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Tuesday Rides (#Tu05)

Ride Start: University Park
Please park on streets & gather at building

ROUTE SLIPS: Tu05 Foothill Ranch: Alton & Rancho Pkwy (7/24/24)
Starbucks @ Alton & Rancho Parkway in Lake Forest

30 miles (14.8) +1,216 ft {CF 4 40.5 ’/m}

25* Miles (10.4) +988 ft {CF 3 39.5 ’/m}
(skips Yale, Hicks Canyon, Portola, Portola Springs, Modjeska, Irvine Blvd on way up
& Antibes, Paloma & Portola on return) 

> DETAIL: MILE 14.8-17 / 10.3-12.2*

Please share feedback suggestions & comments on this, or any BCI Ride with our Ride Coordinator.
Guests are welcome, but minors (<18) may only ride under the direct supervision of an adult guardian.

Many gather for lunch after the ride at the local shopping center.

Earlier Event: May 11
Sunday Rides (#24)
Later Event: May 17
Saturday Rides (#06)