April 19 2023 update - Still officially CLOSED and gates LOCKED:
After the Tustin segments were completed 2021, we would expect to enjoy this bike path but no.
Rolling Upstream the “BIKE LANE CLOSED” sign (this is a path not a bike lane) was tossed into the creek, so people continued to ride under the closed underpass twice; to the back side of the upstream locked gate, then back under again to take the Walnut Trail east to Harvard… when it was available. The County has chained the new detour sign to the post and added a screened fence, and now a locked gate to stop access from downstream.
Rolling Downstream the County has posted an informational sign on the locked gate at least explaining WHY & who to contact about it… a similar sign has also been posted on the downstream approach. Despite this - vandals have actually cut out a section of chain link to access the undercrossing.
The Regional Parks Connector Bikeway is now completed from Peters Canyon Regional Park all the way to the Upper Newport Bay. (AKA “Mountains to the Sea” and “Peters Canyon Trail” )
The newest segment was completed between Warner and the railroad crossing in the City of Tustin. With grade separation added under Moffet and Edinger, new LED bollard lighting & smooth asphalt, 2 foot clear zones outside edge lines, it is an outstanding Class I bikeway - but still a shared-use path, not just for cyclists.
The remaining missing segment now is on the Irvine / Tustin city limit; across the Como channel & under the railroad tracks - between the Walnut path (Tustin) and Como Channel path (Irvine).
OC Parks is still trying to get approval from the California Public Utilities Commision for public access under the tracks.
OC Parks Santa Ana River Trail crosses the OC Streetcar and train bridges in Sanat Ana , Anaheim and Orange. The Santiago Creek Trail passes under the tracks between Glassel & Memory Lane. The Aliso Creek Trail crosses under the train bridge between Muirlands and Jeronimo. The San Juan Creek Trail passes under the tracks in San Juan Capistrano.
Why is this one stalled? No one seems to know.
There is actually no idea of when it might get approved.
Until then, the gate at the north side (upstream) of the tracks is to remain locked. That gate eventually needs to be removed, replaced with one that will swing back against the fence out of the path, but that could be delayed until after approval and the paint & signs & railing or flexi-delineators are be completed under the tracks. There was no gate downstream, so fencing was been placed to keep people from using the path under the tracks. Now a new gate has been installed there as well - and locked.
OCBC’s suggestions to OCTA / OC Parks to stripe & sign the path under their tracks.
Legally you should detour and NOT go over/around/through the gate or under the tracks. The County has not removed their regulatory “MAINTENANCE VEHICLES ONLY” or “NO TRESPASSING” signs. Until opened some day, you are trespassing.
BCI looks forward to adding the path to rides once this segment is officially open.
We will update this info when OC Parks gets the underpass approved by the CPUC, the lines get painted and the locked gate is removed or replaced. Know it will take a long time.
This is the closed and un-striped underpass from downstream. The support in the pathway needs some marking & signage but OC Parks won’t improve it until approved by the CPUC.
Tustin’s segment of the “Walnut Trail’ path (actually private, not City or County path) was delayed by IRWD work but was open as of July 14, 2021. Below is OCBC’s map of what the short detour looks like:
OC Parks will not post this detour for the intended users of the Regional Parks Bikeway. The path was never officially open and the Walnut Trail segment is on private property.
Upstream you should use the sidewalk - do not ‘salmon ride’ on this or any Bike Lane.
Southbound at the locked gate, turn east on the Como Channel Class I path to Harvard Avenue. The City of Irvine has posted a sign advising to do so. Take the SB Harvard Avenue Class II Bike Lane across the channel & railroad tracks to the Walnut Class I path; go west back to continue on the Class I path SB (downstream) under Edinger.
Northbound from Edinger, exit the path before the underpass below the tracks onto the Walnut Class I path east to Harvard. Take the sidewalk (DO NOT RIDE WRONG WAY IN BIKE LANES!) across the tracks & channel to the Como Channel Class I path; go west back to continue on the Class I path NB (upstream stream) past Harvard Athletic Park and under Walnut.
This segment of the “Walnut Trail” is IN the City of Tustin but is privately owned and has not been well maintained by the Tustin Fields neighborhood. They have never responded to repeated contact from OCBC and the City of Tustin got on them with code enforcement. The worst 40’ long crack caused a broken arm crash on July 31st and was DIY ‘tagged’ with spray paint. Eventually the worst of the cracks were filled, but slow down through this narrow bad stretch of now very busy shared use path.
For sharing your concerns - please contact OC Parks (949) 923-3716
Regional Bikeway Corridors: Peter Sotherland at OCTA (714) 560-5386