The Tour de Palm Springs - February 10

The tour de Palm Springs is one of the largest rides in America, which annually draws 5 to 8 thousand riders from all across the USA. 
BCI’s Director of Hospitality Mike Alvarez will be leading a BCI group to do the 56 mile route that day , you will need to register for the ride and get a hotel if you plan to enjoy the festival the Friday night before.
We will meet at the Starbucks at the corner of S Palm Canyon Dr and Tahquitz Canyon by 7:45am Saturday and then we will line up for the 8:00 ride start, we’ll do the ride together …for further information contact Mike at the Tuesday or Saturday rides, January Meeting or email him at

Santiago Creek to the SART

Ron Newcomb has been fighting to get the
Santiago Creek Bikeway west of the 5 freeway for years.
The NIMBYs are winning, because the potential trail users don’t
Have many chances to voice our opinions. Here is one:

“If you have any interest in extending the Santiago Creek Bikeway from Orange and Santa Ana
all the way to the Santa Ana River, we would appreciate it if you would fill out this questionnaire from the Orange County Public Works TODAY.
Thank you for your continued support of providing more safe and
enjoyable trail options for the residents of Orange County.“

Ron Newcomb          
Follow us at: Connect the Trails on Instagram & Facebook

Board of Directors Election Results

2023/24 Election Results

All 9 officers were formally elected at our Annual Meeting on October 14th. The term will run until the next Annual Meeting.

Swapping Board positions, Incumbents, and New volunteers:

Marsha Murphy has handed over her job as Ride Coordinator to Bill Sellin while Kim Gerrard fills the role of Communications, vacated by Bill. The position of Secretary, previously held by Kim is filled by Bruce Dickens. And Lynda Randall will assume the role of Director of Membership as the successor to Deby Six.

VOTED IN! L-R: Mike Alvarez/Hospitality, Lynda Randall/Membership, Marc Urias/President, Bill Sellin/Ride Coordinator, Ed Rubinstein/Treasurer, Pete Van Nuys/VP, Bruce Dickens/Secretary. Not pictured: Kim Gerrard/Communications, Richard Brock/Statistician

Please congratulate and thank all the volunteers including the outgoing board members, and do consider volunteering to fill a vacant office next year!

Incumbents were re-elected to continue their work. View the entire Board

the Outgoing Directors at Large:

Monica McCarthy and Bob Fairfield have been serving as Directors @ Large for the year; their successors will be appointed by the sitting board (TBA).

Benevolence Committee:

Chaired by Kathy Shapiro since its inception, Mark Shapiro will be taking this over.

winner of the 2023/24 spirit award:

Recognition of their enthusiasm and/or generosity of their time devoted to the BCI community has been awarded to club members annually since 1998. This year the award was presented to Alice Fascella.


Congratulations, Alice!

City of Irvine Municipal Code changes proposed

Tuesday evening, July 11th, the City Council will be hearing a proposal to update the City Municipal Code to catch up with the State Laws. Clarification on electric bicycles vs motorized bicycles, dropping the no longer required bicycle licensing make sense.
In an attempt to respond with community pressure to deal with scofflaw kids on over powered out-of-class electric motor bikes that are already not street legal, the proposal sets a speed limit of 28 mph for all e-cyclists on any road.
Initially we misread that this 28 mph limit would to apply to ALL cyclists - but is just for our fellow cyclist on electric bicycles that can pedal or coast faster than their 28mph assist who are going to be impacted.
(…of course those same scofflaw kids will still go over 28 - and the police need to crack down on the illegal mini-bikes and unregistered motorized bicycles driven by unlicensed kids even if going 10 mph)

Are discriminatory speed limits coming to Irvine streets?

