Cycling Through Camp Pendleton - Changes coming!

Riding south from Orange County, we are fortunate that the USMC allows us to ride through Camp Pendleton.  It's an enjoyable route with some rolling hills and light traffic - and it sure beats riding on I-5!

Changes are coming, but the good news is we will still be able to ride through the base. Here is the latest:

Camp Pendleton wanted to give you an update on our visitor access policy.  We value the great relationship we have with the area cycling community and wanted to develop a process allowing bicyclist's continued access to Camp Pendleton.  By Mar. 1, bicyclist will be required to register in order to have access to the base.  An online process will be complete mid-February and base access will be good for one year.  Bicyclists will need to re-register every year.  Until the registration process is finalized, bicyclists will still be able to enter the base with their U.S. or State government issued identification card just like now. After Mar. 1, all bicyclists will need to be registered and show their U.S. or State identification when entering the base.  Once the registration process is up and running in a few weeks, we will share the link.  Our goal is to maintain a great relationship with area riders but also balance that with security and protection for our Marines, Sailors, civilian employees and families.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.

BCI extends our thanks to the USMC for its continuing hospitality.  If you are riding Camp Pendleton, be sure to register once the new system is online, and please respect their rules while you are "aboard"!

Update: Feb 1st the on line form to access for recreational / active transportation is live.
Have you drivers license handy & expect 7 days for processing. Not sure what accommodation will be made for a traveler showing up who did not know or does not have/use a computer. If turned away, CalTrans is currently providing on cal shuttle as the freeway work is making that shoulder unavailable to cycling.