Elliot Gordon Broken Leg 2.0

Elliot Gordon (BCI #4023), who was just back in the saddle recently, has broken his leg in a surfing accident (October 2023). The break was to his left leg, both the tibia and fibula.

He’s been told to expect a long convalescence until things heal and then he may need to consider knee replacement surgery. He wants all to know that he is “getting great care.”

Elliot, we wish you a good recovery and your biking friends will certainly miss riding with you.

January Update: Elliott is back to hammering with BCI and playing in the snow!

Elliot Gordon Broken Leg 2.0

On the return half of the Tuesday Ride, May 14, Elliot fell and broke the femur of his same left leg!
He tumbled on the joint between the gutter pan and asphalt on SB Harbor just past Walnut and fell slow but hard on his hip. A good neighbor saw him go down & not get up, blocked the lane with his car and called 911.
Lothar was just ahead and went back to help Gary Miller unclip Elliott’s shoe, but he was in considerable pain. Xrays at Hoag Irvine confirmed a fracture, and he was moved to Hoag Newport on Wednesday to have surgery - they hammered a long pin down the length of his femur. They kept him in until Saturday to give him a transfusion to top off his anemia. He is ‘resting’ at home with considerable discomfort, but as usual, we expect him back at it sooner than the prognosis!

Photo Credit: Lothar Jeromin