Join Councilmember Farrah Khan, Community Services Commissioner Branda Lin, members of the Bicycle Club of Irvine and Orange County Bicycle Coalition, as well as bicycle patrol officers of the Irvine Police Department for a fun bike ride!
The goal of this event is to help Irvine residents get comfortable with biking routes in the city and to promote active transportation.
All ages are welcome. Helmets required of all participants including adults.
You can choose to do the 4.5 miles or the 7.1 miles path. See below for the exact routes:
4.5 miles:
7.1 miles:
Email if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you!
Bill put together a hand out on sidewalk cycling that Councilmember Khan is printing for Saturday to hand out. You can get a pdf version Here.
NOTICE: This ride is of interest to Members but is NOT sponsored by BCI
or covered by BCI Insurance
A Past BCI Supporter & supporting this event
Thank You!
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