BCI’s Ride With GPS routes (Public)
BCI has an account at RideWithGPS.com and uses this tool to generate detailed routes for club rides. We convert their cue sheets to our route slip format in Excel and publish the pdf version along with the link to the RideWithGPS data - allowing you to see an orientation map, profile details, and if you want to upload the route to your GPS or use it on the mobile app version while on your ride.

Anyone can access the entire collection of routes, but there is some old ‘litter’ so unless recently updated, be advised that streets may have changed and the routes provided are not as complete as our route slips, or they may have been abandoned for a reason.

You can join with a free account at RideWithGPS, but we encourage you to subscribe for more of the tools and features available when you pay for them, as well as having the routes give turn by turn on your phone (See more) . You can adjust your own device settings to give turns sooner and more often along a ride.

BCI’s “Route Slips” are laid out to be a narrow 1/2 page (11x4.25”) that can be folded and clipped easily on your handle bar with a route slip holder to follow as you ride.
These are formatted as spreadsheets from the RideWithGPS.com routes, then saved and published in .pdf format - don’t use the Cuesheets provided by RideWithGPS.com; they are full page(s) and do not have all of the detailed tips provided on our BCI Route Slips.

BCI’s 1/2 page Route Slip

2 page full Cuesheet from RideWithGPS.com