Website Tips #3

BCI publishes a roster of our members here on the site.  This roster shows the members' names, email addresses and member numbers.  This roster can be viewed by anyone visiting the website, they do not have to be a BCI member.

To lessen the chances of the email addresses being harvested by email spammers, the roster is posted as a scanned pdf file, not a text file, so a spambot program scanning our site will only see an image file, not email addresses.

You may opt out of being included in this roster.  Be sure to sign up on the site and choose your roster option.  If you've already signed up you may edit your profile to opt out.

UPDATE - the roster is offline as 1/13/16 since spammers have already found it. We are working with TidyClub, the site that manages our membership data, to provide a more secure solution.