Our 2023 Summer Barbecue will be held on July 22nd
at Turtle Rock Community Park
right after the Sizzling Summer remote rides

Paul & Penny starting the fire in 2022 @ TRCP

Penny, Paul & Bill getting smokin’ hot at the 2019 BBQ @ Bill Barber Park…

Chef Penny, Line-chef Bill & sous-chef Paul (seen here grilling at our 2015 BBQ @ UCP) will be grill masters again this year!

The Burgers will be ready at 11:30ish when you get back from the rides. The BCI BBQ will include a burger, chips, cookie and drink. If you don’t want a burger, bring your own picnic lunch and leave it in an ice chest in your car. There is lots of shade to spread out under… bring a blanket or lawn chairs if you wish. We can not “sell” burgers on site. You must RSVP and order in advance.

You will all recognize Turtle Rock from last year and past OC Bicycle Rally events.


TICKETS: MEMBERS: Use our Sign-in site to register & pay $10
Guests / Expired Members: Join or Renew first!
You MUST order in advance by June 15th.  If you can’t deal with paying online, you can PROMISE to pay at a later date… *
Burger supplies will be purchased by BCI based on orders.
If you reserve a burger, it's yours whether you show or not, and eventual reimbursement will be collected… 

We usually have a few extras if we don’t burn or drop too many through the grill - or those of no-shows - We are NOT ALLOWED to sell burgers on City Property - so we will not be collecting $.
Please expect to settle up with BCI at some other date & location. ($10)
If you show up Saturday you may be able to get one - but if you are not on the list, we can't promise you a burger...so please

Reminder = City Parks do not allow consumption of alcohol beverages

Final Count of Orders Placed as of June 18.

nn Beef:



nn Turkey:

2 Other:
(buns, chips & drinks - BYO Impossible Burgers)