miles (15.7) +807 ft {CF 3 31.8 ’/m}
(skips Walnut & Tustin Ranch, Orchard Hills on way out,
and Antivo/Research & Scientific and Knowlcrest & Quail Ridge on return)

> DETAIL: MILE 16.4 / 13.4*

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#24)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#24 (12/27/21)
Regroup: Starbucks
@ Main and MacArthur, Irvine

Short: 13 miles (6), +109 ft {CF 0 8.4’/m}
Red Hill, San Diego Creek bike path

Medium: 33.2 miles (20.8), rolly +617 ft {CF 1 18.6’/m}
Jamboree, PCH, Red Hill

Long: 41.2 miles (28.8), Hilly, +1,642 ft {CF 3 39.9’/m}
University, San Joaquin Hills, PCH, Red Hill

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Saturday Rides (#23)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#23 (1/27/24)
Regroup: Peet’s Coffee
@ Portola and Culver, Irvine

Short: 12.1 miles (6.5), +334 ft {CF 2 27.6’/m}
Peters Canyon bike path, Hicks Canyon Trail bike path, Portola, Yale

Medium: 32.9 miles (16), +1,512 ft {CF 4 46.0’/m}
Tustin Ranch, Crawford Canyon, Chapman, Portola

Long: 40.3 miles (23.4) +2,261 ft {CF 5 56.1’/m}
Crawford Canyon, Cannon, Villa Park, Santiago Canyon

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
5:30 PM17:30

Irvine Bike Listening Session

  • Portola Springs Community Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

I'm beyond ecstatic to invite you to my Irvine Bike Listening Session! Please join us to learn about plans for the bicycle maintenance center at Irvine Transportation Station.
This all-in-one facility will include bike repairs, education, trading, and more!
We will also be discussing plans for a citywide bike share system and installing secure bike lockers to support the growth in active transportation in the City of Irvine.
This listening session is a prime opportunity to receive updates from Irvine Public Works on the Sustainable Mobility Plan, which includes the construction of protected bike lanes, and have an open discussion on all Irvine biking and active transportation infrastructure.
This project is extremely important to me, and I would appreciate your support and feedback.
See you there!

William Go, Irvine Councilmember - District 2
(and past BCI member #5019)
Representing Cypress Village, Woodbury, Portola Springs, & the Great Park Neighborhoods.

Snacks and beverages provided - RSVP here:

View Event →
9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu14)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu14 Tustin (9/24/24)
Kéan Coffee @ Main & Newport in Tustin

30.1 miles (14.7) +525 ft {CF 1 17.4 ’/m}

> Detail: Mile 16-16.2 (Full 30)
> Detail: Mile 16-17 (Full 30)

25.1* miles (15) +378 ft {CF 1 15.1 ’/m}
(skips Cowan Heights / North Tustin segment)

> DETAIL: MILE 2.4-4.0 (BOTH)
> DETAIL: MILE 11.5-16.0 (BOTH)

> DETAIL: All 4 detail maps in one pdf

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#21+)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#21+ (11/2/24)
Regroup: Starbucks
@ Alicia & Jeronimo, Mission Viejo

Short: 18.7 (9.4) miles, +622 ft {CF 3 33.3’/m}
Alton, Jeronimo, Alicia, Muirlands-Barranca

33 miles (23.4), +1,608 ft {CF 4 48.7’/m}
Portola, El Toro, Marguerite, Jeronimo, Alicia, Muirlands-Barranca

39.8 miles (30.1), +2,675 ft {CF 6 67.2’/m}
Jamboree, Santiago-El Toro, Marguerite, Jeronimo. Alicia, Muirlands-Barranca

Long Plus: 59.7 miles (30.1), +4,594 ft {CF 7 77.0’/m}
Jamboree, Santiago-El Toro, Marguerite, Jeronimo, Alicia, & back over Santiago Canyon

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

Saturday Rides (#22)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#22 (6/1/24)
Regroup: Starbucks/Panera Bread
@ Irvine Blvd & Sand Canyon, Irvine

Short: 16.7 miles (6.2), +437 ft {CF 2 26.2’/m}

Medium: 32.2 miles (19.3), rolly - +1,357 ft {CF 4 42.1’/m}
Muirlands, Lake Forest to top to Bake, Jeffrey, Portola

Long: 43 miles (30.1), hilly +1,794 ft {CF 4 41.7’/m}
Harvard, Turtle Rock, Barranca/Muirlands, Lake Forest, Bake, Jeffrey, Portola

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

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6:30 PM18:30

Board of Directors

The Directors meet every month to handle the business of the club.
Members are welcome to attend; and if you have any business or suggestions, please let our President - or all Directors @ know so it can be placed on the agenda!

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 829 4739 8226
Minutes of past Board Meetings are available.  

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8:00 AM08:00

Catalina Adventure Room Reservation Cutoff

If you want to go with BCI to Catalina you must confirm your room with Dave Murphy, BCI’s Secretary, by TODAY before he cancels his paid reservations at the Banning House Lodge
 (Dave is holding rooms until February 14th - Contact him and commit before Feb 14th to secure a room and pay him back!) mail to Secretary@BikeIrvine to reserve your room!)

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9:15 AM09:15

Tuesday Rides (#Tu13 D)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu13 w DETOUR Irvine: Los Olivos (9/17/24)
Starbucks @ Research & ICD in Irvine (AVOIDS THE CLOSURE)

29.6 miles (15.6) +1,175 ft {CF 3 39.7 ’/m}

26* miles (10.7) +659 ft {CF 2 25.3 ’/m}
(Skip climbs up Ridgeline & Santa Vittoria, & shortens JOST & Yale )


> DETAIL: MILE 9.9 / 7.1* (BOTH)

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

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9:00 AM09:00

Sunday Rides (#19)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
NOTE ~ More ride on Saturdays and Tuesdays, Sunday rides may only have a few regulars and rarely any on the short route so be prepared to ride alone.

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#19 (7/6/24)
Regroup: Starbucks,
@ Irvine Center & Odyssey, Irvine

Short: 12.9 miles (8.2), +242 ft {CF 1 18.8’/m}

Medium: 31 miles (18), +1,333 ft  {CF 4 43.0’/m}
Harvard, University, Shady Cyn, Ridgeline

Long: 41.9 miles (26.9), +2,540 ft {CF 6 60.6’/m} 
Harvard, University/Eastbluff, San Joaquin, Ridgeline (to top)

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

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9:00 AM09:00

FundaySunday Special

A different option for a Sunday Ride?
Lets have a ride that STARTS and ENDS at a brewery for lunch!
Park at Hangar 24 & ride at 9 am
No Drop route with several regroups including a coffee stop in Newport Beach

ROUTE: FundaySunday Hangar 24 (1/10/25)
27.4 Miles +477 ft  (17.4'/m) CF1

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