Support AB 127 - Complete Streets : Help Make California Streets Safe for Everyone

You can help ensure California’s streets are safe, comfortable, and attractive for cyclists and other road users of all ages and abilities.

Senate Bill 127 would require major road projects to accommodate all road users, not just drivers. The California Department of Transportation would be required to follow its existing Complete Streets policy and include facilities for bicyclists and pedestrians, so that these improvements are the default rather than the exception.

Pedestrian and bicycle injuries and fatalities are increasing across California - now is your opportunity to improve the safety of your community’s streets. Here are two things you can do:

1.       Sign California Bicycle Coalition’s petition.

2.      Contact your Senator and tell them to support SB 127.

Complete Streets can transform our California communities into comfortable and convenient spaces for walking and bicycling. But it can’t happen without your support to show California lawmakers that this is an important priority for the state.

Thank you,
The Advocacy Team
Adventure Cycling Association