"The Prez Sez"

Hello BCI members,

It's been awhile since my last article. June 13th to be exact. Quite a bit has transpired since then, and will be happening in the next few months, so there's a lot to talk about.

The BCI Rally was a huge success. We had a good turnout and good participation from several other bike clubs. Thanks to Monica for organizing that event. We had our BBQ ride and Penny Poorman was in charge and the hamburgers, drinks, and chips were great. Bill Sellin and Paul Haussler  also contributed to the barbeque.

The next scheduled major event will be the Palos Robles weekend beginning 10/27 through 10/30.  I'd like to put on another Tour De Five Cities remote ride but I have been waiting  for the San Juan Capistrano bike path reconstruction be completed but it is still not done. I plan on scheduling another Carlsbad remote ride in November so that will be announced soon.

Bear training rides, will begin in January. They have been a BCI tradition since the early 1990's. I created those rides and led the training for many years until my back surgeries. Once again, I will take charge of these rides and will revert back to the original format and routes. The purpose of the training is twofold - first, to prepare for the OCW Ride Around The Bear Century which occurs every June, and secondly, and equally as important, as a way to help members improve and become more comfortable with their hill climbing abilities, even if they are not doing the Bear. As a point of reference, everyone who completed the 11 training rides when I was hosting them and chose to ride the Bear completed the century successfully. Quite a few people who never thought they could do a 100 mile, 9,500 ft climb ride ended up doing exactly that because of those training rides. For now I would suggest if you would like to consider participating in this training, a good way of preparing during the next few months before January would be to start riding blue rides a couple of times a month to get acclimated to the distances and the climbing. Lastly, anyone who wishes to participate may do so as little or as often as you want, at your pleasure. Sign up just like other club rides and get mileage credit. I will keep you posted as to the beginning date and ride schedule.

Now, a brief discussion about the BCI Board, the members, and the upcoming elections in January. As you recall, when the 2016 elections were held in January, the President's position was vacant. Soon after the elections I volunteered to fill the position, having previously served in the mid 2000's and was appointed by a board vote. For the past 8 months, working with our board has been an absolute pleasure, and I want to acknowledge the excellent job they have all been doing. I also want to make you are of their contributions to the club and how much time they devote to keep our club functioning and providing all the club benefits and services. Rides, route slips, mileage recording, a myriad of internet services, general meetings, finances, accident insurance, social gatherings, club jerseys, a lot of things we take for granted. It's our board members that make our $20 yearly dues more than worth it.

Penny Poorman, our Vice President, has done an excellent job with the general meetings. Finding speakers, booking locations, and setting up the meetings before you arrive. Everything she touches turns to gold. The activity board you see at the ride sign up was her idea and she is pretty much in the middle of everything that goes on club wise.

Monica McCarthy, our Membership Director has done a great job of keeping membership dues current and keeping everything up to date. She has also hosted the Bile Rally, and put on numerous remote rides. Monica will be stepping down at the end of this year but I'm sure she will stay involved in our club activities. Penny has indicated her desire to become Membership Director, so she put her name on the ballot for that position in 2016.

Anne Reichling, our Treasurer, has tabs on all BCI finances and submits her monthly reports at each board meeting. The club's finances are well taken care of. Anne maintains the Insurance and keeps the policies current. She is a valuable asset.

Bob McHenry, our secretary, keeps the Board Meeting minutes and each time we review them there is almost never a need for corrections or adjustments. He documents everything that occurs and reports at every meeting. He is invaluable. He also coordinates the Circle of Safety resources and programs for the  club.

Suzanne McCord, our Hospitality Director, takes care of all the food at our general meetings and any of our other social get-togethers. There is always more than enough to eat and drink, and the food is always tasty. She has also been in charge of ordering, supplying, and inventorying our Club Jerseys and other clothing apparel. She has indicated she is ready to step down and pass on her responsibilities. Thanks for a job well done.

Mark Urias is our statistician and maintains the mileage on all our members. It's a lot of work going through the ride sign in sheets every week and entering all the mileage of each individual into the computer data base, and keeping the mileage current. A tedious job. My hat is off to him.

