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Bicycle Safety NewB Class

  • Zoom On-Line United States (map)

We usually offer a "NewB" class 3 - 4 times a year - with a chance to explain legal & safer cycling as well as introducing folks to our club.
We are seeing a LOT of folks on stay-safe-at-home have gotten bikes out of storage, pumped up their tires and started getting out and about for fresh air & exercise.
Lots of folks have gone out and bought bikes to get out with their kids...
We won't lead a group ride, but if interested in joining in on a Zoom class meeting to learn more about what the rules of the road are when cycling...join us!

We have scheduled a Zoom on-line meeting & Bill Sellin, BCI Founder # BCI#2 will teach you some of what he has learned !

He will send out the Zoom invite link on Friday night to those who register. 
PLEASE SIGN UP if interested -
Start to Log On after 8:45 to meet & chat - and we will start 'class' at 9.

Go ahead & look at the 'Library' links posted at the bottom of BCI's NewB page to read up in advance of (or after) the class.

Earlier Event: May 21
Board of Directors (rescheduled)
Later Event: May 25
Stretch Lab Zoom Session 3