Last Chance to experience the "New Normal" sign in !

July 28th will be the 4th & final test of having a “New Normal” sign in Tuesday Ride. Next month we move to our “New-Normal Self-Serve” system where no one has to risk setting out pens, clip boards, route slips and collect sign in sheets & quest waivers. Everyone has expressed gratitude to Bill & Dev for setting up the trial system and risking the exposure to learn how we can get back to being a cycling club!
Staring August 4th BCI Members will sign-in on line & download & print their own route slip. If you are tech-challenged, ask a friend to print you an extra route slip & let us know - we can sign you in if you can’t do it yourself…

Beginning in August we will NOT be risking anyone’s health to set up and monitor the ride starts.
If you are tech-challenged, ask a friend to print you an extra route slip & let us know - we can sign you up if you can’t do it yourself…
You can see rides offered as usual here on the web site, but there will be NO PENS, CLIP BOARDS, SIGN IN SHEETS - GUEST WAIVERS OR ROUTE SLIPS out at the park. You will be asked to REGISTER online as a member or Guest/Expired Member as your sign in. You must also download & print your own cue slip as there will not be any on a clipboard at the ride start. Your Supplemental Medical & Accident insurance for MEMBERS will NOT be in effect if you are not registered for the BCI Ride on the Date scheduled. Once you are logged in, you may register for as many available future events as you wish on one visit…

“New-Normal Self-Serve” system starting August 2020

“New-Normal Self-Serve” system starting August 2020

1: Stay Healthy!
If you have been exposed, or feel you might be sick, stay home & self quarantine.
2: Maintain Sanitation;

carry some hand sanitizer with you - wash your hands often - don’t touch your face.
3: Maintain Physical Distancing
Please stay farther apart - 6 feet is the minimum guideline, many feel more if cycling along at speed as our breath ‘sphere’ becomes an elongated ‘comet’. If not enough space, cover up! Especially in a line or waiting together at a red light. Scatter when waiting and ride off before a group forms. Don’t cluster at pinch points like bathroom doors. We are not supposed to gather yet, so as soon as you arrive, don’t wait for a start - go ahead & trickle out as you wish.
4: Wear Face Covering
A simple device to control your exhaled droplets any time you are close to others. Remember when moving your sphere of exhaled droplets becomes a comet trailing back - so wear face covering to protect those on your wheel.
It’s not a mask to keep any virus out - it’s a face cover to trap your heavy breathing out of potentially infectious droplets. Face covering works because asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic carriers can spread COVID to others and to surfaces before they know they have it.

At this time face coverings are still mandatory in Irvine, as well as all of California in public when unable to maintain a 6’ minimum distance, even outdoors.
Gathering is prohibited until “Phase 4”, so please trickle out as you are comfortable. We will not gather for announcements or a group start and we discourage gathering at the coffee stop that is typical on every route slip, or after rides for lunch. Plan ahead with snacks & plan to stop at a local park or public restroom for water & relief along the route to avoid lines at coffee stops.