About Ride Statistics

For years, the BCI Statisticians crunched raw data they gathered from sign-in sheets and route slips in order to provide the membership with statistics. This was a slow, laborious process that was prone to errors due to poor penmanship, partially filled out forms, and human error. In the Covid era, sign-in sheets and paper route slips were discontinued and today pre-ride registration is done right here on this web site.

The BCI Ridership Challenge

BCI has chosen Strava as the platform on which to establish the password protected BCI Strava Group, allowing dues paying members to see their personal riding statistics in comparison with other members by rank. We also use Challenge Hound to extract data from Strava in order to recognize participants’ achievements in four categories:

  1. Miles ridden 2. Feet climbed 3. Saddle time in hours 4. Number of rides. In 2023 we expanded the recognition by AGE brackets and Performance.

The club Statistician puts these activities into spreadsheet form, and we call it The BCI Ridership Challenge. This is a fun way for our members to track and share ride statistics. But you must opt in to be counted!

So engage and motivate yourself and others!
Join The BCI Ridership Challenge


And check out our Statistician’s articles , survey results, recognitions, musings, etc.


Questions? Please email our Statistician (Rob Oglesby) at stats@bikeirvine.org