Survey Says...

Here are the 46 comments collected from the 133 respondents of 312 invites (42.63%): 
Survey closed @ 1:45 am on July 9th.

wonderful club! 7/6/2016 11:26 AM  

1. Have fewer back-to-back routes that go through Shady Canyon, spread them out more. 2. Find a substitute for Knowlwoods. 7/5/2016 3:55 PM

Could you extend the "hot weather season" to 6/1-10/1? Change the "broken crank" award to honor the person who signs in for the most BCI rides. Almost everyone trims the mileage on certain rides, thereby recording false totals. 7/3/2016 4:58 PM 

Back in the day the Saturday rides were shorter and easier than the Sunday rides. The 7/2 rides put out were harder than most Sunday rides. If you can't take the time to adjust rides to difficulty than you better start at 8AM as it also gets hot on Saturday in the summertime.  7/2/2016 4:39 PM 

I thoroughly enjoy my riding experiences with BCI. 7/2/2016 3:56 PM 

I think it is a great club! 7/1/2016 7:58 PM 

I wish there was a group who did the shorter ride each week at a little slower pace. Have not been riding with the group for 3 months now. 7/1/2016 5:47 PM 

I think the Friday rides should start at 8 am as well, year 'round - especially in the summer. 7/1/2016 3:25 PM

I have very much enjoyed riding with the club the last 3 years; an awesome group. Appreciate the hard work of club officers and other volunteers. 7/1/2016 1:52 PM 

Thank you to the BOD!! 7/1/2016 1:22 PM 

Great club. Suggest reminding riders to start rides with gentle warm up. Thank you. 7/1/2016 11:14 AM 

i prefer start time at 7am during summer, it's much cooler. You start early you end the ride early. 7/1/2016 8:49 AM 

I would also like the Sunday rides to start at 9:00 AM all year 7/1/2016 8:21 AM 

Even 8 o'clock I think is too late. In California the season they're quite similar, no reason to consider them separately . 7/1/2016 7:34 AM 

Love it! 7/1/2016 7:10 AM 

I wouldn't mind even starting at 7 during summer. One reason why I haven't been able to join you is because of late start. Thank you for considering this. 7/1/2016 7:00 AM  

I enjoy remote rides, all listed times are later that I start riding, but I have done Solano Beach, and other remote rides local to LA in the past 7/1/2016 5:29 AM 

Good job Officers, Kodus !!! 6/30/2016 10:22 PM 

The board is doing a great job! 6/30/2016 10:13 PM 

I would like to see the yearly mileage award "crank award" be changed to the total number of rides a person comes to rather than the mileage. Very few people follow the routes exactly, thus the mileage is incorrect. They avoid hills, go home a different way, many factors cause us to change the route, then there is grumbling about who gets the most miles, yet doesn't ride all the miles. I think we should just encourage people to just show up and ride. Thanks.  6/30/2016 9:59 PM 

LOVE IT !!! 6/30/2016 9:07 PM 

Good job in communications. 6/30/2016 9:04 PM 

Hot weather = start at 7:00am 6/30/2016 8:52 PM 

Congrats to the new board and great new Web site. Wish my work schedule would allow me to ride more it the group. 6/30/2016 8:44 PM 

I love Bci and the rides. It is a great group of people. Membership is the deal of the year at $20!!! 6/30/2016 8:39 PM 

As long as you're asking, if I had a choice about anything, I'd do without the rest stop on Sundays, and have lunch after the ride. 6/30/2016 8:30 PM 

It's a fun, friendly bunch. 6/30/2016 8:21 PM

Wish the jersey design be updated. 6/30/2016 8:04 PM 

Schedule more rides during the hot months towards the beach cities 6/30/2016 7:45 PM 

Shorter rest stops 6/30/2016 7:42 PM 

Thanks to all those who volunteer to keep the club going, it is very appreciated! Well done. 6/30/2016 7:40 PM 

September is also traditionally a hot month; would like to see rides both Saturday and Sunday rides starting earlier. 6/30/2016 7:38 PM 

What months are considered hot weather season. You should be more specific. If people want to start earlier, then they can do that. It's a free country. 6/30/2016 7:04 PM 

Medium and long rides are often the same. Only difference are the miles. If the long ride is hilly, the medium ride should be rolly or flat. If the medium ride is hilly, then the long ride should be rolly or flat. This way newbies or people that don't care for hills like I often am, we can always have a route to choose. Please don't make them both hilly. You often lose members if you leave them out. Thanks! 6/30/2016 6:54 PM 

Keep up the good work! Thanks for volunteering and dedicating so many hours to the club. 6/30/2016 6:42 PM 

love you 6/30/2016 6:36 PM 

Humans need a reasonable amount of sleep so 9:00 AM makes all the sense. 6/30/2016 6:32 PM 

Irvine is near the coast. All rides between July and October should go in a coastal direction. Historically, the Sumner route choices have been randomly coastal. 6/30/2016 6:31 PM 

8am both Saturday and Sunday please 6/30/2016 6:28 PM 

BCI should have no-drop rides; or no-drop options on its rides, so members who come to a ride but are not pre-grouped with some people know they will be riding together with a group. 6/30/2016 6:24 PM 

Some clubs have 8:00 start, along with a 9:00 start. It's common knowledge our summers can be fiercely hot. Early starts make sense. Less traffic too!! 6/30/2016 6:21 PM 

Good Club Great Events and members 6/30/2016 6:21 PM 

Summer rides should start very early: 6:30 or 7:00. 8:00 is really too late. 6/30/2016 6:20 PM 

Best club there is. 6/30/2016 6:13 PM 

I like it! 6/30/2016 6:09 PM 

Start earlier, finish and then get home earlier. 6/30/2016 6:08 PM 

(Note - Survey opened at 6 pm - 1st response at 6:02, 1st Comment was 5th survey at 6:08!)