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Saturday Rides (#05)

Ride Start: Deerfield Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#05 (9/14/24)
Regroup: Peet’s Coffee
@ University Center, Irvine

Short: 12.9 miles (6.9), Rolly +244 ft {CF 1 18.9’/m}
West Yale Loop, University

Medium: 30.9 miles (17.2), Rolly +1,050 ft {CF 3 34.0’/m}
Tustin Ranch, Von Karman, Turtle Rock

Long: 39 miles (22.4) , Hilly +1,965 ft {CF 5 50.4’/m}
Orchard Hills, Tustin Ranch, Turtle Rock

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Earlier Event: May 6
Tuesday Rides (#Tu04)
Later Event: May 11
FundaySunday REMOTE