First Sunday back to regular Ride Hours
Ride Start: Deerfield Park at 9:00
Please park on streets & leave the parking lot for others.
See our “New-Normal Self-Serve” Ride System
Face Covers when Physical Distance is not possible & Diligent Hygiene
ROUTE SLIPS: Sun13a (12/1/19)
Regroup: Gelson's Market - Newport Beach; San Miguel & San Joaquin
Medium: 33 miles, hilly - Laguna Cnyn, PCH, San Miguel, Harvard
Long: 44 miles, 1300’ Climb - Laguna Cnyn, PCH, Newport Coast, Harvard
Supports BCI
See our Sponsors
Sunday Rides can use some help… See feedback we received on our Sunday Club Ride Survey and let Paul @ know if you are willing to become a Sunday Ride starter!