Many of us rarely go over 28, and most do not have an electric bicycle (yet) but it is our right to travel, and if the posted speed limit is higher for motorists, that is denying cyclists the rights of other road users codified in our CVC.
Sometimes on a downhill we go over 28 to have a safer time sharing the road with traffic and staying with our friends.
Sometimes, if we want to pass Dick Brock after he leads us out at 28, we just HAVE to accelerate…
The proposed changes also puts a 20 mph limit on all bike paths, shared use paths and trails for ALL CYCLIST, Acoustic and electric.
20 mph is too fast in some conditions and no limit is required in others…
Class 2 ‘Throttle’ electric bicycles will be entitled to run full speed at their legal 20 mph limit.
Better to not have a limit posted and have all maintain a safe speed for all other users.

The police who wrote this idea into the draft clearly do not ride bicycles like we do,

Time is short - Bill just heard about this on the 7th and has put out some detailed response, but if you live or work in Irvine, you might want to reach out to the Mayor and Council members and give them your input on agenda item 6.4 before or at the meeting Tuesday evening. enough input might get it ‘tabeled’ to a later meeting to revisit the issues of concern and come up with a better draft. This is why many cities have a bike/walk committee to review stuff before implemented. Irvine disbanded theirs as it kept asking hard questions of developer’s plans…
Here is the agenda item 6.4

If you want to get “lost in the weeds”; Ignore some of the rant about 28mph limits for all
Here is Bill Sellin’s prompt comments and concerns shared with the Mayor, Council and Police Ignore some of the rant about 28mph limits for all.

Club Essentials we can all remember to use...

Often the club spreads out after a few miles and we all get to ride as solo riders, but when we start we have an impressive peloton and really need to learn some club riding techniques. We are a non-racing club, but when riding in a peloton, even as a recreational club, the group needs to take some responsibility for the rest of the riders. If you are out front, please take the front leadership responsibilities. (including lane control, calling out turns, slowing/stopping, “singling up” or “doubling up”, and navigating hazards)
If you are in back, please take the leadership responsibilities from behind (including lane control, leading out a lane change from behind, calling out “move left’ or “lane clear” and calling out overtaking traffic.
Every member should take the free online CLUB ESSENTIALS course and learn to echo the signals and calls from the lead rider when in the middle of a pack.

I just took the online Club Essentials and learned a few things; I doubt anyone who takes it will not learn some great techniques and reminders…
I have some fresh material for the upcoming NewB class on July 29th!

Bike The Bay - August 27

Penny Poorman and Jenny Short would like you to join them for this San Diego ride across the Coronado Bridge. 
They had a great time last year!
Following the ride there will be a gathering to celebrate Clint McDonald's 85th birthday. 
Contact Penny for more details.
Second - Book a room or you may have to drive down EARLY Sunday morning…
Third - Sign up with BCI so we will know who is in town and how to reach each other!

Orange County Bicycle Rally a Success

The Saturday Orange County Bicycle Rally (OCBR) was a great success!

39 BCI members, 44 OCW members, and at least 25 guests signed in for the OCBR.
There were 4 rides available, and there were riders on each ride. Many riders commented on the novelty of the rides. There were new streets to explore, an a few riders were able to get lost and recover by guessing where they were on the route slips. The availability of RideWithGPS was very handy for me, as I kept thinking I was lost (with 5 other riders), and RideWith GPS kept us on track by indicating which way to go, and even letting us know we needed to make U-turns to get back on the route.

Back at the start/ finish, there was free parking at Hangar-24, with lunch and adult beverages available for those who wished to indulge. Many riders just sat and talked, renewing friendships, making new ones, and justh catching up on what has been happening in their lives. The rides started at 8:20, and where were still riders sitting around talking when I left at 2:30.

I also took a number of pictures.

Bob Fairfield

Special THANKS to our ‘Power Couple”; Bob Fairfield (BCI#4661) and Monica McCarthy (BCI#2729) who serve on BCI’s Board as Directors at Large, who coordinated this joint ride with the Orange County Wheelmen and to
BCI Secretary
Kim Gerrard (BCI#3632) who helped them set up early for the event.
BCI MEMBERS can add their photos to the
BCI 2023 Photo Album on our website.