A message from our President

Our Board of Directors has continued our meetings and we are planning a return as we work our way through this pandemic phased reopening. We realize that all of us as individuals have our own tolerance of how we physically distance. As we release more details, we hope you can tailor our rides to meet your needs.

Depending on Orange County COVID-19 data, our tentative plan is to resume Tuesday rides on July 7th. We will evaluate and fine tune our procedures with these Tuesday rides, with the goal of Weekend  rides starting August 1.

We have more details to work out, but our thoughts to date:

·       Sign in. We will provide a container of cleaned pens. After one use, they will be put into a “used” container. To mitigate surface transmission you may want to bring your own pen.

·       We will wear face coverings  for pre-ride socializing and coffee stops.

·       Rides. We will wear face coverings. If not all the time, at least something that we can pull up or down depending on conditions, such as at stop signals.

·       Some individuals may want to avoid the group sign-in and start. You are welcome to wait until after the group start and sign in & go ‘solo’ behind the pack.

·       Safer option – print your own route slip and sign-in sheet / guest waiver in advance to skip the line. There will be a drop box available. Our members’ supplemental insurance will not be in effect if a sign-in sheet is not signed and dated before each BCI ride.

To celebrate our club’s return from hibernation, we plan on having our BCI barbecue depending on conditions, as a “bring your own picnic” on August 8th.  We all miss each other and look forward to a get together. 

Marc Urias
BCI President