Bill Sellin is our Communications Director, and also co-founder of the club. BCI has been a major part of Bill's life from its very beginning, and he has been a nurturing force in virtually every aspect of the club's existence. Thank you Bill, for BCI. Bill presently keeps us informed online of all the ongoing club activities. Together with Jim Norman, Director at Large, they maintain our web site and insure that all members can access whatever online information is needed. Thank you both - the club owes you a debt of gratitude.

Norm Moyer, our Ride Coordinator, who has been a long time club member, occupies a crucial board position. Norm has done an outstanding job for us this year, and in the past, maintaining and putting on all our rides. What more is there to say. A huge job. Now that he is becoming more involved in his bicycle tours he is hoping we can find a replacement for him and pass the baton onto another capable club member. Thanks for all your efforts both this year and in the past.

Jim Norman, Director at Large been with the board for a number of years in different capacities. He was instrumental last year in helping to create and get our new web set up and running and has been invaluable in refining and making it more accessible to the membership. He has also been the driving force in getting our liability and accident insurance set up and running. He has been invaluable to our board.

Randy Profeta, Director at Large, was a past ride coordinator, and has contributed his advice and expertise in many areas because of his involvement in the bicycling world. He was very much involved in the  creation of the new web site, pivotal in transferring data from the previous system to the TidyClub Data Bank. He helped to format the web page and populate it with rides and activities He also made sure crash@bikeirvne was on all route slips and pushed riders to sign route slips to be accessible to accident insurance. He has been an invaluable board member.

Last but not least, There is yours truly, your President. I've been with BCI since 1989, and was a director at large for 2 years, then held the office of President from 2003 to 2006. Since all the work is done by the board members, my responsibility is to preside over the board meetings, and insure that all is well and all areas are addressed. I also represent the club in various different capacities. I see my prime responsibility as being the voice of the club and representing you on the board. I have asked you as club members to use me as the place to go with complaints, suggestions, and advice. I'm the guy that takes the heat and the buck stops with me. To date, that has worked out well and I have heard from several of you on many issues. So thanks for helping me do my job.

Now in the last few months of the year, upcoming board elections will become a priority. I have appointed Beth Sher to be the Chairperson of the nominating committee and two other members of the committee are Anne Gayton and Jenny Short. According to our by-laws, anyone wishing to serve on the board may place their name into consideration with the nominating committee. If you wish to place your name in nomination for a board position, please inform the nominating committee. Presently all board members, except for the ride coordinator and Hospitality  have indicated their desire to remain on the board and their names have been submitted to the nominating committee. We have one nominee for Vice President. Penny Poorman, our present VP, has put her name in nomination for Membership Director so at the moment we are actively looking for Ride Coordinator and Hospitality Director. All 9 positions are available for volunteer nominees, but we are seeking to fill these the two critical vacant positions for 2017 that have no volunteers running yet.  

On October 1, the rides begin again at 9AM. Remember, that is also Jersey Day. All of the Board Members have been asked to be on the rides and at the rest stop and Luncheon at Gelsens, available  to chat with any of you who  wish to know about the goings on at the board level and answer any questions you may have. I look forward to talking to as many of you as possible.

See you all then, or before.

Your President,
Mike Farrell

Rest in Peace Dick Bird June 29 1932-July 25 2016

It is with great sadness that we inform you that Dick passed at 2AM this morning.

"His daughter Darlene had called yesterday to inform me [Tommie] that his time was short as he had recently lost the ability to swallow. He was in hospice, had a private nurse, was on morphine, and so was in a place of comfort."

He was 84 years young and had been BCI member #1474 since March 1991, when he came to ride with BCI with some of his OCW friends.

Dick's daughter Darlene has announced that the family has decided to have a private family memorial dinner in the near future.

If anyone would like, she invites you to send a note of special memories that she will gladly share at the dinner.

You can send her your pictures & memories of Dick,  via Dick@BikeIrvine.org

BCI will especially remember Dick at our Jersey Ride & lunch on August 6th; bring your photos, memories & stories to share and comfort each other in our loss.

