SB 1216 pushing (PASSED - now on Governor’s Desk) through Sacramento to reduce funds for Class 3 routes and Bike Boulevards so more money can go to Cycle Tracks

This is a DRAFT of a position paper opposing SB 1216, which seeks to take Class 3 bike route and Sharrow funding, and divert it to Class 2 and 4 Cycle Tracks instead.

At its heart this bill is pure social engineering; it is motivated by activists who want to take travel lanes from motorists and install badly engineered segregated lanes which increase risk at driveways and intersections. It is not, in my opinion, pro-bicyclist but anti-car.

And as much as the sponsors of SB 1216 claim they are pro-Ebike and pro-micromobility, they have not yet realized that the Cycle Tracks they dream of will be completely obsolete when motor driven alternatives actually realize their market share as well as their "mode share" vs. automobiles. Only open, shared, and Vehicle Code compliant public streets can do that.

Please read the text in CABO's position paper and consider for yourself what type of facilities are worth your tax money.

CABO is asking for a "balanced approach" to facilities funding. 

Please write or call your State Representative and State Senator to voice your opposition to SB 1216. (PASSED ON TO GOVERNOR TO SIGN OR VETO)
Write the Governor in case it is passed and moves up to his desk for signature or veto.

Pete Van Nuys
Vice President of BCI
Executive Officer of OC Bicycle Coalition
Board Member of California Association of Bicycle Organization

You can easily register your request to the Governor to veto or not sign SB 1216 into law at Could you do it now as you are reading this? 

Use your own words or copy and paste something like the following.

Please stop SB 1216 from being implemented.

California Legislators Seek to Defund the Backbone of Bicycling Infrastructure
I and the California Association of Bicycling Organizations (CABO) strongly oppose Senate Bill 1216 (SB-1216), recently introduced in the California Legislature. This bill threatens to undermine critical aspects of our state’s bicycle infrastructure. If passed, SB-1216 would defund Class III bikeways and significantly restrict Shared Lane Markings (Sharrows) use. While seemingly well-intentioned, this bill could have severe negative consequences for California’s cycling community and overall road safety.

Jim Baross
Board Member, League of American Bicyclists
President, Calif. Assoc. of Bicycling Organizations
Board Member, San Diego County Bicycle Coalition