Ride Start: Deerfield Park at 9:00
Please park on streets & leave the parking lot for others.
See our “New-Normal Self-Serve” Ride System
ROUTE SLIPS: DCP#16 (11/27/21)
Regroup: Starbucks @ Research & Bunsen, Irvine
Short: 14.1 miles (8.1), Flat +/- 298 ft
San Diego Creek Trail
Medium: 27.9 miles (18.5), Rolly - +/- 892 ft
Irvine Bl/Trabuco, Aliso Creek Bike Path
Long: 36.3 miles (28.4), Hilly - +/- 1,948 ft
Alton, Portola, Glen Ranch, Saddleback Ranch
Supports BCI
BCI Sponsors
Sunday Rides can use some help… let Marsha @ Rides@BikeIrvine.org know if you are willing to become a Sunday Ride starter!