"I am sure there are many members who have known him through the years as a fun loving and warm hearted man… he will be dearly missed."

Tommie Kozlov

“The purpose of life is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate,
    to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” 

      Ralph Waldo Emerson

Prez Sez

Hello BCIMembers,

 When I took on the position of President of our club, the one thing I never imaginedI'd have to do would be to write a letter of condolence to another bicycle club, in another state. And yet, this weekend on behalf of the membership of BCI, I have written and mailed such a letter to the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club of Kalamazoo, Michigan for the five members of their club killed on their Tuesday evening bike ride last week, as well as four more riders severely injured and hospitalized.

This has been a traumatic week news wise. The murder of Voice TV show singer Christina Grimmie, and then the horrific terrorist massacre Saturday evening of 50 people and 53 injuries, both in Orlando Florida,  has eclipsed the reporting of the tragedy in Kalamazoo MI. Here in California, reports of the bike tragedy were minimal. But as far as the families, friends,  members of the Kalamazoo Bike Club, as well as cyclists everywhere, all of this in no way diminishes theimpact of the senseless killing and injury of the 9 cyclists on their ride last Tuesday night.

 "At approximately 6:30 PM June 7,  nine cyclists on their normal Tuesday Evening Club ride were struck from behindby a pickup truck which had already been reported three times by 911 calls for erratic driving. The suspected drunk driver was apprehended trying to flee the scene on foot, was arrested, and has since been charged with 5 counts of 2nd degree murder and 4 counts of reckless driving causing severe injury. He is presently being held without bail. Additionally,  the NTSB, (National Traffic Safety Board), the federal safety agency that investigates airplane failures, commercial truck mishaps, train derailments, and impaired driving,  is conducting their own investigation, studying the crash site, bikes and the suspected impaired driver of pickup truck that hit the group."

Eric Weiss, spokesman for the NTSB said it has been decades since the agency has "looked at bicycles and cars and safety." Long overdue.

Those who died are Debra Ann Bradley, 53; Melissa Ann Fevig-Hughes, 42, Fred Anton (Tony) Nelson, 73,  Lorenz John (Larry) Paulik, 74, and Suzanne Joan Sippel, 56.

The four who were injured are Paul Douglas Gobble, 47, Sheila Diane Jeske, 53, Jennifer Lynn Johnson, 40,  and Paul Lewis Runnels, 65.  Gobble, Jeske and Runnels are in serious condition and Johnson is listed in fair condition.

The following is an excerpt from a joint statement issued by the League of Michigan Bicyclists  and the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club.

“Our hearts are broken that five cyclists lost their lives and four others were seriously injured due to this preventable tragedy,” said Renee Mitchell, President of the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims during this difficult time. We extend our heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of those impacted by this senseless act. Our thoughts are also with the injured cyclists. We wish them a quick and full recovery. There is no way to measure the grief we feel at the loss to the Michigan bicycling community.” 

“We are grateful that the driver was quickly apprehended after fleeing the scene,” said John Lindemayer, Executive Director of the League of Michigan Bicyclists. “The released details regarding the circumstances surrounding the incident suggest a willful and wanton disregard for human life. We urge local and state police to conduct a comprehensive investigation that will support swift prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.” 

The full statement link was posted on the BCI web site on June 10. Additionally,  Individuals who would like to aid the victims and their families can contribute funds through the Kalamazoo Strong organization's website which we also posted on our web site on the 10th. BCI will be making a club donation this week.


This is for me without a doubt the worst bicycling / motorist "accident," I have ever heard of in my 30 years of cycling. While there is always an inherent element of risk in road cycling, and we accept that risk, we also do allwe can to minimize the dangers and practice safe cycling. But nothing could possibly prepare us for the shock of what happened this last week, and I'm sure I speak for all of when I say that we all share the pain and loss of what the Kalamazoo Bike Club must be feeling.

