Nominations are open for Active Members to volunteer themselves for any of the 9 offices, to serve in 2017. By December 1st the Nominating Committee has posted a list of those candidates accepted to date and their statements of qualifications if any were submitted. Additional candidates may still submit a Statement of Qualifications to the Nominating Committee until December 21st to be added as a candidate & included on the Ballot to be posted December 31st. - see the "slate" & more details
Relevant ByLaws:
SECTION 1: Nominations
b. Nomination from the membership shall be accepted until December 21st .
c. Candidates are encouraged to present their qualifications in a statement published with their names posted or announced by whatever communication methods the club uses, by December 1st .
d. Nominees must have attained legal majority and be an Active Member. Nominees are eligible to hold office regardless of their tenure as an Active Member.