2016 Officer Candidates and Statements are posted!

We have 7 volunteers running for 5 of the elected officer positions for the 2016 BCI board, with 2-person contests for Ride Coordinator and Communications Director.  Regardless of the outcome of the election, the Nominating Committee members say THANK YOU to all 7 of these candidates for stepping up to lead BCI into 2016.  

We also have 4 positions for which there are no volunteer candidates.  It will be the role of the new board to appoint people to fill these empty positions, as well as the 2 director-at-large seats on the board.  

Click HERE to see the list of candidates and their statements.


Welcome to our new BCI website. 

What you're viewing is the result of lots of time and effort. I am sure you will be pleased with the look and readability of our brand new website.  Like any new computer program, there may be some things that don't work right or could be improved.  Please email your suggestions to webmaster@bikeirvine.org.

It became necessary earlier this year to redesign the website when our Webmaster resigned. This required the board to bring in outside help with extensive website experience. 

Cathy Scott had been our web person years ago and she was willing to come up with a new web design and act as a consultant as we moved ahead. She will continue as our Webmaster. Likewise, Curtis McHenry came in as our day-to-day expert on getting information on our website. He is the son of Bob McHenry, who is heavily involved in our bicycle safety program.

I would like to praise both Randy Profeta and Jim Norman for all the time and energy they spent in getting the website rolling and facing up to the issues that were all new ground for most of us.

Likewise, we thank Cathy Scott for a great design and patience in dealing with us. Thanks also go out to Curtis McHenry who was always there when we needed him.

We hope you enjoy the new website,

Will Decker

Bear Training Rides to start in January!

Randy Profeta, our Ride Coordinator, is planning to run training rides for OCW's Ride Around the Bear Century in January.   These rides are run for both OCW and BCI members and are a great way to kick your riding up a notch.

GMR, Mt. Baldy, Crystal Lake, Damnation Alley, Pacific Island Drive, Ridge Park - get ready for some epic climbs and spectacular scenery.   Randy also shares his thoughts and experience on training, nutrition, hydration, pacing and more!   

At the start of 2015, the Ride Around the Bear was not even on my radar, yet there I was at Sylvan Park before dawn on the first Saturday in June, not quite sure what I was in for. I couldn't have made it without Randy's training rides.  Check back here for more details soon! - Jim Norman