I have included a copy of my letter of condolence to the President and members of the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club on behalf of BCI. If any of you would like to personally share your condolences, here is their club web site: www.kalamazoobicycleclub.org


On a lighter note, there are a few upcoming BCI events coming up soon, all of which are on our web site. The Summer Solstice on the 25th, The Glendora Mountain Road Remote ride July 3rd, An Independence Day ride to the parade in Huntington Beach on the 4th and the BCI Bike Rally on July 9. Also don't forget our General Meeting June 28 at a new location, the Duck Club, off Campus Rd in Irvine. So Hopefully we'll see you on some of these events.

Ride carefully, and BE SAFE.
Mike Farrell, President


Kalamazoo Bike Club
PO Box 50527
Kalamazoo, Michigan, 49005

ATTN: Renee Mitchell, President

June 12, 2016

Dear Renee,

I am writing on behalf of the board and membership of the Bicycle Club of Irvine, located in California. We want to express our deepest sympathies and condolences for the five members of your club who died in the horrible tragedy that occurred last Tuesday evening June 7th. Our thoughts, prayers and best wishes are with you, the families and also the four club members who were injured. They too are in our thoughts and we wish them a speedy recovery.

 There are no words that can adequately express our sadness and grief at such an unspeakable event. All of us who participate in the cycling experience know that there is always an element of danger in road cycling and we accept that risk while doing all we can to minimize accidents and practice safe cycling, but nothing could possibly prepare us for the shock of what happened to our fellow cyclists in your club this week. Please know that we share your pain and your overwhelming loss even though we did not know these cyclists personally.

Along with the Kalamazoo Bike club we mourn the loss of these five riders and have faith that your four injured members will ride again. While significant distance separates us, our love of cycling and the bond that experience creates, connects us in a way that only we can understand.

If we can be of any assistance, please let us know. We will also be making a club donation to your web site link in the next few days. You of the Kalamazoo Bike Club are in our thoughts and prayers as you move through these difficult days.

Our Deepest Condolences

Bicycle Club of Irvine
Mike Farrell, President


Letter we received back from the KBC

Letter we received back from the KBC




Kalamazoo Bicycle Club Tragedy

We are all shocked and saddened by the senseless crash that left 5 club cyclists dead and 4 more injured.  The driver of the pickup truck that hit them has been charged with five counts of second degree murder.

Kalamazoo Bicycle Club has posted a statement about this incident on their website, you may read it here:

Joint Statement from the League of Michigan Bicyclists and Kalamazoo Bicycle Club 

Mike Farrell is sending a letter to their club on behalf of BCI.  If you would like to aid the victims and their families can contribute funds through the Kalamazoo Strong organization's website: 



Welcome Back Hank!

Most of us know Hank Iglesias from the days back when he was the owner of Edge Cyclery on Moulton Parkway. Hank had many of the best bicycles in the world at his shop and, if he didn’t have it, he could get it for you. He was also one of the best bicycle wrenches in the OC.

When Hank arrived in California in 1990, his first job was being a wrench for Bicycles Etc. which, ironically, is the same store location where Pure Ride Cycles is now located.

Hank worked at Bicycles, Etc. for eight years before deciding to branch out and open his own shop, Edge Cyclery. It became a candy store of great bikes and the very best in equipment. Hank operated the store from 1999 to 2012 when he decided to work on bikes from his home in San Clemente and avoid the hassle of store ownership. 

After that, he decided to get back into the bike shop scene and took a job with Cycle Werkes in San Clemente.  It wasn’t long after that, that Kristen Lawrence, who owns Pure Ride Cycles, made him an offer that was too good to refuse. In talking with Kristen, she said she had been trying to get Hank to work for her for the past 20 years and now he’s finally with us!          

Pure Ride Cycles is located at 24844 Muirlands Blvd. at the intersection of El Toro Road in Lake Forest. Drop by the store and give Hank a big “Welcome Home.”

- Will Decker

Some Clif Bars Recalled

Clif Bar & Company is initiating a voluntary recall of CLIF BAR® Nuts & Seeds energy bars, CLIF BAR® Sierra Trail Mix energy bars, and CLIF® Mojo® Mountain Mix® trail mix bars, sold nationally, after its ingredient supplier, SunOpta, was found to have distributed sunflower kernels that may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes (L.mono).

