Elections are held each year
for the 9 officers of the BCI
Members are encouraged to take a “turn at the front” as an officer;
with 300 members we could each serve once every 30 years!
Step 1 - The president appointed the nominating committee;
Ann Reichling, Vince Wilhelm and Paul Haussler.
Step 2 - The Nominating Committee gathered names of volunteers for each of the positions. At this point we do have one volunteer for each position but you can still run by volunteering at NomCom@BikeIrvine.org.
Step 3 - Volunteers are encouraged to submit a statement presenting their qualifications by December 1st - and names could be added until December 21st when nominations close.
Marc Urias
Vice President:
Dave Murphy
Ride Coordinator:
Paul Haussler
Membership Director:
Deby Six
Hospitality Director:
Sally Salmon
Jane Schrenzel
Steve Buescher
Ed Trainor
Bill Sellin
Must sign in with your TidyHQ account and be a current member to vote.
Step 4 - A Ballot is to be published by December 31st with the final list of candidates - and with absentee voting instructions for ON-LINE BALLOTING - MAY BE USED TO VOTE ABSENTEE. The votes will be counted, recounted and certified on January 23rd live at the Annual Meeting.
Step 5 - Voting by ON LINE will be open Dec 31 until the Annual Meeting. Our Annual Meeting is being conducted remotely due to the pandemic, and a vote will be held ON LINE like we do our sign-ins on TidyHQ, totaled on Jan 23.
1: Click link to TidyHQ’s ticket events portal.
2: Make sure you click the login Log In in upper right corner & log in if not already.
3: Click the blue Get Tickets button.
4: Select 1 “Ticket” which reflects your vote. (Click (+) to get 1)
(If it says “Membership Required” - renew then come back & vote!)
5: Click the blue Checkout button.
6: Click the blue Submit Order button.
Step 6 - The Nominating Committee will count all ballots (if required) at the Annual Meeting and declare the new officers for the new year.
Step 7 - The 9 elected Officers will select 2 additional members to serve on the Board as Directors at Large. If interested in serving as an Director at Large please let the new Officers-elect know before the Annual Meeting in January when the appointments will be considered by the elected officers.
SECTION 1: Nominations
a. The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee at least sixty (60) days prior to the January meeting. The committee shall consist of no less than three (3) Active Members, at least one of whom shall be an officer. The Nominating Committee shall submit the slate of nominees of Active Members to be posted or announced by whatever communication methods the club uses.
b. Nomination from the membership shall be accepted until December 21st .
c. Candidates are encouraged to present their qualifications in a statement published with their names posted or announced by whatever communication methods the club uses, by December 1st .
d. Nominees must have attained legal majority and be an Active Member. Nominees are eligible to hold office regardless of their tenure as an Active Member.
SECTION 2: Ballots
a. Ballots: each voting member is entitled to one vote, either by mail or in person at the January meeting. A copy of the ballot will be posted or announced by whatever communication methods the club uses, by December 31st .
b. Absentee Ballots: all absentee ballots must be received prior to the annual meeting.
c. Voters names are crossed off the voting membership roster as ballots are collected and/or received.
d. The results will be tabulated by the Nominating Committee and announced by the end of the January meeting. The newly elected officers will then be duly installed.
SECTION 3: Term of Office
The officers are elected for an annual term.
The term of office shall be from the election in January until the following year’s election.
SECTION 4: Succession of Officers
In the event of an officer's death, resignation, disability, or disqualification, other than the President's, the Board of Directors shall appoint a successor. The President shall be automatically succeeded by the Vice-President.