Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building
ROUTE SLIPS: Tu04 Newport Coast via Laguna Beach (7/15/24)
Blk Dot (formerly Starbucks) @ Crystal Cove Center in Newport Coast
30.4 miles (15.8) +1,177 ft {CF 3 38.8’/m}
> DETAIL: MILE 12.0-12.3 (FULL 30)
25.4* miles (10.6) +964 ft {CF 3 38.0’/m}
(Skips Laguna Canyon & Laguna Beach)
There is 1/2 mile of construction zone on Lagna Canyon.
It is a segment wher ethere is no shoulder, concrete barriers and you must take the lane. You can ‘time the light’ to follow a platoon of traffic and ride downhill before the next platoon of traffic catches up with you.
To avoid it, take the SHORT CUT route, or the detour:
Pavona Sidewalk & Romano sidewalk to Lake Forest Road to Moulton to El Toro Road. The construction is at mile 8.4 but to detour, you must cross the 133 @ mile 4.5.
The DETOUR WILL ADD 2.5 MILES to today’s ride. Map/Profile/.tcx
This DETOUR will be offered until the construction work is completed by Caltrans.TBA
Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.
Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.