BCI Member Joe Bellas Does Eroica California


Eroica California is the US version of L'Eroica, which began in Italy in 1997.  Dedicated to vintage cycling, featuring rides in vintage clothing, riding vintage bikes and in part, gravel roads.  This year it was a 3 day festival held April 8-10 in Paso Robles in Central California.  The festival culminates in the rides on Sunday, with routes ranging from 38 to 127 miles.

Joe Bellas, our intrepid BCI member, successfully completed the Heroic Route of 126.9 miles, including some 9,828 feet of climbing, and 36 miles of gravel/unpaved roads!  Joe rode his vintage (and beautiful) 1972 Peugeot PX10.  And it was quite the adventure as Joe described it in his own words:

Andy Bailey Awarded Lifetime BCI Membership

Many of our members know Andy Bailey and his wife Jeri.  Andy has been a BCI member since 1987.  Unfortunately he was badly hurt in a crash during the Ride 2 Recovery last year.   Jeri reached out to BCI and the board voted to award Andy a lifetime membership.

Jeri and Andy came to our May 7th Jersey Day lunch, where Vice President Penny Poorman presented them with their membership certificate.

Penny (center) presenting Andy and Jeri with a lifetime membership certificate.

Penny (center) presenting Andy and Jeri with a lifetime membership certificate.

There were a few spinkles that day, but the festivities continued indoors.

We all wish Andy the best and hope for a full recovery.  If any members would like to contact the Baileys, please contact one of the board members.

"Prez Sez" message from BCI President Mike Farrell


Hi everyone

       It's been a busy couple of months since my last report. We had two general meetings hosted by Penny Poorman, our Vice President. Great job, Penny. There were excellent topics and presenters, including a tutorial on the new web site by Jim Norman and Bill Sellin in February, and at the April meeting, discussions on various aspects of bicycle touring by Richard Sheff and Norm Moyers. Richard has hosted several tours for the club in the past and continues to offer exciting tours all over the country and in Europe too. Norm just took a group to Hawaii for a two week bike tour. And of course the food offerings at both meetings were excellent thanks to our Hospitality director Suzanne McCord, and thanks to Beth Sher, who helped out at the February meeting. We had over 45 attendees at the April meeting. Thanks for your support. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, June 28, at 7:00 PM at the IRWD Duck Club, at 15 Riparian View, Irvine. A new place. Club member Peter Gerrard, who works at Irvine Cyclery will speak on the latest and greatest in the world of bicycle accessories. Mark your calendars. We have hosted two Jersey Day luncheons thus far at the food court near Gelsons at Alton and Jeffrey after the Saturday ride on the first Saturday of each month, which were well attended. Several of the luncheon establishments gave discounts on all their food offerings.       

       Some of the upcoming events on our calendar will be the May 18 Ride of Silence, the June 25/26 Summer Solstice, and July 9, the OC Bike Rally. All info on these events will be posted on the BCI web site. A few comments about Summer Solstice. This event has been an ongoing BCI event for many years, organized and well run by Bill Sellin. It's the equivalent of two metric centuries, over two days, from Irvine to Carlsbad Saturday, and return to Irvine Sunday. This year the overnight accommodations will be at the Motel 6 on Raintree Ct in Carlsbad. A block of rooms has been reserved there for BCI but you'll need to call in your reservations soon to get your room. (There's a 10% discount for AARP members.)There will be a poolside dinner party on the Saturday evening. I will be riding this year so you can be assured that at my pace, the ride will definitely have a sweep, so no one will be left behind. And there are plenty of places to stop for food or rest rooms so it can be a leisurely ride. The fee is $25 for riders and $15 for non riders which covers the dinner cost and the hauling of your change of clothes at the hotel. Add the hotel accommodations. I booked my room already and it was $104 for two guests.

