On a scheduled Thursday of every other month
at the Irvine Ranch Water District’s
Community Meeting Room.
The public is welcome.
6:30 PM: Social Time with food and refreshments
7:00 PM: Presentation with guest speakers Kevin & Ximena Ansel
Topic: Bicycle Tour from Seattle to Boston
Kevin, Ximena, and their friend Joe, toured across the country in 2022. They biked through Northern Cascades National Park, Glacier, Yellowstone, Devils Tower, Mt. Rushmore, the plains of South Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. They traveled through Michigan, Ontario, Canada, then into Buffalo, New York, and rode 360 miles on the Erie Canal Trail to Massachusetts. The sights, the beauty, and the people of America made this trip unforgettable. They look forward to sharing their adventure with BCI.
Kevin and Ximena Ansel have been bicycle touring together for 28 years. A few of their 47 tours include riding the Trans America route, the West Coast from Vancouver, Canada to the U.S.-Mexican border, the GAP & CO trail, a trip over the Rocky Mountains, tours in Oregon, the South West, Canada, and France. They both love the outdoors and have completed backpacking trips in the Grand Tetons, Sierras, and the Grand Canyon. They have also helped in a cattle drive moving 400 head of cattle from their summer grasslands to their winter pastures. Information about their trips can be found on their Blog: http://www.AnselAdventures.com
There will be a raffle and refreshments - please come on down!
Disclaimer: Irvine Ranch Water District makes its facilities available for use by residents and nonprofit organizations merely as a public service, but does not, by allowing this use, endorse or support the purpose of the event or its sponsor.
If you have a suggestion for future meetings, please contact bod@BikeIrvine.org.