• If you are a member, just click the link on your renewal notice email.

  • If you want to renew directly, click the RENEW button below, and LOG IN to your TidyHQ account & pay on-line. (login with email & your password)

  • Select “Memberships” - you will see your current expiration date here.

  • Click “Renew”, NOT “New Membership”. If you have not yet expired you will not see the “Renew” button… Don’t click “New Membership” or you will start a second overlapping membership. Come back after your expiration date!


We would like you to renew and sign up on our TidyHQ membership site. With an online membership you can edit your own details, state your preferences, allow you to opt in or out of the published roster and control your BCI identity.  You will also need to use it to sign in on rides and events.

...But if you can't or don't want to sign up or use PayPal online, please download this application, fill it out, put down your original BCI# or a check mark by RENEWAL and mail it with a check for $25 per year (yes - we’ll take $50 for 2 etc) payable to: 

Bicycle Club of Irvine  
Post Office Box 50206
Irvine Ca. 92619-0206
It will take us a bit longer to get the mail, sort your money, enter your renewal
and get you manually renewed on TidyHQ, but we will do it fastest if we know it’s in the PO Box…

NOTE: If you are a lapsed returning member from 1980 to 2014, you may not yet be in TidyHQ, help us keep your original BCI#: When you sign up - put your old serial BCI number in the BCI# field. If you forgot it, put the word "renewing" there and we will do our best to look up your original BCI#. Just go to our Tidy HQ page and Register with a new membership to create an account & contact and sign up & pay on line.