       In my last Prez Sez article I had asked for feedback, comments, and suggestions from anyone who wanted to communicate with me, either by email or phone. One suggestion had to do with the possibility of regroup points at certain points on the ride, in the interests of keeping the riders together as a group. At one time many years ago we used to have them - back in the early 90's. The member who emailed this and I had a back and forth communication about this and I brought it up at the last board meeting, so I wanted to let you all know what we thought and decided.

       At the time the regroups were utilized it seemed that the average pace of the riders was more uniform so when those who had gotten ahead stopped and waited, the wait was not all that long, no more than a minute or two. Today, in looking at the average pace, it seems like there are several paces from the 15-16 mph pace down to the 12-13 mph pace. So to ask the faster riders to either slow down or to wait for the slower riders would be unreasonable. Actually, it would be unfair to both groups. We are a social riding club, and the essence of the BCI riding experience is that everyone should be able to ride their own pace comfortably. So that means not having to wait for those slower than you and at the same time not putting pressure on the slower riders to feel pressured to try and keep up. If a rider wants to challenge him or herself to keep up with a faster group, that is a personal decision, and by all means they should go for it, and they will or they won't, and no pressure is put on any group to do anything other than what they want to do, pace wise.

       Another suggestion was the concept of A, B, and C rides, A being the fastest, B the medium, and C the slower. We felt that our concept of blue, yellow, and green rides was the BCI alternative.  Riders have the choice of distances and paces. Some riders even utilize portions of blue and yellow, or yellow and green, so there are sufficient options to accommodate everyone at whatever biking level they're at. However it was good to have the suggestion made, the discussion brought up at the board meeting and regardless of the decision, that the interaction between members and the board was positive and welcome. So I encourage more of you to avail yourself of my offer and feel free to contact me with any input whatsoever. I also had a compliant too regarding the temporary absence of posted rides beyond two weeks and that was addressed and the posted rides are now past a month, so everything that is communicated is paid attention to.

       Remember, the board and I serve at your pleasure so your feedback is welcome and needed.     

       One last issue. Signing up on the rosters at club rides. This is a critically important issue. BCI has in place an Insurance policy covering the riders, the club itself and the Board of Directors. In order for all of us to be covered the Insurers have certain demands that must be adhered to. For all of us that means your name must appear on one of the rosters for each and every club ride. No exceptions. If you don't sign up and you are in an accident on that ride, you are basically screwed. No coverage. You may have personal insurance, but being doubly covered means that you would most probably be covered for any co-pays which can be expensive depending on the severity of any injury.

       Let's not forget the possibility of a bicycle accident causing injury to someone else. You are not injured but they are and they sue you or the club. So SIGN UP before you ride. Lastly, non members need to sign the guest roster which contains a waiver clause. If you bring someone as a guest, of course they are welcome, but make sure they sign the guest roster. And if they enjoy the ride and want to come again, suggest they join the club. The $20 is no biggie,  but the insurance coverage could be a big deal too them.       

       Finally, in closing Kudo's to Bob McHenry, our Board secretary, for his efforts in promoting the Bicycle Safety classes over the last year and the wrist bands that he has designed for those having completed the classes. Bicycle safety and etiquette are a key part of keeping all of us safe when we climb on our bike and get out on the road. Many of us think we know it all but none of us know everything. And practicing it can be another matter. Way back in the early days of my membership when Pacelines was an actual newsletter, (paper!!) I used to write an article called "On Your Left" and in each issue, I'd address one or two different issues regarding proper riding safety and etiquette. So in closing I thought I would begin to mention one particular aspect of safety that stands out in my mind based on what I see from time to time. So this time I'll address stopping at intersections. The DMV manual lists bicycles as vehicles, subject to all the rights and responsibilities as all other vehicles. We are the slower vehicles so we have to adhere to that classification. Whenwe come to an intersection, specifically one that has a right turn lane. we should stop at the left of the right turn lane and to the right of the lane that is going straight through the intersection. What that means is that you DON'T STOP AT THE CORNER CURB!  When you do that, you 1) obstruct traffic that may be able to make the right turn on the red light or will turn as soon as the light turns green, and 2) you put yourself at risk if the vehicle making the right turn doesn't see you and makes his turn. You expose yourself to being hit. If you were a car, you wouldn't stop in the right turn lane if you were going straight. You can't do that when you are a bike either. You're still a vehicle.  Even if you're at the curb, you're still in the lane. I was riding north through San Clemente once on PCH and had the green but was close to the curb and a motorist came up behind me, didn't see me, and made the right turn and had I not seen him at the last second and swerved, almost falling,  he would have hit me. He never stopped. I almost learned that lesson the hard way.

