Annual Meeting / Elections Change Proposal

At the March 3rd Board Meeting, a motion passed to revise the BCI Bylaws to allow shifting the Annual Meeting away from January. The proposal is to hold our Annual Meeting on October 15th, rather than in January. The reasons include: we have had a hard time having an outdoor event if a Covid-19 spike occurs and have inclement weather. The busy holiday season is always a stressful time to pull together a ‘banquet’ dinner and gather members. The generous sponsors who traditionally provided raffle prizes are swamped with year end business and may be able to contribute more easily in any other time of year. The Annual recognition of Strava Riders and the Annual Member of the Year “Spirit Award” would still be recognized at the January General Membership Meeting.
The biggest impact would be stepping up the election of officers and seating of the Board. The current Board would be up for re-election or replacement in October and the next Board would be identified as the 2022-23 Board to serve until the Annual Meeting in 2023.
In order to do this, the Bylaws would need to be amended.
The amendment will be formally presented at the March 10th General Meeting and after 3 months of consideration, will be voted on by the membership at the June 9th General Meeting.
You can see the details of the proposed revised text, as well as our current and several prior Bylaws on this web site under the “INFO” tab.