       Sometimes riders come up to the corner and go up to the curb to hit the crossing signal. First, if there's traffic going straight, don't bother - the vehicles will trigger the mechanism. They don't need your help. If there's light or no traffic, hit the signal, then get back out away from the curb and back to the right of the ongoing traffic lane where you belong. You don't want to be in the right of a right turn lane under any circumstances. My tip of the day. Bye for now. See you on a ride.

       Mike Farrel

Temporary Camp Pendleton Bike Closure - March 28-April 1

From CalTrans:

The U.S. Marine Corps is planning to temporarily close the Camp Pendleton Bike Path—the only bike access between Las Pulgas Rd. and Basilone Rd. along Interstate 5 (I-5)— for military operations between this Monday, Mar. 28 and Friday, April 1, 2016.  Under normal bike path closure circumstances Caltrans would open the freeway shoulders in this segment to bicyclists, however there is a construction project that has closed the shoulders of I-5 in that segment.  Caltrans will provide a 24/7 on-call shuttle to carry bicyclists through the closures in the I-5 corridor between Oceanside and San Clemente.  The phone number for the shuttle is (619)385-3267.  Pick-up/drop-off locations are at Oceanside Harbor in the east parking lot (NW corner of the lot), at the park and ride lot at Las Pulgas Rd., and Basilone Rd.(at the south end of the Trestles bike path, where it meets Old Hwy 101).  Signs at these locations will include the shuttle phone number.  Please share this information and make your plans accordingly. We apologize for any inconveniences in advance.

"The Prez Sez"

Hello BCI Members

This is my first  "article" for the Pacelines as your president so I will start off by introducing myself. I think most of you know me but for those of you who don't, my name is Mike Farrell. My BCI number is 1259, so I have been around since 1989. Been here awhile. I was also president from 2004 to 2007. Some of you remember me as being the originator of the Bear Training rides which have been going on since the mid 1990's, and several of the Remote rides which I will be kicking up again, like the Tour De Five Cities which starts in Dana Point, and the Carlsbad Remote ride, which by the way I have just scheduled for March 19. In addition, some South county coastal rides starting from Dana Point. So look forward to some of those in the summer months.

Anyway, in the last few years, I have not been seen much due to a Spinal Stenosis condition and two resulting back surgeries which have slowed down my pace considerably. I can still bike long distances but am usually somewhere considerably behind everyone.

This year, we went into 2016 with four vacancies on the BCI board after the elections. Fortunately 3 of those positions have been filled, along with our 2 Directors at Large, thanks to members who have stepped up and volunteered and we expect to appoint the 4th volunteer at our next Board meeting, so the board is now at full strength.  I volunteered for the President position, and having served in the past I felt I could be of service and was appointed by the board at the January 29th board meeting. Most of the board members have been close friends over the years so I'm happy I'll be working with them. Also on a personal note, I felt it would be a good way to get back into the middle of things, get to meet a lot of you who have joined morerecently and maybe get to ride a little faster to keep up. BCI has been family to me for many years and I hope to keep up the family ties. So here I am.

I made an announcement at the 2/13 Saturday ride start that I would be submitting this article and would be including my email address and phone number for the purpose of beginning an ongoing dialogue with the membership. Having been appointed by the board on behalf of the membership rather than being directly elected by the membership, I want to say that this is YOUR club, and I am YOUR president, and serve at YOUR pleasure. I believe that one of my prime responsibilities will be to represent and be the voice of the members as best I can. So I invite you all to contact me as often as you wish with your comments, suggestions, questions, criticisms, and complaints, if any, and I promise you will always be listened to and your

feedback addressed or considered, and you will receive a reply as soon as possible.

That said, I also prefaced my remarks Saturday by asking how many had checked out the web site in the past two weeks for any reason other than to look at the upcoming ride routes. I think about 5 or 6 people raised their hands. There has been a considerable amount of work done at the board level to put the present web site together and it is an ongoing process that is still happening. Presently this is the main method of and almost the only means of club communication at this point in time. If hardly anyone reads it then the communication is kind of one sided. In years past the Pacelines was an actual newsletter, sent by mail to the members. Then the snail mail was replaced by email; and you read it that way. Then it went on the web site and became sort of on an ongoing blog. The only problem is that now you have to turn on your computer and click on to it without some sort of physical reminder. So I want to encourage you to check out the web site as often as possible to stay updated with announcements, articles, upcoming club activities both riding and social, and be kept updated at all club levels.

Our next general meeting is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 29th 7-8.30 PM at the Irvine Water District on Sand Canyon Rd. One of the topics will be use of the new web site. That will no doubt be very helpful and informative. I'll be there of course, and I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible.

In closing, here is my contact info.

president@bikeirvine.org or mksplfarrell@gmail.com

I look forward to meeting and talking to all of you at some point.



Good turnout for Jersey Day!

Lots of riders turned out today to take advantage of our beautiful warm weather and BCI Jersey Day.   Many members showed their club spirit and some 30 to 35 riders gathered afterward at the Oak Creek Center (by Gelson's) food court to share a meal with friends.  
Thank You Suzanne McCord for coordinating the discounts at some of our favorite places. Join us again next month - 1st Saturday of each month!

Baja Fresh was popular at this table - hungry riders appreciated their generous 20% discount.

Baja Fresh was popular at this table - hungry riders appreciated their generous 20% discount.

New York Upper Crust Pizza, Daphne's and Mustard Café also offered discounts to BCI riders.  (Photos courtesy of Suzanne McCord)

New York Upper Crust Pizza, Daphne's and Mustard Café also offered discounts to BCI riders.  (Photos courtesy of Suzanne McCord)

Photo by Phil Norton

Photo by Phil Norton

Photo by Phil Norton

Photo by Phil Norton

Photo by Phil Norton

Photo by Phil Norton

Photo by Phil Norton

Photo by Phil Norton

Be sure to join in the fun NEXT MONTH - mark your calendars now!

Cycling Through Camp Pendleton - Changes coming!

Riding south from Orange County, we are fortunate that the USMC allows us to ride through Camp Pendleton.  It's an enjoyable route with some rolling hills and light traffic - and it sure beats riding on I-5!

Changes are coming, but the good news is we will still be able to ride through the base. Here is the latest:

Camp Pendleton wanted to give you an update on our visitor access policy.  We value the great relationship we have with the area cycling community and wanted to develop a process allowing bicyclist's continued access to Camp Pendleton.  By Mar. 1, bicyclist will be required to register in order to have access to the base.  An online process will be complete mid-February and base access will be good for one year.  Bicyclists will need to re-register every year.  Until the registration process is finalized, bicyclists will still be able to enter the base with their U.S. or State government issued identification card just like now. After Mar. 1, all bicyclists will need to be registered and show their U.S. or State identification when entering the base.  Once the registration process is up and running in a few weeks, we will share the link.  Our goal is to maintain a great relationship with area riders but also balance that with security and protection for our Marines, Sailors, civilian employees and families.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.

BCI extends our thanks to the USMC for its continuing hospitality.  If you are riding Camp Pendleton, be sure to register once the new system is online, and please respect their rules while you are "aboard"!

Update: Feb 1st the on line form to access for recreational / active transportation is live.
Have you drivers license handy & expect 7 days for processing. Not sure what accommodation will be made for a traveler showing up who did not know or does not have/use a computer. If turned away, CalTrans is currently providing on cal shuttle as the freeway work is making that shoulder unavailable to cycling.